Censorship, Communism, and Common Sense

“He that would make his own liberty secure, must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty, he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself.” – Thomas Paine, “A Dissertation on the First Principles of Government,” 1795

As of yesterday, May 23, yours truly has been yet again banned by the Facebook censorship team for thirty days. This is the third time in 2019 that I have been blocked for a thirty-day span. If you’re keeping track, that means I will have spent three of the first six months of this year in what people commonly refer to as “Facebook jail.” And what was I banned for this time? Read on to learn the answer and to inhale a little common sense and gain some historical perspective.

The last time I was banned by Facebook’s gang of Marxist bullies, it was because I shared – on my personal page months previous – an anti-communist Norwegian World War II poster. Heaven forbid we publicly condemn communism! After all, recent polls show that 4 in 10 Americans view socialism (communism with a smiley face) favorably.

My most recent run-in with Facebook’s secret police likewise centers on a post I made in a private World War II group I created called World War Truth 2.0. The 2.0 was added after Facebook permanently deleted my first World War Truth group (as well as an even earlier page on the same topic) for alleged “hate speech” (i.e. the unpopular truth). I reproduce the offending post verbatim below.

For context, remember that this post was made months ago in my private group, showing that Facebook is really fishing for excuses to silence people they hate. Since the group is devoted to teaching an objective history of World War II, I posted a number of historical pictures of Adolf Hitler and added a short commentary. Judge for yourself if it merits 30 days in Facebook’s digital GULAG:


“A side of Hitler that perhaps you haven’t seen before. The picture that the controlled press likes to paint is that of a madman screaming at rallies. Hitler did put on a show at his rallies, but in everyday life he was calm and personable and loved being around his countrymen – especially the youth. Everyone who met him thought he was a talented, soft-spoken, knowledgeable gentleman of high culture. Winston Churchill, one of Hitler’s greatest enemies, said this about him in 1935:


“”Those who have met Hitler face to face in public, business, or on social terms, have found a highly competent, cool, well-informed functionary with an agreeable manner, a discerning smile and few have been unaffected by a subtle personal magnetism. . . .


“”One may dislike Hitler’s system and yet admire his patriotic achievement. If our country were defeated I should hope we should find a champion as indomitable to restore our courage and lead us back to our place among the nations.”

“So, which mental image do you have in your head – that of a raving lunatic hell-bent on genocide and world domination, or that of a sincere and competent patriot trying his best to restore his nation?”

Adolf Hitler Arthur Kannenberg Harz mountain.jpg

That is the identical post that provoked the wrath of the Facebook gods. I’m curious, when did presenting an alternative view of historical events become a crime? When did sharing historical photos become taboo? When did it become wrong to quote Winston Churchill? After all, the substantive portion of my comment was a quote from Winston Churchill.

Was Churchill also guilty of “hate speech,” of which I am so frequently accused? Should we stop quoting men like Churchill because he may have said something that is unpopular or controversial to modern ears? Should we be punished for exercising peaceable speech on a taxpayer-subsidized platform like Facebook (or anywhere else for that matter)? Should we close our minds, shut up, and accept as gospel everything we are told by the Establishment?

The truth, of course, is that the corrupt global Establishment has a carefully-crafted “official version” of 20th Century history to protect – an egregiously false narrative that paints their Marxist ideology as Heaven-sent and all opposing ideologies, like Hitler’s brand of nationalism, as incontrovertibly evil. This is why they go out of their way to condemn and ruin anyone who says a contrary word about the Second World War, Hitler, Germany, or the sacrosanct “Holocaust.” Every honest and informed individual knows that the “official” narrative about World War II is bogus from stem to stern; yet don’t you dare point out this fact on social media or the Marxist controllers and their crowd of lemmings and dupes will pounce on you and smear you in classic Red fashion!


I have observed an intriguing phenomenon among my fellow patriots and conspiracy researchers. They correctly say that you can’t trust the mainstream media and they devote much time to exposing the habitual lies. Yet, the moment the mainstream media mentions Hitler, World War II, or the “Holocaust,” these same skeptics suddenly fall into lock step with the media moguls and defend the Establishment’s narrative. Is this logical? Is this consistent with principle? Are you, dear reader, even as you decry the corruption of the media on one hand, a victim of the Establishment’s conditioning and brainwashing about World War II on the other?

Ask yourself this question: If the media lies about nearly everything else, which they do, then why would they tell the truth about Hitler, the Second World War, and the “Holocaust”? If they are consistently, routinely, habitually incorrect and biased in their reporting, which they are, then why is the subject of the Third Reich any different? What makes WWII off-limits for lying and biased reporting? If you are not skeptical about officialdom’s WWII narrative, then there is something seriously wrong with either your moral compass, your reasoning ability, or your fidelity to documentable truth. Please don’t be intellectually dishonest; admit that if the press is wrong about everything else, then their WWII reporting must be equally tainted.

It should be no big surprise at this late stage that the media is dominated by rabid communists. People use distracting terms like “liberal,” “democrat,” or “progressive,” but the media’s governing ideology is lifted straight from The Communist Manifesto. The media – including major news outlets, social media, Hollywood, publishing houses, and educational institutions – are part of an international network promoting the communist world revolution, albeit under names like “democracy,” “environmentalism,” and “gay rights.” Call it what you will, behind the mask is the dark face of Satanic communism.


Because the global Establishment is Marxist, they have a vested interested in discrediting men – no matter how long ago they lived – who fought the communist ideology and promoted moral principles, nationalism, and Independence. This is why Hitler has fallen under the ax. Contrary to what you may have been taught by uninformed or scheming school teachers, Hitler was not a Marxian socialist and his National Socialism bears almost no resemblance to Marxist-Leninist socialism. Hitler himself admitted to having used propaganda tactics that worked well in Soviet Russia, and he certainly courted the millions of communist voters in Germany, but his ideology was at odds with Bolshevism in nearly every way. In fact, Hitler may be said to have been the most anti-communist head of state in modern history.

Hitler’s fundamental ideas were anathema to communism. For instance, Hitler promoted the family unit and traditional gender roles, exalting the role of motherhood and making Germany one of the first nations to celebrate Mother’s Day. Conversely, communism seeks to abolish the family, warp gender roles, destroy the institution of marriage, and rip children from their parents’ care. Hitler promoted disciplined individualism; communism promoted rigid and forced collectivism. Hitler promoted an economic system that made Germany independent and wealthy; communism bankrupted Russia and sat as a parasite feeding off of funds stupidly and traitorously given by Western interests. And so forth.

In chapter four of Mein Kampf, Hitler recollected his early aversion to communism:

“In the years 1913 and 1914, in various circles, some of which today stand faithfully by the movement, I expressed for the first time the conviction that the question of the future of the German nation is the question of the destruction of Marxism.”

In a 1932 proclamation to the National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP), Hitler also stated:

“For seventy years, disreputable bourgeois parties in Germany have exhausted the power of the national idea and, to a large degree, left our Volk at the mercy of Marxism. For seventy years the parties of democracy and, in their wake, the strictly Christian Center Party, have helped to corrupt our Volk by practicing sodomy with the forerunners of Bolshevism.

“Today they are clinging with a reprehensible thirst for power to a regime which would no longer belong to them if their own significance alone were any measure.

“Were the National Socialist Movement to cease existing today as a counterbalance to Marxism, Germany would be Bolshevist tomorrow” (Adolf Hitler, New Year’s Proclamation to the Party, January 1, 1932).


And in an interesting interview, Hitler drew this distinction between his movement and Marxism:

“Socialism is the science of dealing with the common weal. Communism is not Socialism. Marxism is not Socialism. The Marxians have stolen the term and confused its meaning. I shall take Socialism away from the Socialists.

“Socialism is an ancient Aryan, Germanic institution. Our German ancestors held certain lands in common. They cultivated the idea of the common weal. Marxism has no right to disguise itself as socialism. Socialism, unlike Marxism, does not repudiate private property. Unlike Marxism, it involves no negation of personality, and unlike Marxism, it is patriotic.

“. . . We are not internationalists. Our socialism is national” (Adolf Hitler, interview with George Sylvester Viereck, 1923).

When you actually read Hitler’s own words, as opposed to the lying interpretations and synopses by Marxist “experts,” you are struck by how frequently and emphatically he spoke out against the communist conspiracy. He often called it a “Satanic” movement and at least once termed communism the “Red Plague,” a description I independently thought up and have used for years.


Hitler was not alone in his utter disdain of Marxism. The National Socialist leadership, and, indeed, the German people, were avowed enemies of communism. Rudolf Butmann, a caucus leader in the NSDAP, said of National Socialism:

“Our worldview is not directed against Catholicism or Protestantism, not against Christianity, but rather is based on Christianity and against cultural bolshevism, against the false liberalism of the Enlightenment, and against materialism” (Rudolf Butmann, January, 1931, in Richard Steigmann-Gall, The Holy Reich: Nazi Conceptions of Christianity, 1919-1945, 80).

Two additional quotes from Joseph Goebbels, chief minister of propaganda in the Third Reich, will drive this point home. The first is a lengthy excerpt from a phenomenal speech delivered by Mr. Goebbels. Space is limited here, but I encourage you to find and study the full text. Goebbels explained:

“[A]n astonishing misconception exists among the most prominent West European circles as to the danger which communism presents to the life of the individual and of the nation. . . .

“[T]he Propagandist Institutions of the Communist International are undoubtedly well organised and have not been unsuccessful in putting before the public of the world, outside of the Russian frontiers, an entirely false picture of Bolshevism. This picture is an extraordinarily dangerous one because of the tension which it can and must naturally cause. . . .


“International communism would entirely do away with all national and racial qualities which are founded in human nature itself; in property it sees the most primary cause of the breakdown of world trade in the capitalist system. Accordingly it exploits this through an extensive and carefully organised and brutal system of action, setting aside personal values and sacrificing the individual to a hollow mass-idol that is only a travesty of actual life itself. At the same time it ignores and destroys all the idealistic and higher strivings of men and nations, through its own crass and empty materialist principles. . . .

“Bolshevism is explicitly determined on bringing about a revolution among all the nations. In its own essence it has an aggressive and international tendency . . . Bolshevism denies religion as a principle, fundamentally and entirely. It recognises religion only as an “opium of the people.” . . . But the Bolshevics carry on a campaign, directed by the Jews, with the international underworld, against culture as such. Bolshevism is not merely anti-bourgeois; it is against human civilisation itself.

“In its final consequences it signifies the destruction of all the commercial, social, political and cultural achievements of Western Europe, in favour of a deracinated and nomadic international cabal which has found its representation in Judaism. This grandiose attempt to overthrow the civilised world is so much more dangerous in its effects because the Communist International, which is a past master in the art of misrepresentation, has been able to find its protectors and pioneers among a great part of these intellectual circles of Europe whose physical and spiritual destruction must be the first result of a Bolshevic world revolution.


“Bolshevism, which is in reality an attack on the world of the spirit, pretends to be intellectual itself. Where circumstances demand, it comes as a wolf in sheep’s clothing. But underneath the false mask which it here and there assumes, there are always the satanic forces of world destruction. And where it has had the opportunity of practising its theories it has created “The Paradise of the Workers and Peasants,” in the shape of a fearful desert of starving and hungering people. If we are to take the word of its doctrine then we find a terrible contradiction between its theory and its practice. Its theory is glowing and grandiose but it carries poison in its attractive gloss. Over against this, what we have from it in reality is terrible and forbidding. This is shown in the millions of sacrifices which have been made in honour of it, through executions with the sword, the axe or the hangman’s rope or hunger. . . .

“Swept clear of international enemies and united under the National Socialist standard, Germany placed herself at the head of the groups marshalled in the fight against the international bolshevisation of the world. Herein she is quite aware that she is fulfilling a world mission which reaches out beyond all national frontiers. On the successful issue of this mission depends the fate of our civilised nations. . . .

“If there is a spark of reason left in the world, and the faculty for clear thinking, then the states and peoples must be shocked at the prospect and induced to come together for their common defence against this acute danger.

“. . . [Bolshevism is a] world disease . . .


“Murder of individuals, murder of hostages and mass murder are the favourite means applied by Bolshevism to get rid of all opposition to its propaganda. . . .

“We have thus before our eyes a full picture of this fearful and harrowing mass terrorisation which is only approximately paralleled by even the most bloodcurdling examples of war or revolution that are recorded in the history of the world. This is the actual system of bloodshed and terror and death which is carried out by hysterical and criminal political maniacs who would have it copied in every country and among every people with the same terrorising practices, in so far as they might find the possibility of doing so. . . .

“Bolshevism is the declared enemy of all nations and of all religions and of all human civilisation. The World Revolution is now, as always, its acknowledged and proclaimed goal. . . .

“As far as we ourselves are concerned, we have completely overcome this menace. Indeed perhaps, outside of his work in Germany, the greatest service which our Führer has rendered the world is that here in Germany he has set up a barrier against world Bolshevism against which the waves of this vile Asiatic-Jewish flood break in vain. He has taught us not only to recognise Bolshevism as the world’s greatest enemy but also to meet it face to face and crush it. . . .

“History will one day give due credit to the Führer for having saved Germany from the most acute and deadly peril by overthrowing Bolshevism and thereby saving the whole civilisation of the West from the abyss that yawned before it. . . . .

“. . . this [is the] most decisive struggle that the history of the world has experienced” (Joseph Goebbels, speech, September 13, 1935, “Communism With the Mask Off”).


If that was not frank enough, a second quote sums up the National Socialist attitude towards Marxism:

“Bolshevism must be exterminated if Europe is to regain its normal state of health” (Joseph Goebbels, speech, “Bolshevism in Theory and Practice,” September 10, 1936).

Every honest and informed individual knows the unparalleled horrors, slaughters, and repressions that communism unleashed on the world. We do not need to recount them here. However, since some readers likely take umbrage at Goebbels’ reference to a Jewish connection to communism, I take a few paragraphs to explain the matter before I move on.

The Jewish affinity for communism is historically indisputable. For instance, Karl Marx, originally named Moses Mordecai Levy, was a Jew who hailed from a long line of rabbis. His political mentor, Moses Hess, was an infamous Jewish revolutionary and one of the founders of Zionism. Moses Hess bragged about turning Friedrich Engels – Marx’s cohort and frequent financier – from a Christian into a fiery atheist (Engels wasn’t the only man Hess converted into a radical).


In the early days and for generations thereafter, the leaders of the socialist/communist movement all over Europe were predominately Jews. Lenin was part-Jewish, self-identified as a Jew, and spoke Yiddish with his Jewish wife. Trotsky was a Jew. Stalin was not a Jew, but his second wife was, as well as most of the leaders inside the Bolshevik government, such as Yagoda, Kamenev, Zinoviev, Sverdlov, Radek, etc. The heads of the brutal GULAG concentration camps were nearly exclusively Jews. Some of the bankers and individuals who funded the Bolshevik coup in 1917 were Jewish. And so on and so forth.

So pronounced was the Jewish involvement in revolutionary communism that Winston Churchill was compelled to write an article exposing the cabal in 1920. He declared:

“There is no need to exaggerate the part played in the creation of Bolshevism and in the actual bringing about of the Russian Revolution, by these international and for the most part atheistical Jews, it is certainly a very great one; it probably outweighs all others. With the notable exception of Lenin [whom recent research reveals to have part Jewish], the majority of the leading figures are Jews. Moreover, the principal inspiration and driving power comes from the Jewish leaders . . . In the Soviet institutions the predominance of Jews is even more astonishing. And the prominent, if not indeed the principal, part in the system of terrorism applied by the Extraordinary Commissions for Combating Counter-Revolution has been taken by Jews, and in some notable cases by Jewesses. The same evil prominence was obtained by Jews in the brief period of terror during which Bela Kun ruled in Hungary. The same phenomenon has been presented in Germany (especially in Bavaria), so far as this madness has been allowed to prey upon the temporary prostration of the German people. Although in all these countries there are many non-Jews every whit as bad as the worst of the Jewish revolutionaries, the part played by the latter in proportion to their numbers in the population is astonishing.”

Those were the words of Winston Churchill – the same figure whose respectful sentiments about Hitler got me banned from Facebook for thirty more days. Truth is offensive to the guilty. And Marxists hate nothing more than plain truth. Truth destroys their lies and their counterfeit system of Diabolism like holy water destroys Dracula. I encourage you to read Churchill’s full 1920 editorial reproduced by historian David Irving’s Focal Point Press here.


Now here is the point. You can dispute whether their Jewish heritage had anything to do with the communists’ acts of conspiracy, terror, murder, and repression, but it’s time we stopped suppressing the basic facts. Not only about this episode of history, but about all historical events. The documentable fact is in this case is that the majority of leading Bolsheviks were ethnic Jews. Not practicing or religious Jews (though many like Marx and Lenin were active Satanists), but ethnic Jews. Once we admit this, we can then examine seriously whether or not their Jewishness influenced anything at all or if it is just a fun historical tidbit. But please let’s not suppress facts. We are no better than the Marxists when we behave like that.

Since I raised the subject, you may be curious about my conclusion regarding the Jewishness of communism. My best research leads me to the conclusion that the international communist conspiracy is not Jewish despite the disproportionate number of Jews involved. Communism is, rather, Satanic. The golden thread that binds the high-level conspirators together is not their ethnicity or race, but their political-religious ideology and their devotion to their Dark Master. There are specific reasons why so many Jews are involved, mostly centering on their faith’s wholesale rejection of Jesus Christ, but suffice it to say that communism is not strictly Jewish; it is Satanic.

I now come back to my previous point about our historical blind spot regarding the Second World War and everything associated with it. Our lack of historical understanding leads us to draw wrong conclusions about events in our day. WWII, for instance, revealed plain as day the threat of world communism. A true rendering of WWII history would show that the Soviets brought about that conflagration through their internationally-positioned moles and agents, that their agents used the war to create the framework for a world government called the United Nations, and that the Soviet Union was the only true winner of the conflict. Germany’s invasion of the Soviet Union, if properly understood as a reluctant preemptive attack designed to thwart Stalin’s plan to invade and conquer all of Western Europe, hammers home the point that the communists and their allies were the real aggressors then and that it is in their nature to prey on other nations even today.

But the communists cannot afford to be seen as the bad guy. So, instead of allowing a free exchange of ideas and information, they silence their opposition, project their sins on others, and demonize those who fight most fiercely against them. They have done this with Hitler and the Germans and they do it today. I submit that if you truly understand communism and how it has historically operated, then you understand why I have been blocked for another thirty days by Facebook for doing nothing but sharing real history. I also submit that if you don’t understand communism, then you don’t quite comprehend Facebook’s petulant need to silence me, Alex Jones, and others like us.

People sometimes refer to Facebook as “Fascistbook,” but in truth it is communist. And it regards anything traditional, moral, upright, just, or nationalist as poison. It cannot afford to allow a positive or alternative view of anti-communist crusaders like Hitler to stand. That might cause people to question their usurped authority and their pretended prerogative to dictate what you believe and think. Therefore, communism’s enemies must be attacked and demeaned, and their supporters silenced. Unless they can make people like me disappear, they know the truth will ultimately prevail and their house of cards will come crumbling down on top of them.


It is time that my fellow patriots and conspiracy buffs wake up and realize that the media lies not only about “conservatives” and figures like the Founding Fathers, but that they also lie about men like Adolf Hitler and events like Pearl Harbor and the “Holocaust.” Do not be guilty of condemning media bias in absolutely everything but then fall into lock step with them like hypnotized drones when they talk about Hitler’s Germany. Stop falling for the old Marxist lies about Germany, the Third Reich, and World War II. Do the research for yourself, use the brain God gave you, and deal in facts rather than supposition and character assassination.

No matter how many times Facebook shuts down my pages and groups, I will not be silenced. Even if I am wrong at times, as many of you think I am, I have a right to be wrong without being silenced. I have a right to share historical photos and quotes from influential world leaders like Winston Churchill, Adolf Hitler, or whomever. I have a right to question the media and to challenge the Establishment’s narrative of historical events that still affect our lives today.

Facebook receives billions in tax subsidies and cannot be considered a private entity. They have no right to silence people who merely have a different opinion and who have not called for violence or violated legitimate public decency laws. If they silence me, why can’t they silence you? If you do not stand up for me, why should I stand up for you? It’s a two-way street, my friend.

We are all in this together. We must all band together against the communist menace – yes, even if that means admitting that Hitler was not quite the “Devil incarnate” that his Marxist enemies allege. The company you keep is not half as important as the principles you keep. And when even those people whom we do not like stand with us in this titanic battle against the Red Plague, we should stand with them, at least in this respect.


Those who will not stand up against the communist conspiracy and its assault on our Faith, Families, and Freedom are enemies to the Republic and to humanity. Don’t be numbered among that group. Stand up and challenge the corrupt Marxist Establishment, even if it means rubbing shoulders with unusual company or bringing down the enemy’s wrath upon you. Stand up and be counted for Freedom! And God bless you in your sincere efforts.

Zack Strong,

May 24, 2019.

P.S. For anyone interested, I created and am selling a very nice anti-communist shirt. Click the link to view or purchase one. Thank you for your support!


12 thoughts on “Censorship, Communism, and Common Sense

  1. Zack,

    They banned Mike King’s revisionist classic, The Bad War: The Truth Never Taught About World War 2, on Amazon in March, 2017. This was despite hundreds of 5 star customer reviews. The ban also applied to Amazon’s Marketplace Sellers, which are often mom and pop bookstores around the country trying to sell online.

    We do not have true freedom of speech anymore. We only have speech that is politically correct and does not threaten or expose the elites who rule over us, and their schemes.

    As to Adolf Hitler, he has been the most demonized, defamed, and vilified man who ever lived. The endless calumnies against the German people make one wonder: is this the whole story, the whole truth? Official history is propaganda, and Western historiography has been corrupted, and is extremely biased, and myopic. Abridged history, selective history, victors’ propaganda – call it what you will, it is not the whole truth. The victorious Allies were not noble, but were guilty of truly horrifying and heinous war crimes, which we rarely ever hear of, or read about. Consider, more Germans were killed after the official end of hostilities in May, 1945, by the brutal Allied occupation and expulsion policies than died during the entire war!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Indeed. I love most of M.S. King’s work and I’m aware that he’s faced censorship even more than I have. Most of the times I’ve been censored or had my pages deleted and banned is because I shared an inconvenient truth about WWII or Hitler. I share the identical opinion you shared that Hitler is the most maligned and lied about figure at least in modern history. I have a book in the works titled “The Hitler Archetype.” I’m sure I’ll receive some flak when that goes public! I gave folks a foretaste of what they can expect when I included chapters about the true origin of WWII and Allied atrocities in my first book “A Century of Red.” Truly, the full gamut of free speech is toast. Zack

      Liked by 1 person

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