The Beast and His Mark

“I see in Communism the focus of the concentrated evil of our time.” – Ex-Communist, Whitaker Chambers, Witness, xxxvii

In the apocalyptic revelation given to John the Beloved, we are told of a “scarlet coloured beast” that, being ridden by a woman symbolizing “Babylon the Great,” would make war against the Lord’s people (Revelation 17:3-6). This vicious Red beast would besiege and tyrannize the whole earth. Because of the widespread power of the beast, we are informed that “the world wondered after the beast. And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?” (Revelation 13:3-4) As a consequence, the beast causes the people of the earth to “receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads,” without which “no man might buy or sell” (Revelation 13:16-17). The purpose of this article is to show how John’s prophecy of the beast and his mark is being literally fulfilled in our day.

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Before we discuss what the “mark of the beast” is and how it is being administered, let’s discuss the beast. Who or what is this “scarlet coloured beast”? It seems apparent to me that the woman symbolizing Babylon, and the beast which carries her, represent a system of global governance created by the Dragon. As noted, it is the Dragon who gives power to the beast (Revelation 13:4). Answering who or what the Dragon is becomes most helpful in discerning what the beast really is.

The book of Revelation makes it plain in more than one location that the Dragon is Satan, the Evil One, the arch-enemy of God and man. Revelation 12 tells us that after the War in Heaven which took place before mankind came down to earth “the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him” (Revelation 12:3-9).

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This War in Heaven involved all of us – you and me. We were there. We took part. And we chose the winning side! In that pre-earth state, described in detail in my book The Lineage of the Gods, God our Father proposed a Plan for the salvation of mankind. Crucial to His Plan was agency and accountability. Lucifer, however, proposed an alternative plan which would have destroyed the free will of mankind and exalted him “above the stars of God” (Isaiah 14:12-15).

When Lucifer’s perverse plan of slavery was rejected, he and those “angels” (i.e. children of our Heavenly Father) who supported his plan rebelled. They fought against our Father and those of us – you and me – who supported His Plan of Freedom and the Lordship of Jesus Christ. When Satan lost and was “cast out” of Heaven, he continued his war against mankind’s agency here. What John is seeing in Revelation relative to our day is merely an earthly continuation of that same War in Heaven.

Satan’s war is being waged against everyone, but more particularly against the humble followers of Christ. We are told that the Dragon makes war with all those who “keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ” (Revelation 12:17). It is in this context of Satan’s war against mankind and against Christ that we first learn of the terrifying beast.

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The beast is Satan’s weapon of choice. The beast is the vehicle through which the Dragon, or Satan, promotes his war against Christ. It is how he extends his control over the earth. The beast, of course, is not a real beast – it is a metaphor for Satan’s system of malevolence. We might accurately describe it as a “beast system.” It is with this beast system that the kings of the earth unite. These world leaders “shall give their power and strength unto the beast” (Revelation 17:12-13).

As we gaze upon the situation today, which beast-like system do we see extended throughout the whole earth? Which system do we see dominating in all lands and making war against the Lord and the principles of Liberty? While there are multiple competing systems that deny the Christ and restrict man’s Freedom, there is one more prevalent and powerful than all others: Satanic communism.

Communism has many shades and wears many masks, so it is not always immediately apparent that you are dealing with communism. But I submit that communism, in one of its many forms, is the most widely-accepted political system on earth. Socialism, for instance, is nothing but a branch of the communist conspiracy. I have often called socialism communism with a smiley face. Because it wears a smiley face, its principles have been adopted in literally every nation on earth. Look at every nation and you will find some or all of the ten planks of The Communist Manifesto in full force.

The international socialist movement, of which Fabian Socialism is the most powerful strand, was created by Karl Marx and his fanatical supporters. There is very little substantive difference between communism and socialism – and both achieve the same results. Both centralize government, ruin economies, degrade morality, abolish the family unit, and destroy Freedom. And it is this same communist conspiracy that created the United Nations, the Council on Foreign Relations, etc. I repeat, this communist/socialist monstrosity is the most widely-implemented system in the world.


Soviet Russia, Red China, and North Korea are the three premier examples of communism in action. But if you look beyond their borders, you find socialism absolutely everywhere. India, the second most populous nation on earth, was an early target of communist subversion and now bears a socialist government and is a formal partner in the BRICS alliance which includes Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, and other states. Throughout the Middle East, socialist governments abound. And most of these, from Iran to Egypt to Turkey to Pakistan, are propped up by the Russians and Chinese. Central and South America is a hotbed of communism, with openly-communist regimes dominating nations like Cuba and Venezuela, and closet communists ruling in Mexico, Nicaragua, and elsewhere. Africa is also a little-discussed center of communist activity. Europe is almost entirely socialist – and proudly so.  Even the United States, in contravention of her inspired Constitution, has adopted all ten planks of The Communist Manifesto to greater or lesser degree.

Without any doubt, the communist system is the most widespread system on earth. The Comintern, or Communist International, has made sure of that. And communism is the foremost system calling for “world revolution” and the overthrow of all traditional values, human Freedom, and Christ’s Church. More people have been pillaged, abused, raped, enslaved, and murdered under communism in the past century than under all other systems in all previous centuries of earth’s history combined. There has simply never been anything like the beast system of communism.

It also seems significant that the beast is described as “scarlet,” or red. In fact, during the War in Heaven described earlier, the Dragon is also described as “red” (Revelation 12:3). Author Farley Anderson, in his wonderful work The Book of Revelation Today, said this about identifying the beast:

“We next see that the beast is a military superpower (Revelation 13:4). From Revelation 13:8 we learn that almost all the earth shall worship the beast. The word worship is strong, but consider how doctrines of communism are taught and learned, and how, directly and indirectly, the world financially supports communism. We then realize that the word worship is very appropriately used. Last, but not least, we see in Revelation 17:3 that the beast is scarlet colored. Identifying the beast as satanic communism may be as simple as asking who the reds are. Lucifer used red as his banner in the pre-mortal world. The Marxist followers of our day are likewise known as Red communists or socialists” (Anderson, The Book of Revelation Today, 22).

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The communist conspiracy has taken to itself the color of red. It is the Red Menace. The Reds are the ones who have declared eternal war against humanity. The Illuminati-Jacobins – from whence sprang communism – hoisted the red flag of revolution over France. Red is the color of world revolution. Red is the color of communism. Red is the color of the beast. And red is the color of the Dragon.

Furthermore, the communist system is much more than a political system. It is an all-encompassing worldview and a counterfeit religion. Elder Bruce R. McConkie, a competent religious authority, described communism thus:

“Basically and chiefly, communism is a form of false religion; it is one of the major divisions of the church of the devil. It denies God and Christ; belittles Christianity; runs counter to the moral and ethical standards of religion and decency; denies men their agency; wrenches from them their inalienable rights; and swallows the individual and his wellbeing up in the formless mass of the state” (McConkie, Mormon Doctrine, 151).

Another time, he explained:

“Communism is in reality a form of religion in which men deny the God of the Bible and worship the gods of compulsion and power and war” (McConkie, A New Witness for the Articles of Faith, 54).

The great J. Edgar Hoover also said:

“Communism is more than an economic, political, social, or philosophical doctrine. It is a way of life; a false, materialistic “religion.” It would strip man of his belief in God, his heritage of freedom, his trust in love, justice, and mercy. Under communism, all would become, as so many already have, twentieth-century slaves” (Hoover, Masters of Deceit, Foreword, vi).

In these descriptions, we see the echo of John who saw people worshiping the beast. Communism displaces God and sets itself up as man’s deity – and demands to be worshiped. It is a false idol. It is organized paganism. Communism centralizes all power in the hands of the ruling Elite, who in turn serve Satan. The state, controlled by Satan through his initiated followers, becomes the people’s object of worship and behaves like a cruel god in dispensing judgment, controlling life and death, dictating how people earn money, and dominating every aspect of life.


Henry Makow spoke of the “New World Order” and how it is inseparably intertwined with the Satanic communist philosophy. He wrote:

“The purpose of the New World Order is the same as Communism. The Illuminati created Communism as a means to flout God’s will and enslave mankind. Karl Marx was hired to sell totalitarian rule (“the dictatorship of the proletariat”) by pretending to espouse equality. He was a Satanist as were Trotsky, Lenin and Stalin. . . .

“The Luciferians portray their rebellion against God and nature as progress and freedom. This permissiveness refers only to tearing down the Divine order. In the initiation into the Seventh degree of Satanism, the adept swears, “Nothing is true and everything is permitted.” In the Communist Manifesto, Marx said all religion and morals will be abolished and everything permitted.

“The religion of modern western society, secular humanism, is a front for Illuminism (Lucifer worship). The purpose of Illuminism is to divorce humanity from the Divine Purpose and enshrine Lucifer (i.e. the Illuminati) in God’s place. Under the guise of a humanist utopia, they are constructing an Orwellian hell – the New World Order, a.k.a. globalism.

“The goal of globalism is the same as Communism. The world’s elite masks its Luciferianism in new age paganism and Gaia worship. The Lucifer Trust runs the only chapel at the United Nations and the only statue in the UN building is the pagan god Zeus” (Makow, Illuminati: The Cult that Hijacked the World, 66-67).

Now that we have reasonably established that the scarlet beast is the worldwide Satanic communist system, we come to the question of the mark of the beast. What is the mark of this communistic beast? The prevailing view seems to be that the “mark” is a literal identification or tracking marker forcibly given to people, such as an RFID microchip implanted in the hand or a tattoo printed on the head. I diverge from this opinion.

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A study manual printed by my Church does not give an official opinion on what the mark of the beast is, but it provides one possibility that I feel is very close to the truth. Recall that the beast’s “mark” is taken in the hand or forehead. The manual notes: “This may symbolize that the wicked show by their actions (hands) and beliefs (heads) that they do the will of the beast and accept his ideology” (New Testament Student Manual, “Revelation 12-16,” The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 2014). It is my feeling that this is a correct interpretation and that the mark of the beast is figurative rather than literal.

Recall that John says people will worship the beast and the Dragon who empowers it. That is, they will worship the communistic system and, by default, Satan who established it. People who go along with the communist ideology, whether they recognize it as such or not, are figuratively marking themselves as enemies of God and His great Plan of Freedom. This Satanic communist ideology includes belief in all forms of socialism and welfare-statism, Darwinian evolution, humanism, atheism, New Age spiritualism, reincarnation, homosexuality, sexual immorality, feminism, abortion, no-fault divorce, drug use, radical environmentalism, ad infinitum. When we realize that all of these ideas and practices are upheld and subsidized by the Satanic communist conspiracy, and that most people believe or do at least some of them, it becomes apparent that most of the world has already marked themselves as followers of the beast system.

Thus, the beast system is spread primarily through indoctrination and conditioning. Public schools and the Marxist media are the chief tools of socialist indoctrination. Generations of unsuspecting people have been initiated into the beast system’s beliefs through public schooling, and their false beliefs are daily fortified by the controlled media. It is a diabolically ingenious system of social control – the type of system that could have only been invented and coordinated on a global scale by a supremely malevolent being and a devoted cadre of co-conspirators.

In the degraded age in which we live, it is not necessary to forcibly microchip a person in order to control him. Yes, thousands of people are now voluntarily lining up to be microchipped. And the risks posed by such a practice are high. However, there are much simpler ways to control people. Public indoctrination has been noted, but there are at least two other methods I wish to discuss.

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Yesterday, June 5, 2019, we witnessed an example of how the beast system currently curtails and controls a person’s right to buy and sell. I refer to YouTube’s demonetization of Steven Crowder’s YouTube channel. Steven Crowder is a highly popular conservative YouTuber with nearly four million subscribers on his channel. He hosts the show Louder with Crowder. Yesterday, YouTube demonetized Crowder’s channel. Why? Crowder was demonetized because he has said many things that are politically incorrect and that rub the Establishment the wrong way. In particular, he has been labeled “homophobic.” It is just the latest example of political correctness at work.

Anyone who follows my writings knows that political correctness is a communist invention imported from Soviet Russia. It is a means of thought control and one of the greatest threats to free speech. To be politically correct is to toe the communist line – or, to toe the beast’s line. To be labeled politically incorrect, one must simply dissent from and openly oppose the communist ideology. Those who oppose the communist conspiracy’s efforts to turn the world into a GULAG must be prepared to face criticism and persecution.

Under the aegis of political correctness, the powers-that-be have begun restricting certain people’s ability to carry on their careers and earn a living. They have directly attacked the pocketbooks of activists, labeled “extremists,” with whom they disagree. For example, they file lawsuits against Christians who exercise their right to not make cakes for homosexuals, effectively shutting down their businesses. They block people from accessing social media platforms and having an equal chance to reach an audience and promote products. They revoke licenses and kick people off the air, closing down their avenues for self-promotion. They ban authors’ books, or prevent them from reaching major distributors, in a kind of digital book burning. They restrict travel rights in some situations, such as when Britain banned Michael Savage. They even go after the bank accounts of businesses and high profile figures, causing their businesses to collapse.

Crowder is just the latest in a long line of blacklisted figures that includes Alex Jones, Paul Joseph Watson, Laura Loomer, Jordan Peterson, Paul Nehlen, Milo Yiannopolous, MS King, David Irving, etc. At the present time, yours truly is currently banned for thirty more days from Facebook. Alex Jones is perhaps the most famous person on the list. Alex Jones of Infowars fame has been permanently banned from Facebook and Twitter, had his YouTube accounts suspended, been removed from the Apple iTunes app store, been deleted on Spotify, and so forth. Google also restricts search results to filter out as many of Infowars’ stories as possible. Jones’ ability to reach an audience and, thus, earn a living and promote his message, has been severely compromised by the Marxist Establishment. Anyone who speaks out against the tide of cultural Marxism, political insanity, and Satanism sweeping the globe is a target for persecution. And it will only get worse.

Another very similar method of social control has been introduced by the Red Chinese. It is known as the social credit system. The Chinese communist government now rates its subjects, and businesses, on their level of obedience to communist dictates. They are each given a social credit rating. Their social credit score determines whether they can use public transport, buy land, have access to certain business markets, etc. Many millions of Chinese subjects have already been banned from air and train travel based on their low social credit scores. This diabolical system effectively prevents people from “buying and selling” unless they kowtow to the communist state.

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What’s worse, some in the United States are beginning to call for a social credit system based on China’s model. For instance, 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang supports the system. Support will only grow as society plunges deeper into depravity and as more and more people become enamored by the false allure of socialist freebies.

Whether or not an official social credit system ever reaches our shores, an informal system is already taking shape. Tech oligarchs in United States and throughout the West are beginning to informally do what Red China is formally doing. Media platforms essentially rank their users and punish them for failure to comply with their political and cultural ideas. Just as Chinese are prevented from traveling, Americans are prevented from speaking. Once we lose the right to speak out, other rights will quickly succumb.

Red China is actively exporting its system of mass surveillance and repression to nations as diverse as Australia and Panama. It is foreseeable that the entire world will be blanketed with a similar system of top-down control as the world continues to move everything online and governments keep making excuses for interfering in internet privacy. In our digital age, we are in grave danger of losing our Liberty and being forced to take the mark of the beast. At the very least, those of us who oppose the Dragon’s system and refuse to bow down and worship the beast will be marginalized and discredited so severely that we will become second-class subjects.

It is important that Christians, and all people, wake up to the awful reality facing them. We are opposed by the greatest, most well-coordinated, most widespread system of tyranny the world has ever seen. Paganism is organized against us. An international network of Marxist Satanists is actively trying to enslave us. Gradually, mankind is being coerced or seduced into taking the mark of the beast. They are being led to believe what the beast says and follow in his footsteps of perversion and immorality. Humanity is being initiated into a Satanic world order without even realizing it.

While fear of a political world order is justified, we must realize that a political world order is a means to a more frightening end. The end sought for is an occult world order. As the world embraces Wicca (the fastest-growing religion in America and Britain), pagan spirituality, and Eastern mysticism, the beast grows in power and the Dragon laughs. We are in a war of the most serious sort and most people do not even realize it.


Decades ago, the honorable Ezra Taft Benson warned:

“Today we are at war. It is not enough to be against communism. We must shed our complacency and aggressively meet this challenge. . . .

“There can be no compromise with the communists. They are at war with us – with the entire cause of freedom, and the sooner every American faces this hard fact, the stronger our position will be. It is a real war. The lines are tightly drawn. The war is more insidious, more devious, more devastating, and more satanical than any war in our history. Moral principles, once universally recognized are ignored. International law once respected is thrown to the wind.

“The socialist-communist philosophy is devastatingly evil – destructive of all that is good, uplifting and beautiful. It strikes at the very foundation of all we hold dear” (Benson, “We Must Become Alerted and Informed,” speech, December 13, 1963).

It is time to wake up. It is time to arise. It is time to fight back and refuse to take the beast’s mark. Yes, it is easier to be complacent. It is easier to be quiet. It is easier to not rock the boat. However, Liberty is more important than a good social credit score. Freedom is more important than a monetized YouTube channel. And doing what is right no matter the consequences is more vital than anything. Does not rocking the boat really matter if in the end you lose your soul by supporting the beast system? Lose your soul you will if you support the ideology of the beast.

J. Edgar Hoover implored:

“Communism can exist only where it is protected and hidden. The spotlight of public exposure is the most effective means we have to use in destroying the communist conspiracy. Drag that conspiracy into the light! Tear it apart. Reveal the flaws in its philosophy. Keep the pressure on it. Force it into retreat” (Hoover, The Lion, October, 1957, in Newquist, ed., Prophets, Principles and National Survival, 251).

We must use what Liberty we have remaining to drag Satanic communism into the light and tear it apart. We must expose the enemy. We must not flinch as the beast lashes out against us and as the Dragon spews fire and hate in our direction. We can stand firmly against this global monstrosity if we remember how John says the story ends. He triumphantly prophesied:

“These [kings] have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast. These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them; for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful” (Revelation 17:13-14).

In cannibalistic fashion, the beast will turn against the woman who rides it and will devour her. We are told:

“And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire” (Revelation 17:16).

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When the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ, overcomes the Dragon and his vicious Red beast, the followers of Christ who remained faithful will cheer and proclaim: “Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen” (Revelation 18:2). Yes, Babylon will fall. Satan will be bound. And Satanic communism will be exposed, torn apart, and defeated. The only question remaining is who will be on the Lord’s side and who will succumb to Satan and unite with the beast.

If you seek to avoid taking the mark of the beast, learn of the communist conspiracy and forsake all the points of its false and Devilish philosophy. Cultivate your faith in the Redeemer Jesus Christ. Defend your Faith, Family, and Freedom. Cling to the true principles of Liberty, the U.S. Constitution, and your God-given rights. Exercise your right to speak out against the beast system that is taking over and infecting the world. Speak out, stand up, and try to save your country. In so doing, you might save your country; but you will certainly save your soul.

Zack Strong,

June 6, 2019.

8 thoughts on “The Beast and His Mark

  1. Merci pour ton message .je prie notre père céleste a fin qu’il te donne toujours d’inscription pour nous éclairer l’esprit .


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