Facebook Censorship Continues

Some people deny that Facebook censors people they disagree with on politics and other ideological issues. These deniers are either willful liars or are completely ignorant of reality. I don’t need anyone else to tell me Facebook censors people – I have my own firsthand experience being censored on numerous occasions. This article is nothing more nor less than me adding my voice to the growing chorus of people who have had their content censored and voices silenced by Facebook.


The very first thing I want to stress is the fact that Facebook is not a private company. Everyone calls Facebook a private company, but that is simply not true. Facebook receives hundreds of millions of dollars in subsidies from the federal government (and guess where the federal government gets it?) As a publicly-subsidized company, Facebook cannot ethically be considered private. As a public company, therefore, Facebook must follow the laws protecting free speech. If they were a private company, I would not complain much because private companies and individuals have a right to discriminate, or to associate, with whomever they please.

The second thing I want to point out is that what Facebook does can only be considered censorship because it only applies to certain groups, pages, individuals, and ideologies. Facebook does not censor members of the LGBT community. They do not censor feminists. They don’t censor leftists and communists. They don’t even censor people making death threats against the president. No, these anti-American groups and ideologies are protected classes.


The people, groups, and ideologies that Facebook deliberately targets and censors are those which can be called traditionalists, constitutionalists, conservatives, American patriots, and Christians, as well as those erroneously deemed “conspiracy theorists.” Anyone who opposes the bloated Establishment in Washington is an immediate target. Anyone who speaks out against the deadly virus of cultural Marxism is automatically singled out. Anyone who denounced the feminist disease and the LGBT subversion of our society is ridiculed, intimidated, and targeted.

Additionally, those who stand up in support of traditional values such as the patriarchal family unit, heterosexual marriage, the notion of only two genders, rule of law, individualism versus collectivism, constitutionalism, private virtue, public decency, manners, and Christianity, have a huge target painted on their backs. We are hated by the communist Establishment. The single most hated person on planet earth is the white, constitutionalist, Christian male from the United States. We are a dying breed. Our voice is being silenced and censored at every turn.

We often hear feminists and minorities – especially women – telling each other, “We need to make our voice heard!” Yet, their voice is the only one I hear. It’s the only one endorsed and protected by the mainstream press, Hollywood, and social media. The voice I don’t hear represented in the press is my voice – the voice of reason, truth, traditionalism, constitutionalism, Americanism, and Christianity. We are the true minority in this nation.



To get their way, the powers-that-be have come up with the ludicrous concept of hate speech and hate crimes. These, by definition, are not actual crimes. A motive cannot be a category of crime. If you murder someone because you hate them or because you wanted to steal their property or because they offended you, what does it matter? You still did the deed. Yet, the Marxists have come up with this new category of “hate crimes” and then use it to bludgeon traditionalists and constitutionalists into submission. Today, it is not only feasible, but is a reality, that conservatives or Christians can have their businesses shut down, be forced to pay fines, or be hauled off to jail for allegedly “hating” certain protected classes of people – such as homosexuals and transgenders. This is the level of delusion that exists in America today (and, unfortunately, it’s worse in many other places in the world such a socialist Europe).

Another weapon of the communist cultural revolution is political correctness. As I pointed out in my article on the subject, political correctness is a communist invention. What political correctness meant in communist lingo is the party line. That is, what the Communist Party says is politically correct and anything that differs from their line is anathema. Anyone who disagrees with the communists is automatically labelled an enemy of the revolution, a class enemy, or an enemy of the People. No further proof is needed that the United States has been captured by the Marxists and their dupes than to see communist-style political correctness run rampant in our culture and press.

Facebook is one of the chief exemplars of this Marxist-style censorship machine. Run by the Jewish elitist Mark Zuckerberg, who openly thinks its users are “dumb f**ks,” Facebook promotes cultural Marxism and the political and moral destruction of America. Facebook has admitted that its algorithms are biased against traditional/conservative pages and accounts. But beyond that, Facebook seeks every excuse to block people like me who speak out against the Establishment and who promote traditional values.


I will give you several examples of the censorship I have personally faced. I run seven different Facebook pages and a group. I used to operate one additional page, but it was taken down and deleted by Facebook for alleged “hate speech.” This page was titled World War II – Facts and Lies. I discussed, among other things, the true origin of that horrific war, the war crimes of the Allies, the false atrocity allegations against the Axis, Soviet machinations, the beliefs of Adolf Hitler, etc. The page only existed for a short time, but I was in the middle of a growth spurt and people from all over the world were liking and joining the page. Suddenly, someone reported my page. Facebook removed one of my post for supposedly violating their “community standards.” Of course, they never bothered to say which of their “standards” my post violated. Then, suddenly, a second post was removed for “hate speech.” Again, Facebook never deigned to tell me how my post allegedly constituted “hate speech.” That was just an easy excuse to remove someone who was saying things the Establishment doesn’t want to peasants to know. Finally, that page was deep-sixed by Facebook and no longer exists.

Unfortunately, that is not the only censorship and persecution I’ve faced. By far the most hatred, threats, false accusations, bullying, and intimidation I’ve received is from rabid feminists and delusional LGBT people – or LGBTQIAPK as they are now known. You know, those people who always tell us to be tolerant and pride themselves on being oh so “tolerant,” “egalitarian,” and “sophisticated.” They are so obsessed with their sexuality and their “empowerment” that they belittle and attack others and seek to silence anyone who disagrees with them.


The feminists in particular shriek and go into psychotic fits when someone tells them what God’s plan for women is. They can’t stand it. Perhaps that is because part of them, deep down, knows it is true and they are really trying to silence their conscience. Finding that impossible to do, they lash out at those of us who point out the reality which awakens in them a sense of guilt and shame. Living in disharmony with God is not conducive to happiness and fulfillment, yet that’s what the feminists do – then they get angry at men, traditional women, and non-feminists instead of improving themselves and reforming their own terrible habits and false beliefs.

One thing that the delusional feminists, LGBTQIAPK groupies, and transgenders can’t comprehend is human nature. Their philosophies are inherently anti-human-nature and at odds with reality and every degree of sanity, intelligence, and common sense. Every five-year-old can look down between his or her legs and see whether he or she is male. They inherently know they are male or female and that there are differences between the two genders – and this has been conclusively proven by studies and research throughout the years. It is very revealing that the enemy has to exert so much effort to indoctrinate kids with gender propaganda in order to confuse them and get them to question what their eternal gender is. Without this socialization and indoctrination, no one would question what they inherently know to be true.

All of this ties into Facebook censorship because it shows the motivation for their rabid and relentless attempt to silence all opposition. They simply cannot promote their delusional worldview – their mental and spiritual sickness – without silencing the voice of sanity and reason that is teaching people the truth. The truth must be silence in order for lies to prevail. Thus, people like me, Alex Jones of Infowars, and others who oppose this Marxist cultural revolution must be silenced.


For the record, I don’t support Trump. Yet, this cartoon demonstrates the sheer hypocrisy of people in the controlled press.

My Facebook page Feminism is a Disease has 1,253 likes as of this writing. I have experienced a 400-like jump in the past several weeks. My page is finally taking off and growing. Yet, the major hurdle is Facebook censorship. From day one, I’ve had false accusations leveled against me by feminists, transgenders, and LGBT fanatics. For instance, I’ve had a number of posts removed for allegedly violating “community standards” or arbitrary “hate speech” policies. In fact, months back I had my page unpublished. Fortunately, there was an appeal process and, after a number of days, I got my page reinstated. After that incident, I had a feminist openly admit that she (she said “we”) wouldn’t stop until my page was taken down. This is how psychotic and evil these people are. They are mini-tyrants and would-be-despots. And Facebook gives them the power to silence their fellow man.

The attacks have again begun in full force. As I write this, I am currently on a three-day time out (three separate times in the past I’ve been put in Facebook time out for one day, three days, and seven days). Why? After two of my posts we taken down last night, one for violating “community standards” and the other for “hate speech” violations, Facebook has blocked me from posting, commenting, liking, or otherwise using Facebook – and not just on my Feminism is a Disease page, but across all seven of my pages, my closed group, and my personal page. I can’t send messages, I can’t comment, I can’t post, I can’t do anything. Why? For no other reason than the fact that I said something the elitist radicals as Facebook don’t like – and also because a feminist or homosexual was offended at one of my posts and flagged it.

I won’t be surprised in the slightest if Facebook unpublishes my page again or if they outright delete it. That is their M.O. They silence their opposition because they can’t compete in the ideological arena when the opposition is given a free chance to explain their views. Tyrants throughout history have used the same tactic – and the tyrants of old only wish they had a system of censorship and social manipulation as effective as Facebook.


The post that was removed after being flagged last night gets to the heart of the entire matter. In fact, it was eerily prophetic. The action taken against me by Facebook proves and fulfills the prophecy. The quote comes from Henry Makow who wrote the best book on feminism titled Cruel Hoax: Feminism and the New World Order. On page 78, Makow wrote:

“Illuminati-Marxism spawned both the Gay and Woman’s liberation movements by transferring Marxist class conflict to gender. The “patriarchy” (male-dominated heterosexual family) is the root of all evil and must be destroyed (“transformed”). Women (the proletariat) and anyone “oppressed” (gays, certain favored minorities) must be handed position and power on a silver platter.”


That is precisely accurate! And it is true in my case – I am being discriminated against and censored because I have dared say anything against the privileged, favored, protected LGBT/feminist class and their Marxist overlords. Additionally, I think it is worth quoting the commentary I added to Mr. Makow’s quotation. This is what I wrote, including Makow’s full quote:

“As crazy as it sounds to those who haven’t taken the time to study real history, this is in fact true. Feminism, as I’ve said since day one, was and is a communist front movement (the Communist League, which later became the Bolshevik party which overthrew Russia, was an Illuminati creation). So, too, was the militant homosexual/transgender movement. The elites know that these perversions of nature and God’s law tend to corrupt families and break down society. That’s why they create and fund these movements – to foment division and chaos, out of which they intend to rebuild a Luciferian world order. Now you know, the rest of the story. . .

““Gay and feminist activists find common ground because they insist male-female distinctions are artificial, ignoring all scientific evidence. While many heterosexuals might consider themselves “feminists,” feminism is a homosexual movement. It believes that men and women are the same and only social conditioning makes us different. Homosexuality is love of the same. Today, gay and feminist activists want “people” to make love to “people” regardless of their sex. They depict normal heterosexual behaviour as pathological. Men are inherently abusive and the heterosexual family is oppressive. The way to social justice is to abolish heterosexuality altogether (isn’t this “hate”?) Illuminati-Marxism spawned both the Gay and Woman’s liberation movements by transferring Marxist class conflict to gender. The “patriarchy” (male-dominated heterosexual family) is the root of all evil and must be destroyed (“transformed”). Women (the proletariat) and anyone “oppressed” (gays, certain favored minorities) must be handed position and power on a silver platter. The Illuminati’s revolutionary goal is the “New World Order” or authoritarian socialism run by monopoly capital. It is big government in the service of big business, the Left in the service of the Right.” – Henry Makow, “Cruel Hoax: Feminism and the New World Order, 78-79.”


That ends my commentary and the full quote from Mr. Makow. As you can see, it was prophetic. It is a precise description of what has gone on for so long in America and throughout the Bolshevized world. And is there one word of hate in it? Of course not, unless calling a spade a spade is “hate.” In fact, this reminds me of a few comments made by the honorable President Ezra Taft Benson, a patriot in his day without equal.

Though each of these statements comes from different speeches given at various times, I take them from the 1964 book Title of Liberty: A Warning Voice compiled by Mark A. Benson for convenience.

“I have great faith in the American people. When fully informed, they will make wise decisions. They will stand up and be counted for what is right. This I know.

“I recognize that it is not popular in some circles to be called an anti-communist, but I consider communism a political and economic disease. I do not believe an American citizen can be patriotic and loyal to his own country and its God-inspired Constitution of freedom without being anti-communist–anti-socialist. . . .

“We must expose to the light of public inquiry those forces which would destroy our country and our way of life” (15-16).

“Our mortal enemies are the Satanic communists and those who prepare the path for them” (84).

“Yes, we have been lulled away into a false security. We are busy making money, enjoying our abundance but oblivious to the gradual loss of freedom which has made all of these blessings possible. As a nation we are affluent but foolish.

“This nation needs a revival of patriotism, a return to basic concepts, an awakening to the most deadly peril ever to threaten our people. I say to you with all my heart that the danger is real and can be deadly. We must become alerted and informed. . . .

“Grassroots thinking in America cries for strong, courageous leadership. Some American people are at long last becoming aroused in their hearts . . . They want to know the truth without bluffing.

“The American people are entitled to the facts. They will actively follow sound, courageous leadership. Our people know in their hearts that the opposite of victory is defeat, whether you call it “coexistence” or “compromise” with a godless tyranny.

“We are at war, and we must win the war. It’s time to go on the offensive. Let’s stop helping the enemy . . . Let’s make sure we’re right and then mobilize sufficient strength to win. For a change let’s try victory!” (51-51).

Founding Fathers10

Will you stand up for what is right and vocally, actively, tenaciously oppose this Satanic tyranny that is sweeping across our nation and devouring our rights? Or are you so worried about your money, ease, and reputation to stand up and be counted? Are you worried what your friends might think or do you honestly care enough about your faith, family, and Freedom to defend them?

This is a war. Wars are not easy. They are not won over night. They are not won without sacrifice and loss, discomfort and pain, sweat and tears. Yet, the prize is worth the price. It really is worth it.

I’m doing about all I can do. I have published two books on the communist conspiracy, which include extensive discussion about front groups like feminism, the LGBT movement, environmentalism, etc., and I have just completed a third book that I pray will strengthen people’s testimony of the fact that they are literal children of God with a grand potential. To date, I have written more than 80 articles. I recently launched my Liberty Wolf podcast and I am preparing to release episode #10. I run, as noted, seven Facebook pages, and a group, devoted to truth on a host of subjects ranging from feminism to communism to occultism to the Founding Fathers to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Finally, in 2014, I ran for the U.S. House of Representatives out of Utah under the Independent American Party banner.

In nearly all of these endeavors, I have faced opposition and censorship. From having my Facebook pages censored, harassed, and deleted, to being told by the Republican government in Utah that I and all of my fellow independents were banned from the campaign debates, to receiving literal threats from feminists, to having “friends” stab me in the back repeatedly over these issues and disown me because I’m bold enough to speak the unpopular truth, I’ve had my fair share of hardship.

Yet, I push forward harder than ever before. And I do it for one major reason – I know it is right. If I know what the truth is, how can I be silent or complacent? Complacency is complicity. Silence is collusion. Ignorance is no excuse.

My conscience would not allow me to sit on the sidelines and watch life pass me by. These issues are too monumental – too much is at stake. We are in a war for our very lives and for everything that makes life worth living: Faith, Family, Freedom. With this in mind, we must stand and fight or consign our Republic to bondage and our families to misery and oppression. As President Reagan truthfully declared: “If we lose freedom here, there is no place to escape to. This is the last stand on Earth.”


Truly, America is the final battleground. The communists and their allies have conquered the entire globe. They have made tremendous inroads here in the United States. Our culture is being shaped in their image. Our political system, though ostensibly constitutionalist, now runs on Marxist policies and all ten planks of The Communist Manifesto have been instituted. Faith in the Savior Jesus Christ is dwindling while at the same time occultism is rising. Wicca, for example, is the fastest-growing religion in America and Britain. The entire tide is turning against us, against the truth, and against sanity. Yet, we are on the side of truth. Truth will prevail in the end. Our job is to hold on to truth until it crushes all enemies under its feet.

I encourage you to fight against censorship in all its manifestations. The best thing you can do is to educate people. Unless we have a critical mass of people who are as informed as we are and who believe the same basic values, our efforts will come to nothing. We cannot win this fight unless the American People are educated in facts and truth. A certain segment of society is, frankly, lost. Yet, millions of others are on the fence just waiting for leaders to stand up and lead.

I’m doing what I can to be a beacon of light to others, but because I am only one of a small handful, it makes me a target. If millions of us stood up, we would be too powerful to oppose. They could not, in that case, single us out and pick us off one-by-one. As it is, however, that is precisely what they are doing. I am on the verge of losing a hard-earned followership of 1,300 people simply because one offended radical complained and Facebook has kow-towed to their whims. This is the power of an individual. Image if individuals used that power for good rather than evil. Image if millions of individuals pooled their resources and strength and shouted as one in defense of traditionalism, the Constitution, sanity, religion, and truth. We would be unstoppable. Until we learn to stand up, however, we will continue to fail because we will continue to fall separately.

Zack Strong,

August 23, 2018

To hear a presentation on free speech, click the link to listen to my Liberty Wolf episode on the subject:


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