Feminism Destroys Families

Feminism is a disease! It is a spiritual, mental, cultural sickness. The Women’s Liberation movement was founded by Marxists and serves to this day as a communist front. The purpose of the organized women’s movement is to destroy the institution of the home because the home is the ultimate safeguard of society. It accomplishes this by blurring the lines between the genders, turning Biblical traditionalism on its head, breaking down marriages, destroying families, and creating animosity and disunity among the population. Simply, feminism is so dangerous because feminism destroys families.


The communist conspirators have founded, co-opted, or used numerous movements as fronts through which they achieve their purposes and promote their insidious ideology. Marxist agitators started the destructive LGBT movement, the radical environmentalist movement, and the so-called “civil rights” movement, to name only three. Feminism, however, has been the most devastatingly effective of all communist fronts. This is so precisely because it strikes at the foundation of society – the family.

The family is the bulwark of society. It is the rock foundation of every civilization. The health of a people’s homes reveals the health of the overall society. As homes go, so goes society. The family is the key building block of humanity – the ultimate institution. Anything that undermines the family unit assaults and degrades society. And feminism is the greatest offender.


Inessa Armand, one of the leading Bolshevik women during the early days of the communist reign of terror in Russia, made this noteworthy statement:

“If women’s liberation is unthinkable without communism, then communism is unthinkable without women’s liberation.”

According to one of the arch-feminists, “women’s liberation is unthinkable without communism.” Communism and feminism are inseparable. This is because in order for communism to succeed in its stated goal of world subjugation through world revolution, families must first be transformed and destroyed.

In The Communist Manifesto, Karl Marx smugly declared:

“Abolition of the family! Even the most radical flare up at this infamous proposal of the Communists.”

From the beginning, one of the most controversial and fundamental proposals of the communist conspiracy was the “abolition of the family.” Marx knew, and his ideological descendants understand, that the traditional family established on Biblical principles must be abolished first if communism is to be imposed upon the world.


On March 8th, the communist holiday known as International Women’s Day, Ellie Mae O’Hagan wrote a piece for The Guardian titled “Feminism without socialism will never cure our unequal society.” The subheading of her article charges: “Gender inequality is a necessary condition of capitalism, so this International Women’s Day join a trade union.” She followed this radical line of thought and stated:

“If this sounds like socialism, it’s because it is. Only by diminishing the power of the boss class, and giving female workers more access to collectively owned social goods, can we ensure that no woman is forced to choose between sexual and economic exploitation, and poverty. Inessa Armand, the Bolshevik revolutionary who was responsible for allowing Soviet women to divorce, have abortions, participate in politics and access childcare knew that only fundamental change to the economic system could make life better for women. “If women’s liberation is unthinkable without communism, then communism is unthinkable without women’s liberation,” she argued.

“Among the hashtags and vacuous corporate slogans that now flood International Women’s Day, it’s easy to forget that it was first celebrated 110 years ago by the Socialist Party of America to honour the New York garment workers’ strike, which had been held by female workers a year earlier. Eight years after the first International Women’s Day, female revolutionaries in Russia effectively overthrew the tsar with a series of protests and strikes, which also won them the right to vote. It’s not novel to tie socialism and feminism together: they are inextricably linked as movements, and always have been.

“Of course, it’s complacent for any socialist to argue that ending capitalism will simply erase sexism from existence. Gender inequality may be a necessary condition of capitalism, but it is maintained by culture. Sexism persists because it is propped up by a deep-rooted set of beliefs and stereotypes that imagine women as inferior. These won’t be forgotten overnight by changing the economic system; they must be actively taken on and defeated – and that fight must be led by women themselves. But understanding this makes socialism even more necessary: because women can’t fight against sexism as a whole if they’re too busy trying to keep their heads above water in an economic system that exploits them. Just as gender inequality is a necessary condition of capitalism, socialism is a necessary condition for the genuine liberation of the majority of women.”

O’Hagan’s article is a truly astounding piece of ideological rubbish. I quote it only to prove a point; namely, that from day one feminism has been intertwined with and inseparable from communism. Avowed socialists founded and spearheaded the Women’s Liberation movement. Today, “the fight must be led by women themselves.” What fight? The fight to destroy capitalism, destroy the “deep-rooted set of beliefs” (i.e. Christian beliefs) that undergird society, and destroy the home. To feminists, only socialism/communism can save women from their plight. It’s time to take these radicals at their word when they say things like, “socialism is a necessary condition for the genuine liberation of the majority of women.” They’re communists, plain and simple.


Preceding even Marx in the push for worldwide feminism was the Order of Illuminati. If you trace the history of that Bavarian secret society, you are led directly to an England-based group known as the League of the Just. It was this league that in 1848 hired Karl Marx to write a manifesto of belief and that changed its name to the Communist League when that declaration as published as The Communist Manifesto. Years later, under a new name, this same secret cabal was led by Vladimir Lenin and, with Western funding, overthrew Russia in 1917, creating the Soviet Union – the same Soviet Union that was the first state to legalize abortion-on-demand and institute no-fault divorce.

The founder of the Order of Illuminati was Adam Weishaupt. Weishaupt was a keen observer of human nature. He understood that the family unit had to be shattered into pieces if Illuminism (later to be known as socialism and communism), was to conquer the globe. The method Weishaupt and his cohorts devised to destroy the home was to co-opt and deceive women into working for them unawares. He wrote:

“There is no way of influencing men so powerfully as by means of the women. These should therefore be our chief study; we should insinuate ourselves into their good opinion, give them hints of emancipation from the tyranny of public opinion, and of standing up for themselves; it will be an immense relief to their enslaved minds to be freed from any one bond of restraint, and it will fire them the more, and cause them to work for us with zeal, without knowing that they do so; for they will only be indulging their own desire of personal admiration” (Adam Weishaupt, in John Robison, Proofs of a Conspiracy, 111).

In one short paragraph, Weishaupt described the purposes and methods of the feminist movement. History has proven the tragic accuracy of his words. Those women so deceived by these criminal agitators have worked for them “with zeal, without knowing that they do so.” By rising up against Biblical traditions that they have been indoctrinated to believe are “oppressive” and “sexist,” women have assisted the Illumined Marxists in their work of overthrowing society.


In the United States, women have traditionally been, without any question or shadow of doubt, the most blessed and privileged class of society. From the beginning, women held an honored place in our nation. They have been cherished and held up as role models. No one was more praised, honored, and valued than the American woman. Authors Suzanne Venker and Phyllis Schlafly, in fact, wrote:

“[B]uried beneath the surface lies the truth: American women are the most fortunate human beings who have ever lived. No one has it better. No one” (Venker and Schlafly, The Flipside of Feminism: What Conservative Women Know – and Men Can’t Say, 14).

There was never any real oppression of women in the United States. Making women feel like underprivileged victims was a classic communist ruse used time and time again to great effect with various groups such as blacks and homosexuals. Instilling this false feeling of victimhood in women was the first step in mobilizing them for the world revolution. To reiterate the crucial point, this push began with the occultist founder of the Illuminati, Adam Weishaupt, and escalated under later communist leaders like Marx and Lenin. Feminism is part and parcel of the communist world revolution.

After a constant barrage of Marxist propaganda that painted them as “oppressed victims” of some fictitious “patriarchy,” however, the privileged American woman rebelled against her blessings and privileges. Under socialist leadership, women began demanding “equality” in a system that actually favored them, protected them, and was set up to support them in their inspired roles as wives, homemakers, and mothers. Instead of basking in the light of the American system, the system that made them the most privileged and blessed class of people in human history, Marxist-indoctrinated women served as the front-line soldiers in the cultural war against our Christian country.

In actual fact, the illusion of “equality” and “emancipation” these feminists sought ripped them from the arms of their children and the warmth of their homes and placed them in the rat race of 9-5 work. Instead of using their exceptional talents in the home to nurture the rising generation and, thus, to shape society, they gained an existence of meaningless work as drones in faceless, lifeless office buildings. With this fast-paced life, women gained high rates of depression and stress and began delaying or rejecting marriage and abandoning their God-appointed callings in the home.


The indoctrination has become so profound that women, and society at large, now see children as a burden. Pregnancies are routinely referred to “unwanted.” So “unwanted” are they, in fact, that over 70 million innocent babies have had their lives snuffed out by abortionists in the past 46 years since Roe v. Wade legalized infanticide. It is “inconvenient” for these worldly people to have families that present them from working, having fun, and focusing on themselves.

We live in a selfish world. And feminists epitomize selfishness. Instead of the home, they embrace hedonism. Instead of marriage, they adopt materialism. They shun familial duties and reject God’s commandments to marry (Genesis 2:18,24; Matthew 19:4-6; 1 Corinthians 11:11; Ephesians 5:31) and to multiply and replenish the earth (Genesis 1:27-28). Marxist-indoctrinated individuals certainly do not share the Lord’s view of children which asserts:

“Lo, children are an heritage of the Lord: and the fruit of the womb is his reward.

“As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth.

“Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them” (Psalms 127:3-5).

Feminists are content with a self-centered lifestyle. They simply don’t have time for marriage and family. And when they do make the unpopular choice to marry, they are often so inadequate to the task that they cause divorces. Women initiate 80% of divorces in the United States. The rampant curse of no-fault divorces is symptomatic of the Red Plague of communism that has infected our population and corrupted our culture.


A former leader of my Church, President Boyd K. Packer, made this comment clear back in 1964:

“There is a trend in the world today—and unfortunately in the Church—for women to want to be emancipated. And we wonder at times—emancipated from what? From domesticity? From motherhood? From happiness? And to what are you in slavery? Your children? It is neither necessary nor desirable for the mother of little children to become a drudge or to be relegated to a position of servitude. It is not, however, uncommon to see women—interestingly enough many in the financially well-to-do category—over-surfeiting themselves with activities outside of the home at the expense of their little children.

“I have never known a mother to regret in the closing years of her life a sacrifice made for her children or to begrudge the cost of guiding them to fine Christian citizenship.

“On the other hand, we find almost universal remorse for neglect of family in the growing years or for overindulging children, which is symptomatic of the most serious type of neglect.

“Mothers, do not abandon your responsibilities!” (President Boyd K. Packer, “Suffer the Little Children,” General Conference, April, 1964).

If we are to fix this massive problem, women must unlearn what they have learned about relationships, marriage, and motherhood. They must cease viewing themselves as “victims.” They must realize how honored and blessed and valued they are. They must embrace the Gospel of Jesus Christ which appoints them as wives, mothers, and homemakers – holy and high callings second to none in the economy of God’s Plan of Happiness for His children. They must no longer neglect their families, but return to the home.

Women, the home is where you were designed to shine! The home is your fortress of safety in this dark world. The home is your refuge from the storms of life. It is in the home where you can do the most good for society. The greatest thing you can do for you country and your community is to raise a generation of civil, kind, respectable, honorable, and righteous men and women. You may not receive the praise of the world by embracing your noble calling as a mother, but you will be honored, appreciated, and remembered for generations by your family. Which would you rather have, the hollow praise of the world or the authentic gratitude of your husband and children, your grandchildren and great grandchildren?

Cultural Marxism1

It is my firm belief that if we are to defeat feminism, we must once and for all convince women that they are being used as dupes and pawns by the communists in their push to abolish the family and enslave society. They must realize that they have been manipulated and that the fruit of their actions is the rampant divorce, millions of aborted babies, discontent between the sexes, the blurring of traditional gender roles, and the destruction of the family institution.

Researcher Henry Makow, himself a former feminist, wrote the classic book on feminism titled Cruel Hoax: Feminism and the New World Order. In it, he stated:

“Feminism’s roots in Marxist Communism explain a great deal about this curious but pernicious movement. . . .

“It is hard to escape the conclusion that feminism is Communism by another name. Having failed to peddle class war, Communism promoted gender conflict instead. The “diversity” and “multicultural” movements represent feminism’s attempt to forge “allegiances” by empowering gays and “people of colour.” Thus, the original CPUSA trio of “race, gender and class” is very much intact but class conflict was never a big seller. . . .

“. . . Feminist activists are mostly Communist dupes. We see this subversion in the dismantling of the liberal arts curriculum and tradition of free speech and inquiry at our universities. We see it when feminists push the elite “global warming” hysteria. In government, business, the media and the military. This could only happen because the financial elite in fact sponsors Communism” (Henry Makow, Cruel Hoax: Feminism and the New World Order, 36-37).


Feminism is a top-down fraud foisted upon society via deceived women and their Bolshevik puppet masters. It is designed to disenfranchise women of their birthright as daughters of God and as co-creators with Him. It is also designed to sideline men – the traditional defenders of society. Ultimately, feminism was created not to make women “equal” to men or to win “rights” for women, but to break down society by shattering families, thus creating a weak society susceptible of overthrow.

Red Feminism must be thrown onto the ash heap of history if we are to move forward and progress as a civilization. Feminism has stunted our growth, robbed us of generations of Americans through the scourge of abortion, created deep fissures between men and women, promoted promiscuity and hedonism in place of spirituality and moral living, and, most damning, undermined the home so completely that we are at crisis levels. The key to combating this feminist enemy is to first identify it as a communist front movement.

Feminism is a Marxist movement. It is spiritual blindness whose chief principles and practices are at odds with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the plain revelations in the scriptures. If we want to save our Republic, we must save our families. If we desire to save our homes, we must extinguish the feminist conflagration burning them to the ground. If we seek to do that and preserve our People, we must know that feminism is communism and that communism is working behind the scenes to subjugate humanity under their iron rule. It’s time to wake up, America.

Zack Strong,

March 11, 2019.

13 thoughts on “Feminism Destroys Families

  1. Awesome Zack. This weekend I am meeting with Will to set up the IAp Radio Free America, station and hopefully eventually TV. I m hoping you can still assist or help us out. Thanks, you are amazing. Wayne Hill

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