Things They Don’t Allow You To Say

I write this article from the perspective of one who has spent years publishing and debating his thoughts in books, articles, formal political documents, online forums, and at a handful of public speaking events alongside notable figures like G. Edward Griffin, Cliven Bundy, and Sheriff Richard Mack. I’ve spent time as an admin for the Independent American Party’s and Awaken to our Awful Situation’s Facebook pages, as well as the sole admin for seven of my own pages and groups. On my pages alone, I’ve been banned ten times for a total of eight months in Facebook jail. I’ve had a number of posts deleted and others labeled as “fake news” (fact-checked, naturally, by the George Soros-funded Snopes), and have been periodically shadow-banned. Through it all, I’ve experienced enough censorship and opposition to be able to formulate a solid view of what they don’t allow you to say.


First, who is the they I’m referring to? You can take your pick – the Illuminati, Freemasons, Zionists, Jesuits, globalists, Fabian Socialists, Black Nobility, Bilderbergers, the Committee of 300, the Establishment, the Deep State, the Elite, the Swamp, the powers-that-be, etc. The major thing all these groups have in common is their distinctly communist ideology. I therefore refer to the conspirators against mankind collectively as Marxists or communists, though terms like “globalists” or “the Establishment” are perfectly legitimate. Suffice it to say that the powers-that-be run a global campaign of censorship and intimidation against anyone, anywhere who speaks truth, exposes their lies, corrects their sanitized historical record, and advocates traditional or Christian principles. My goal today is to articulate several items that will get you in hot water with the Marxist censors and to encourage you to tell the truth anyway regardless of the consequences.

Many of the points I’ll mention below are inexorably connected with international Jewry – a taboo topic in and of itself. The black mark attached to anyone who utters the word “Jewry” brings to mind the old idea that “to know who rules over you, learn who you’re not allowed to criticize.” I’ve consistently opposed the notion that the conspiracy is Jewish; it is, rather, Satanic and enlists people of all races, religions, and backgrounds. However, I have been equally vocal about the documentable fact that a disproportionately high number of Jews inhabit top positions within the global conspiracy apparatus. From George Soros to Henry Kissinger, from the Rothschilds to Jeff Bezos, from Mark Zuckerberg to Bob Iger, from Dianne Feinstein to Sheldon Adelson, and from Elena Kagan to Richard Haass, there’s a Jewish radical – and Jewish money and media support – intimately involved in nearly every phase of our collective enslavement.

So ubiquitous is Jewish involvement in the conspiracy that any mention of Jewish involvement can get you figuratively, or in some infamous cases literally, hauled before the Inquisition. To sidestep the necessity of writing the buzzword “Jew,” which can get you quickly censored on Jewish-owned media platforms (which is essentially all of them), people have taken to adding ellipses to words, such as to the word (((they))). There’s a history behind this practice which I leave you to search independently. The point is that one of the myriad of items they don’t allow you to say is that Jews, or the state of Israel, are involved with the conspiracy.

The conspiracy also does not allow you to state with impunity the truth that communism – the foulest and most murderous ideology in history is a de facto Jewish movement. Karl Marx was a Jew from a long line of rabbis, though he was raised Christian and eventually defected to Satanism. His communist successors, Lenin, Trotsky, Zinoviev, and many more, were ethnic Jews as well. Vladimir Putin, of all people, admitted in a speech to a Jewish audience that some 85% of the first Bolshevik regime were Jewish. This holds true with the estimates of the best Sovietologists. But they do not want you to know that in modern times communism was invented and pushed forward primarily by Jews, that Jews were and are used as foot soldiers in the communist world revolution, that Jews like Genrikh Yagoda and Stalin’s brother-in-law Lazar Kaganovich engineered the Holodomor famine which claimed the lives of at least 10 million Ukrainians, that the work of torture and murder carried out by the Soviets was directed by Jewish hands, that Jews almost exclusively operated the brutal Soviet GULAG where millions rotted in wretched enslavement or perished, and that the Communist International (Comintern) frequently chose Jewish communists to head up their subversive operations throughout the world as in Spain, Germany, Hungary, and Mexico. Though these are historical facts, they cannot allow you to mention them without punishment.


They don’t allow you to say that 9/11 was an inside job without smearing, silencing, and persecuting you. The horrible September 11th attacks were indeed terrorist attacks, but the real terrorists were not nineteen Arab hijackers using box-cutters, shoddy piloting skills, and unprecedented good “luck.” Though I believe we might not ever be able to specifically name the real perpetrators, it is abundantly clear that the “official” story is riddled with massive holes and that Osama bin Laden did not run this sophisticated attack from a cave in Afghanistan. There’s actually no credible evidence that bin Laden had any part in the attacks. He even denied his involvement in an interview after the attacks, explaining the truth that the Qur’an forbids the murder of innocents. Certainly the FBI didn’t think he was involved and never formally charged bin Laden with a crime. If the evidence was as overwhelming as the controlled media would have you believe, why did our government never formally charge the alleged mastermind of the most murderous attack ever perpetrated on American soil?

The smoking gun of all smoking guns proving that 9/11 was a much larger and more sophisticated operation was WTC 7 which was not hit by a plane yet dissolved into powder as it fell neatly and at free-fall speed into its own footprint. See Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth’s phenomenal film “9/11: Explosive Evidence – The Experts Speak Out” for an overview of the facts. There are far too many firsthand accounts – some of which are on video – of explosions going off before, simultaneous with, and after the planes hit the towers to believe that the collapse of the Twin Towers was the result of localized office fires caused by the planes. Brigham Young University-Provo Professor Steven E. Jones’s research conclusively demonstrated the existence of thermite or thermate on the scene – that is, the existence of military grade explosives. For his research, Dr. Jones was labeled an “anti-Semite” and forced into retirement. Obviously, they don’t allow you to conduct credible, professional research into the real goings-on of 9/11.

Several powers such as our own corrupt intelligence services, Russia, and Israel, had the capability and motive to have pulled off the dastardly September 11th attacks. Russia has been the major beneficiary of our disastrous War on Terror and KGB dictator Vladimir Putin was the first head of state to call and encourage President Bush in his endeavor. Remember that the communists are the founders of modern international terrorism, that most modern terrorists were trained by Russian intelligence, and that these KGB-linked terrorists have carried out attacks on every continent – including attacks in the United States in the past. This fits their playbook perfectly. They cannot be ruled out as having at least some involvement.


The Israelis also cannot be ruled out. Recall that five Israelistwo of which were confirmed by the FBI to be Mossad agents – were arrested on 9/11 (search “dancing Israelis”) for celebrating as they filmed the planes hitting the WTC (which “event” they later admitted on Israeli TV they had been sent to “document”). At the same time, the U.S. government had been investigating a massive Israeli spy ring operating on our soil. 140 Israeli spies – some of which had explosives training or were active military – had been apprehended in the months leading up to 9/11. Immediately after the attacks, 60 additional Israelis with connections to Israeli intelligence were arrested and questioned. As a bare minimum, Israeli intelligence had intimate foreknowledge of the attacks and must be implicated. With a friend like Israel, who needs enemies? 

Finally, double agents or corrupt individuals within our own intelligence apparatus – of which there is no shortage, especially of the turncoat communist variety – must all be suspect. For instance, it would have been impossible for a foreign power to have stood down or diverted our military, such as happened. That had to have been an in-house order. At the very least, our own people – traitors posing as loyal intelligence operatives in the CIA or as innocent members of our government – had a part in the attacks. Certainly our media and key government insiders played a central role in the post-attack cover up, which implies complicity.

And don’t forget the extensive international insider trading happening at the time of the attack or the fact that several prominent people, including the mayor of San Francisco, have admitted they were warned not to fly that day. Whoever precisely is to blame, the fact is that nineteen Arabs – some of whom are still alive and have testified of their innocence – did not penetrate America’s state-of-the-art defenses and bring down three buildings with two planes. It simply didn’t happen, folks. Yet, if you state the obvious – namely, that it could have only been the work of a much deeper and higher level conspiracy – they get very angry and brand you a “conspiracy nut” for all time.

I suggest that 9/11 was likely a collaborative effort by several intelligence agencies of various countries or at least individual operatives in those agencies – to perpetrate an attack on the United States, blame it on Islamic scapegoats, and rope us into a disastrous, long-term war that would fulfill numerous anti-American objectives such as weakening our economy, increasing police state powers domestically, creating paranoia about “terrorists” (which they label anyone who dissents to their agenda), spreading thin and wearing out our military, creating friction at home, and making the United States into a world pariah by painting us as an oil-stealing, power-hungry, ruthless bogeyman. This is what they don’t want you to learn or say.

In addition, if you call the “War on Terror” a fraud, they say you’re unpatriotic or dangerous. Even certain “conservative” media pundits who shall remain unnamed label you a “danger to the nation” if you oppose our undeclared, unconstitutional, unjustifiable “War on Terror.” Did you know that in October 2001, the Taliban agreed to help us apprehend Osama bin Laden, but President Bush rejected the offer? Instead, we preferred to bomb and invade the nation of Afghanistan without proof that bin Laden was actually behind 9/11 and while rejecting an offer of help from the local regime. It might also interest you to realize that even mainstream sources have reported on the fact that the invasion plan for Afghanistan was drawn up before 9/11 and that bases in Uzbekistan and other Central Asian nations were already being prepped to stage the operation.

War on Terror1

What’s worse, we decided to invade Iraq two years later for no reason whatsoever except, it seems, on the word of the Israelis who had been urging us to depose Saddam Hussein for years and whose intelligence services implicated Iraq in the 9/11 attacks. As much as we may dislike Russia-backed, KGB-trained regimes – which are especially prevalent in the Middle East – do we have a right to bomb, besiege, invade, and occupy them? I submit that we do not unless they have harmed us, attacked our interests, or present a legitimate and imminent threat. I submit that Thomas Jefferson was correct when he said: “If there be one principle more deeply rooted than any other in the mind of every American it is that we should have nothing to do with conquest” (Thomas Jefferson to William Short, 1791). This is the true American spirit. Yet, if you oppose their “War on Terror” for any reason – constitutional, ideological, economic, or moral – they rush to stigmatize and delegitimize you.

Similarly, if you cite the mountain of evidence contradicting the Warren Commission’s “official” position that President Kennedy was assassinated by “lone nut” Lee Harvey Oswald, they go into a frenzy. By this standard, the U.S. Congress itself is a “conspiracy theorist” because in 1976 a congressional commission declared that there must have been two shooters; ergo, there was a conspiracy and one of the assassins is still at large. But of course the truth is much deeper. The evidence demonstrates that not only was Oswald a “patsy” like he testified before being murdered by a man linked to the mob, but that multiple assassins shooting from several locations riddled JFK’s car with bullets – as the Secret Service did nothing, broke protocol, and were intentionally undermanned – and that the forensic evidence witnessed by the doctors in Dallas was tampered with and altered in Washington, D.C. to fit the narrative. Yet, this is something they don’t want you to say.

Staying in the 60s for a moment, they don’t want you to know that before his death JFK had given the order to pull out of Vietnam completely. LBJ’s first order as president, which came mere hours after JFK’s brutal murder, was to reverse JFK’s directive and massively expand what became known as the War in Vietnam. Curiously, the dictum reversing JFK’s order had been written and submitted before JFK was shot. But of course, they can’t allow you to know this – just like they can’t allow you to inform others of the fact that the U.S. military actually won the War in Vietnam but Henry Kissinger deliberately sabotaged the peace efforts and gave South Vietnam to the communists.

They also don’t allow you to say, without being labeled a “racist” at least, that Martin Luther King, Jr. was a violent Marxist revolutionary and rampant plagiarizer with a devious sex life. Not surprisingly, King’s handlers were Jewish communists, most prominently Stanley Levison. King, who pretended to be a preacher, engaged in drunken sex orgies, beat prostitutes, and coerced women to perform lesbian acts for his amusement. This is a man who lied and cheated to “earn” his theological degree. He was a Marxist who was arrested on many occasions not because the police were racist, but because he was obstructing justice and disobeying the law. In all fairness, we should strip Michael King (his real name) of his title “doctor,” abolish the sycophantic holiday in his honor, and tell the truth that he was a lying, devious, immoral communist. Though, you won’t catch mainstream sources saying this because they won’t allow it to be said.

The truth about the Second World War is something else they absolutely don’t want you to know. They can’t allow you to say that a local war between Germany and Poland over territory that rightfully belonged to Germany and which was inhabited by ethnic Germans who were being abused and massacred by the Poles was deliberately turned into a world war by the British and French. On September 1, 1939, Germany retaliated against Poland for Poland’s attacks on her people. But it was on September 3 that the British and French declared war on Germany and French troops invaded Germany and occupied an eight kilometer swath of German land. Who declared war and struck the first blow that ignited the general war in Europe? The British and French. Yet, this is a cold hard fact they won’t let you say.

Eisenhower's Death Camps2

One of Eisenhower’s brutal post-war death camps

They also won’t allow you to know the truth that the worst atrocities committed during World War II were committed by the Allies against the Germans! Thomas Goodrich’s book Hellstorm is one of many that documents the atrocities in gory detail. Suffice it to say that we unnecessarily targeted civilians with our firebombings while the Soviets deliberately targets German women with rape. Some two million German women were raped by the Russian hordes at the end of, and even after, the war. Millions of Germans were displaced by the Soviets, and millions were murdered after the fighting ended. The Americans, British, and French also raped women, though their preferred methods of butchery were high-altitude bombing and starvation. Some 1-2 million German POWs were starved to death by order of Eisenhower after the war. Food from the Red Cross (which testified that Germany was the most staunch adherent to the Geneva Convention) was turned away – and sometimes burned outside the concentration camp gates – while hundreds of thousands of Germans who had surrendered in good faith withered. These unconscionable atrocities won’t appear in your school or university textbooks or in major Hollywood films, however, because they won’t allow the truth to be taught.

I’m sure you’re wondering, “But what of the Holocaust? Aren’t these atrocities understandable – even justified – by what the “Nazis” did?” Would it honestly surprise you at this point to learn that they have fabricated that history, too, just like they have fabricated atrocity propaganda for generations? Recall their World War One propaganda, now admitted by all historians to be utterly false, of German soldiers throwing Belgian babies into the air and impaling them on bayonets. In an April 13, 1923 speech, Adolf Hitler referred to this sort of libelous propaganda that turned world opinion against Germany: [T]he Jewish-democratic press of America had to accomplish its masterpiece – that is to say, it had to drive into the most horrible of all wars a great peaceloving people which was as little concerned in European struggles as it was in the North Pole: America was to intervene ‘in defense of civilization,’ and the Americans were persuaded so to do by an atrocity propaganda conducted in the name of civilization which from A to Z was a scandalous invention the like of which has never yet been seen – a farrago of lies and forgeries.” And so it was.

Remember that they also invented atrocity stories to rile us up to go to war against Iraq in 1991. In these atrocity fairy tales, Iraqi soldiers allegedly entered hospitals and murdered infants. The only problem is that the “eye witnesses” lied and were put up to the task to foment enough anger against Iraq to tolerate a U.S.-led military strike. It was the same in 2003 when we pushed the WMD tall tale and said we were invading Iraq to “spread democracy.” Time and time again atrocity propaganda provides either the pretext or later justification for military aggression.


In like manner, they invented “Holocaust” propaganda tales to cover their own crimes and deflect pesky questions about war guilt. The “Holocaust” narrative isn’t even compelling to anyone who bothers to scratch the surface and do some digging. They have used a handful of false witnesses (famed “Holocaust survivors” who have later admitted their stories were fake or embellished are ubiquitous), scant or contradictory physical evidence, and a relentless smear campaign to push their tall tale. Through repetition and harsh shaming – including jail time and physical assault in some instances – against anyone who questions their narrative, they’ve created a culture of fear and blind acceptance. But the public’s blind acceptance doesn’t make something true. Indeed, general acceptance by the ignorant public is often a sign that there is a massive problem with whatever story is being peddled.

What’s most curious to me is that legions of former Jewish inmates at Auschwitz and other labor camps have testified to a radically different reality in the camps, yet their testimonies are summarily suppressed. Indeed, the SHOAH Foundation has chosen not to release most of their interviews with “Holocaust survivors.” Why? Perhaps it’s because they say things that do not jive with the accepted narrative. After all, many of those who have spoken out have testified that they were treated well, that they were paid for their labor in Auschwitz, that they performed theatrical plays, that they played soccer with SS guards, that they had access to the camp swimming pool (not normally shown to Auschwitz visitors) and brothels, that the Red Cross and others routinely visited the camp and never saw anything monstrous happening, and that though they may have heard horrible rumors of what was allegedly happening in their camps, they never personally witnessed any atrocities. The very fact that they’re alive belies the idea that the Germans were out to exterminate the Jews! A bullet to the back of the neck, Soviet-style, is a much more effective way of wiping out a population than a supposed gas chamber.

We should also suspect the mainstream narrative when we realize that all our initial information about gas chambers, crematoria, and death tolls in the millions came from the Soviets. Communists lie and deceive like it’s a bodily function. Don’t forget that it was the Soviet Union who murdered tens of thousands of Polish officers in the Katyn Forest and blamed it on Germany – a claim which the world accepted as “truth” for decades until the Soviets opened their archives and admitted the reality that Russia was the responsible party (validating what Hitler and the Germans had said about the matter). Yet, despite their mountain of lies, we’re supposed to trust the word of the Soviets when they allege that Germany slaughtered Jews in gas chambers!


Should we also believe that the Germans used a peddle-operated brain-bashing machine to kill inmates, which was one of the initial Soviet claims? Or perhaps we should believe that Hitler developed an atom bomb and dropped it on some Jews in the Ukraine rather than on the Allied armies, as was also claimed at the Nuremberg show trials. Or yet still, maybe we ought to regurgitate the now universally debunked myth that Germans made soap and lampshades out of Jewish fat and skin. Or maybe we should continue to force our children to read The Diary of Anne Frank even though the New York Supreme Court has ruled it a forgery. At what point do the accusers lose their credibility in the eyes of the public? Are you afraid to tell the truth about the Holohoax simply because they don’t want you to? Isn’t telling the truth more important than enduring the mean names liars will call you for doing so?

It doesn’t matter how many Jewish and Israeli researchers debunk the myth that the Germans murdered 6 million Jews in gas chambers, they still call you “anti-Semitic” if you repeat the truth. The official archivists and historians at Auschwitz have lowered the alleged death toll at that labor (not death) camp from over 4 million to “about” one and a half million, consisting of those thought to be “mainlyJews (the Red Cross and numerous other historians and researchers put the number far lower and assign the cause of death as disease and starvation, not genocide). Automatically, the grand total must be lowered by 3 million – half the original “official” number. Yet, they would have you believe that 6-3=6. And when you factor in the lowered numbers at all the other death (i.e. labor) camps, the number dwindles to barely a blip on the radar. But be careful; this is something they don’t want you to know, let alone allow you to say! If you choose to speak the truth anyway, they might throw you in prison like Ernst Zündel or David Irving.


Playing off this last point, it is apparent that the authentic history of Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich is radically different than what they claim it is. I’ve written several articles on this point which you can find here, here, and here. Suffice it to say, they leap to silence you when you dare challenge their narrative that Hitler was the Devil incarnate. I’ve been banned more times from Facebook for speaking World War II truth than for any other reason. They simply don’t want you to know that far from being a genocidal madman, Hitler was a well-liked, well-respected, well-read reformer who promoted traditional families, Christianity (he was Catholic), and high morals while simultaneously opposing communism, Freemasonry, occultism, feminism, immorality, and the international bankers. He was not on the conspiracy’s payroll, trust you me. People who think he was controlled or empowered by the international conspiracy are horribly misinformed. Hitler opposed everything they stood for and in turn they destroyed him and hold him up to this very day as the arch-enemy of mankind. Anyone who stands up for him in interest of the truth is crucified and smeared as a “Nazi.” This situation of institutionalized ignorance will remain so long as they can dictate reality and silence truth-tellers, and so long as people on our side continue to lump Hitler in with the rest of the socialist psychopaths and repeat the Establishment’s garbage atrocity propaganda.

Don’t think they have unfairly treated Germany only. They have also twisted the history of the war against Japan. They portray Imperial Japan as a warmongering and brutal power which invaded China for conquest and later attacked us for no good reason. In fact, Japan’s foray into China was intended to thwart the incursion of communism into Asia. Before the war, Japanese writers were perplexed why the Western powers were not supporting their action against the communists flooding in from Soviet Russia. Japan was one of the three members of the Anti-Comintern Pact (i.e. anti-international communism) along with Germany and Italy. Isn’t it curious that the three nations that formally vowed to fight communism are the three singled out as the “enemy” in the propaganda they shove down our throats?

The reality is that Japan did not want war with the United States and only took that fateful step as a last option. However, as even prominent British historians have noted, few respectable nations would suffer the abuses heaped on Japan by the United States and Britain without going to war. Though they cry “conspiracy theorist!” the fact is that FDR – a through-and-through Marxist who surrounded himself with Soviet moles and had a veritable love affair with “Uncle Joe” Stalin – developed an eight-point plan to goad Japan into attacking us so that we could “justifiably” join the war against Germany and save the Soviet Union from imminent defeat. This is precisely what happened.

They not only prompted Pearl Harbor via their economic and political warfare, but had very precise foreknowledge of the attack (yet did absolutely nothing to stop it and didn’t warn our troops). They wanted it to happen in order to bring the United States into the war as their pawn! As the war they started progressed, they rejected numerous offers of surrender by both Germany and Japan (Germany alone offered peace terms close to twenty times), thus placing the war guilt fully on them. And, if you haven’t learned by now, the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were wholly unnecessary from a war perspective, as quite literally all of our major generals publicly stated at the time. But of course these are things they won’t allow you to say to a mainstream audience.


They also do not want you to teach the reality that Spain’s Franco, Italy’s Mussolini, and modern Brazil’s Bolsonaro, to name only three world leaders often classified as “fascists” or “dictators,” came to power with one purpose – to stop communism in their countries. The Spanish Civil War, so-called, was in fact a communist uprising. Thousands of churches were burned to the ground. Thousands of priests were murdered. International brigades of Jews rushed in from the United States and elsewhere to assist the Spanish Marxists in their revolt. These communists created so much chaos that General Franco needed to step forward to restore order with a heavy hand. Franco, with Adolf Hitler’s indispensable help, saved Spain from turned into a full-fledged Soviet satellite. Mussolini similarly saved Italy from Marxism. And Bolsonaro – the “Trump of the Tropics” – is attempting to wrest his country from the strong grip of the communists. Naturally, this is something they won’t let you say to the general public which they desire to remain uninformed.

Another thing they don’t allow you to say above a whisper is that the current deluge of African and Middle Eastern immigrants in Europe is responsible for the massive rise in rape, crime, religious persecution of Christians, and terrorism. The statistics are clear – the migrants (largely Arab or Muslim, though certainly not practicing Muslims) are raping their way across the continent. Sweden and Germany are the two biggest victims of this hideous plague. They are storming into Britain and machete attacks in broad daylight are becoming routine. In France, hundreds of churches have been burned down by these terrorists in the past coupe of years, culminating in the suspicious destruction of the Cathedral of Notre Dame in April. And the infamous murder of Father Jacques Hamel next to the altar of his church outside Paris is a grotesque echo of Illuminati-inspired Jacobinism. Yet, the socialist authorities in Europe – and the social media censors globally – have declared it “hate speech” to identify the rapists and terrorists as immigrants, Muslims, or people of color. But truth is truth, regardless of whether they prohibit you from saying it.


Similarly, they don’t want you to comprehend the immense damage illegal immigrants (i.e. invaders) are doing to the United States. As President Trump said, Mexico and other Marxist states in Latin America aren’t sending us their best people – they’re sending the dregs of society. The amount of drugs flowing across our Southern border is staggering. Some of this is brought in by our own corrupt intelligence services and a large percentage is brought in by the communists, but another sizable percentage comes here on the backs of illegals and cartel mules. They are changing not only the racial but political makeup of America by allowing these hordes of millions of socialists into our country. These dirt-poor invaders come from countries where they’ve been brainwashed into believing in socialism and expecting handouts from the welfare state. Consequently, when they arrive here, they’re on the fast track to registering and voting Democrat and living on the dole while complaining that we don’t speak their language and that we “stole” their ancestors’ land – a massive lie in and of itself. Of course, they won’t let you say any of this without branding you a loon, a “racist,” and a “right-wing extremist.”

They also won’t allow you to state the fact that there is no real white-on-black crime, racism, or discrimination in this country. Rather, the real crime epidemic is black-on-white, black-on-black, Latino-on-Latino, gang-on-gang, black-on-cop. White America is not plagued by violent crime, and is certainly not affected by racism, but the colored inner cities are. The communists focused heavily on indoctrinating and capturing the black and Latino populations in order to cause a race war and in order to funnel drugs and homosexuality through them to white America. They hold up agitators like MLK as icons of “peace,” but in reality they have radicalized all but a few blacks and Latinos and are preparing them to be cannon fodder in a coming civil war. Their agenda of creating a “Soviet America” is heavily dependent upon manipulating blacks and Latinos, and upon silencing whites by causing us to feel “white guilt” for our forefathers’ unsurpassed achievements, thus acquiescing to the destruction of our traditional culture and greatness. Because this is their agenda, they won’t allow you to get away with exposing it for long.

They also cringe when you cite the fact that South Africa was infinitely better off under white rule than black rule. Today, under the black communist regime, genocide is being perpetrated against the white population. Laws have been passed legalizing the confiscation of land from white farmers. The statistics are appalling. Each day numerous whites are both raped and murdered by the blacks. They’re rampaging throughout the nation, fueled by Marxist myths about “oppression” under white leadership. The true oppressors are those communists and terrorists who came to power with Nelson Mandela, a die-hard communist and convicted terrorist and Obama’s admitted role model. Africa is a miserable place today precisely because of the massive communist infiltration. But this is something they don’t want you to know or say. They would rather you believe that Africa is the way it is because of white colonialism and white oppression. But these myths fail the scratch test.


As implied earlier, homosexuality was pushed onto America by the cultural Marxists. They are behind the LGBT movement en toto. Henry Hay, a high-up Communist Party USA leader in his day, created the first homosexual association in the nation, the Mattachine Society, and went on to father the Radical Faeries and the pedophile organization known as the North American Man Boy Love Association (NAMBLA). The LGBT movement is a communist front, as is feminism, from its inception! However, if you dare repeat this history or say that people afflicted by homosexuality and transgenderism have mental disorders, as the head psychiatrist at John Hopkins University famously declared, they will nail you for “hate speech.”

In the vein of sex perversions, they don’t want you to know that Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) is very real and very prevalent. The reason they murdered Jeffrey Epstein in prison – oops, they don’t want me to say he was “murdered” – is to ensure he never talk about the Elite’s rampant pedophilia and Satanic sex abuse of children. Yet, this abuse happens every day and some very big names have been implicated. The same occult sex perversions of bygone days are not as bygone as some would like to believe. Yet, this is something they don’t allow you to say without consequences – just ask Ted Gunderson.

They also work hard to conceal the fact that the ironically-named Child Protective Services (CPS) is part of this massive child trafficking, child abusing ring. While there are of course some children who need to be taken out of legitimately dangerous situations, thousands of other children are stolen from innocent, upstanding parents every year – especially Christian and conservative homes – and no one seems to care. Certainly, they don’t protest it since they are the ones behind it and benefiting from it. While you’re living your mundane life and thinking of nothing more than the ball game on ESPN, thousands of children in your country are being kidnapped by “legal” entities and sold into sex slavery and as fodder for ritualistic abuse. They don’t allow a peep of this to enter the mainstream discourse, yet it’s true.

The existence of MK-Ultra, a brutal mind control program led by the CIA, is something they don’t want you talking about. They want you to ignore the mass of documents released within the past year verifying the existence and horrors of MK-Ultra and validating “conspiracy theorists” like Alex Jones. They want to keep you in the dark about things they have, albeit reluctantly, admitted!

The Second Amendment is yet another topic they won’t let you talk freely about without discrediting you. They don’t want you to know that each year guns are used millions of times in self-defense. They don’t want you to know that tyrants throughout history have first disarmed their victims before victimizing them. They don’t want you to learn that total disarmament (i.e. total slavery) is their end goal for us. They don’t allow you to talk about the fact that most shootings occur in gun-free zones where people are disarmed and helpless, as opposed to areas like Montana or Idaho where guns proliferate and make communities safe. They don’t want you to realize that red flag gun confiscation laws are not only dangerous (at least one innocent man, Gary Willis, has already been murdered by police in Maryland after a disgruntled neighbor made a false report about him and cops showed up unannounced to steal his weapons), but are highly illegal and blatantly unconstitutional. They simply don’t let you state the fact that America is one of the safest nations on earth (largely because we have so many firearms) and that their agenda is to disarm and thereby enslave us.



They don’t allow you to learn the history of cancer and that numerous cures have been invented and suppressed. They don’t want you to know names like Royal Rife and Rick Simpson. They don’t want you to research the Biblical Greek word pharmakeia and its implications about modern medicine and drugs. They don’t want you to learn that hemp can cure cancer or that the U.S. government has multiple patents on cannabis because they proved as early as the 1970s that it cures cancerous tumors. They want you to continue to get sick, pay through the nose for expensive and worthless treatments like chemotherapy, and suffer endlessly as you or your loved ones endure an ailment that is highly curable. This is something they don’t allow you to say unless you’re fine with wearing the moniker “conspiracy theorist.”

They also don’t want you to comprehend the vaccination hoax (one of the leading causes of cancer, along with GMO food). It matters not how many doctors find links between vaccines and autism, or that Yale and Harvard have published dozens of studies verifying these links, they will censor you if you try to warn people that injecting themselves with a cocktail of ingredients including mercury, live viruses, aborted fetal cells, formaldehyde, and cancer-causing viruses is a potentially very dangerous thing. The more the rates of autism, sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), and vaccine-related injuries rises, the more they and their Big Pharma cohorts yell to drown you out.

Speaking of drowning, according to the “global warming” fear-mongers, civilization should be under water by now. Glacier National Park is quietly removing their “gone by 2020” signs since it’s less than two months from 2020 and, surprise, the glaciers are still here (just like Antarctica’s ice is expanding, the polar bear populations are growing, and the earth has gone through approximately twenty consecutive years of cooling). To fight this non-existent “global warming,” weather manipulation programs have been initiated, such as lacing the sky with reflective particles via what has come to be known as chemtrails. But if you dare say this, they will sear the letter k into your forehead per the ancient Roman practice of branding kalumniators, or false accusers, for all to see.

They also cry “fake!” when you state the truth that America was founded by Christians as a Christian nation. It perturbs them when you quote Thomas Jefferson’s declaration, “I am a real Christian, that is to say, a disciple of the doctrines of Jesus” (Thomas Jefferson to Charles Thomson, January 9, 1816) because it destroys their lie that Jefferson was an atheist or deist. They don’t want you to know that as governor of Virginia, Jefferson used public money to fund Christian churches, donated his own money to a Bible society’s effort to put a Bible in every home in the state, and hand-selected religious hymnals for use in public schools, because it explodes their anti-Christian and very harmful version of “separation of church and state,” a phrase originally used in a far different sense by the avowed Christian Thomas Jefferson. They want you to toe their line and regurgitate the lies they have invented about our humble and good Founding Fathers; and they won’t tolerate dissent without trying to undermine your credibility.

They go out of their way to smear another great American hero – the Indian-fighting, bank-killing, Constitution-supporting Andrew Jackson. They want you to focus on the Trail of Tears (the alleged horrors of which they grossly exaggerate) and ignore the fact that Jackson was the only president to successfully fight off the bankers and destroy their central bank scheme. This same cartel of Elitist financiers and conspirators are the ones promoting the myth that Jackson was an evil, racist demagogue. Yet, facts are facts, and the fact is that President Jackson was a true war hero, the only president in U.S. history to pay off the national debt completely, presided over an era of peace and prosperity, and thwarted the bankers’ malicious plans for America. Jackson’s proudest boast was, “I killed the bank!” We ought to remember him for his great achievements, such as squashing the national bank plot of his day. Yet, if you repeat these historical facts, they lash out and attempt to intimidate you into silence.


A bust of Abraham Lincoln hanging comfortably between portraits of Lenin and Stalin at a communist rally. Birds of a feather. . .

Your self-censorship is also an object of their Civil War propaganda. Isn’t it curious that they love Abraham Lincoln? I find it very ironic that American “patriots” today lavish praise on Lincoln, a man on whom Karl Marx also heaped praise for aiding his communist world revolution. Lincoln violated the U.S. Constitution six ways to sundown, yet many modern “conservative” icons who claim to love the Constitution think he was grand. Certainly they think he was grand and they hold him up as someone to be replicated. Of course, they also push the false myth that Lincoln’s War was waged to free the slaves, that Lincoln’s clever “Emancipation Proclamation” war propaganda actually freed the slaves, that Lincoln was a man of peace, that the Confederacy was evil and racist, that the modern South is evil and racist, and that secession was not a God-given right. Naturally, they won’t let you use mainstream platforms to spread the truth that Lincoln enslaved tens of thousands of Northerners without cause, suspended the writ of habeus corpus, ripped up the Constitution, imprisoned judges who said he was violating the Constitution, rigged the election of 1864, pardoned war criminals, allowed his generals and troops to rape, pillage, and plunder the South, continued President Buchanan’s unwarranted persecutions against The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and so forth. Now that is something they don’t allow you to say!

The same they who smear patriots like Jackson and Jefferson are the ones smearing President Donald Trump today – the very same they who concocted the laughably absurd stories of Trump-Russia “collusion.” Don’t misunderstand me; I didn’t vote for Trump in 2016 and I won’t be voting for him next year either. He’s the best president in my lifetime, yet he’s also absurdly flawed in too many ways – morally and constitutionally foremost among them – for my conscience to allow me to vote for him. Yet, no matter how flawed a person may be, no one deserves to be unfairly smeared and falsely accused of things they didn’t do, especially while the truly guilty parties go free.


Is there an American politician in modern memory who has been smeared by the mainstream press as consistently and vilely as President Trump has been? If so, I’m not aware of it. They don’t want you to know that there is zero substance to their “collusion” hoax propaganda a hoax perpetrated by long-time communists and corrupt individuals, it is now known, who were receiving not only fake intelligence, but money, from Russia! Yet, in their deranged paranoia and hatred, they and their myriad of dupes all across the political spectrum repeat their false and baseless accusations in order to destroy the few good things President Trump is trying to do and the confidence Americans have in effecting a political revival. They do not want the American People – those they consider inferior and too stupid to govern themselves without their “enlightened” guidance – getting the idea that they can use their inherent and rightful power to undo their Marxist agenda. Certainly, this is something they do not want you to say!

Finally, they don’t allow you to inform people that there really are more than two choices on election day. They try to paint all third parties as fringe lunatics with a snowball’s chance in hell of winning elections. Yet, what makes a political party “viable”? The only thing that makes a candidate or party viable is the amount of support they get at the polls. I’m here to inform you – though they don’t want me to – that there are a handful of terrific political organizations organizations worthy of your support; namely, the Independent American Party and the Constitution Party. I belong to the former (and ran for the U.S. House of Representatives under the IAP banner in 2014) and have voted for candidates of the latter like Chuck Baldwin and Darrell Castle. I don’t regret a single vote because I understand that a vote for principle is never wasted. This, my friend, is something they cannot tolerate hearing. It is an idea they know could spread across the nation like wildfire and undermine their entire house of cards. Yet it is something We the People simply cannot stop saying if we ever hope to break our shackles and become free again!

There are hundreds of things that they won’t allow you to say without consequences and punishment, either actual or virtual. My list is sufficient to show that the powers-that-be – the global Marxist Establishment – has a stranglehold on the public mind. They control the writing of history, the narrative of current events, and dictate their own warped version of “reality.” The “reality” they promote, however, is a long string of lies, half-truths, and distortions. Not any old lies, but Red lies – lies that only benefit the worldwide communist conspiracy and its abettors.

The ideological progeny of the Illuminati of yesteryear are the communists and socialists of today. The Establishment is working overtime to curtail free speech, discredit truth-tellers, and silence dissent to their Satanic communist dogmas. They are vile and evil; malicious in the extreme. Their intent is to silence you. Right now, they are, with some notable exceptions, attacking us mainly in virtual reality. Soon, however, the real persecutions will begin. Soon, the West will employ a Chinese-style social credit system – the Mark of the Beast. Then, perhaps, you will understand that they really do exist, that they hate you, that their agenda is to destroy your family and enslave you, and that the “controversial” and “hateful” things I’ve written are true. But, hey, you had better just forget everything you’ve read here today, because it is something they don’t want me to say.

Zack Strong,

November 15, 2019.

2 thoughts on “Things They Don’t Allow You To Say

  1. Sadly, the reality is that there is a Jewish problem, but you are quite correct in that it is taboo to open discuss this. Censorship and smearing any and all criticism of Jews as hate speech and anti-Semitism are used to stifle open debate of Jewish actions, either individual or collective actions of Jews.


  2. I have seen this labeling and censoring regarding many of the things you mentioned.
    It is troubling how much power these modern-day Gadiantons have over the information.
    I enjoy reading articles such as these, but always wish it would
    cite the sources. Yet, I know from my own personal rabbit hole experiences that the information
    for many of these so-called conspiracy theories are found “here and there” and within
    different sources. How do you possibly source of of this information?
    Also, the Gadiantons are busy scrubbing the net.

    I will say I have heard the notion of there not being a Holocaust before. This one is a harder one for me to swallow because
    I have met someone who was in a concentration camp.
    I can’t image this person lying, but I can’t deny that people won’t lie either. I don’t doubt
    those in power could have lied about who perpetuated the atrocities, or even to
    whom suffered these atrocities. You stated there are
    others who had different and almost pleasant experiences in the
    concentration camps. Could it be possible that both stories are true? Could it be
    that some Jews were treated horrifically while others were treated kindly? I know how there are
    stories of some slaves being treated kindly by their “masters”? This is also a narrative you are banned from stating.
    I would like to know if you do have sources for your stance on holocaust and if you would share them with me.
    I know you have three articles linked in this one, and I will review them. I could not find the Supreme Court ruling
    on Anne Frank. Do you have a link for it?

    Also, the idea of Hitler not being as evil as once stated is something I need to James 1:5 and Doc. & Cov 9:7,8 this idea. I do
    know he was a socialist. The Prophet Ezra Taft Benson was clear on what the idea of socialism becomes. Even Lenin stated
    how socialism leads to communism. It is true that all socialist are marxist.
    Yet, I have not read what you wrote on him and he could have been someone
    who was for Christian values, but was lead in the wrong direction. I can think of the Inquisition. People are complex.
    Bad people do good things and many who strive to do good are guilty of bad things. I will say that Hitler not being
    as bad as they say is a hard pill to swallow. Matrix pun intended.

    I appreciated your statement: “The statistics are clear – the migrants (largely Arab or Muslim, though certainly not practicing Muslims)
    are raping their way across the continent.” I understand you are making a distinction between Muslims who terrorize societies and those
    who are religious. I did not, however, see you make this distinction between those Jews in power vs those Orthodox Jews. The latter who
    strive to live the Law of Moses. Was this purposeful? Are you claiming all Jews, regardless of faith, are part of this conspiracy to destroy
    the divinely inspired Constitution? Are those in power claiming to be religious Jews or are they Jews by nationality only or both? I do know
    the Gadiantons are Luciferians. Are those Jews in power who claim to be Orthodox only this way in public?

    Regarding the Latino situation, do you find this is the fulfillment of 3 Nephi 20:15-“And I say unto you,
    that if the Gentiles do not arepent after the blessing which they shall receive, after they have scattered my people—

    16 Then shall ye, who are a remnant of the house of Jacob, go forth among them;
    and ye shall be in the midst of them who shall be many; and ye shall be among them as a lion
    among the beasts of the forest, and as a young lion among the flocks of sheep, who,
    if he goeth through both treadeth down and teareth in pieces, and none can deliver.”

    Not saying this is a justification for the illegal Latino entry into the US.
    I do know we, members, know from scripture that no one can come here save it
    be by the hand of the Lord. Could one verse of scripture be the reason for another?
    So many questions on how this ends? I only pray that President Nelson’s
    utterance of “Time is running out” is sooner than later. I can’t imagine the
    Lord not coming sooner especially when the Epsteins of the world become acceptable.
    I pray the MBLA/Epstiens of the world becoming accepted by society does not happen.

    I will respectfully disagree that slavery had nothing to do with the the Civil War.
    We know Joseph Smith in prophecy stated there would be a war over the issue of slavery.
    The states that wrote in their grievances when they wanted to leave the union mentioned
    slavery in each of their claims at least once. Could this be the only reason? Nope. But
    it was a reason for the states wanting to leave the Union. Joseph Smith was right.

    I hope you do not find my comment to be contentious. I do understand the label of being
    a conspiracy theorist, and the frustration over people not wanting to see what you have
    found out to be true. I am open minded. I would hope you could say more information with me,
    or how I can read more about these things.


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