What I See Coming

This article is my attempt to put into words what I foresee playing out in the United States of America in the future. The future is far from bright, ladies and gentlemen. We are on the precipice of a hellish reality the likes of which we’ve never experienced in this country. We are traveling down a path that leads to a new Dark Ages.

Spiritual, mental, and moral darkness engulf the earth. Our country – once a beacon of light to the world – has been targeted for destruction by our enemies. The consequence is a population that now rejects God, hates itself, allows its Freedom to be chipped away, is ashamed of its noble history, and is willing to be led by the nose by anyone promising free stuff, government welfare, a life without responsibility, or a reprieve from the consequences of sin, criminality, and bad decisions.

As we plunge further into this darkness, we will face vicious civil war, brutal bloodletting, mindless mobocracy, ghastly rapine, large-scale plundering, economic collapse, societal breakdown, rampant immorality, religious persecution, and monstrous tyranny. We are coming apart at the seams. Fires of violent hatred are being stoked by the lords of chaos who seek to divide us in order to conquer us. Even though their Marxist strategies are painfully obvious to anyone with eyes to see, they are effective. We are not finished yet, but our foot is agonizingly ensnared between the piercing teeth of a powerful steel trap.

Some say they would rather a civil war happen now than continue our gradual descent into the abyss. Let those who love Freedom gather and fight the enemy and get it over with, they say. Lock ‘n’ load! I’ll admit that I sometimes feel the exact same way. However, we should not be ignorant of the fact that a new American civil war will not be like Lincoln’s war against the South. It will not be a civil war with opposing camps divided nicely between North and South, between East and West, between the coasts and Middle America, between Republicans and Democrats, or between gun owners and gun-grabbers.


Rather, a new civil war will look more like mobocracy and anarchy. It will ravish each community as brothers fight brothers, families rip each other apart, co-workers turn on one another, church congregations split asunder, police attack police, military units target each other, and everyone distrusts everyone. Law and order will break down and the federal government will essentially lose its power. The judicial system won’t operate properly. The protections of the Constitution will be voided. Mob rule will prevail.

In the midst of our intestine difficulties, it is extremely likely – if not already inevitable – that the communist world will take the opportunity to topple their “Main Enemy” once and for all by launching World War III. Whether a new American civil war will come before a Russian-Chinese assault is anyone’s guess. For many decades, the communists have had contingency plans for numerous scenarios. They are prepared to exploit any given situation to their benefit. This is doubly true when we consider that the communists are the ones primarily behind most of the chaos we see.

As I’ve documented in my books A Century of Red and Red Gadiantons, the communists are behind the cultural division we see everywhere. They either created or hijacked the Civil Rights movement, feminism, LGBT, radical environmentalism, humanism in academia, and so forth. Communism, more than any other ideology, is the greatest threat to our nation and world. It is a Satanic threat that is, despite the propaganda about the “collapse” of the USSR and the “death” of communism, more powerful and prevalent than ever before.


I highlight only two of the communists’ most successful battlefields in America: Racial politics and feminism. The racial division we see so prominently on the news is a communist invention from start to finish. Black liberation politics are actually Red. The specter of “racism” has been kept alive by communists in order to stir up minorities against whites. Everywhere that you see radical black groups like Black Live Matter and the New Black Panthers demonstrating, rioting, or griping about some phony injustice, you find communist provocateurs whispering in their ears.

“White guilt” is the brainchild of America-hating Marxists. Whites have nothing to be ashamed about. Nothing. In fact, Caucasians are responsible for the greatest political, economic, societal, technological, and military achievements in mankind’s history. Our ancestors ended slavery as an institution. Our forefathers raised the standard of Freedom to an oppressed earth. Yet, we are portrayed as the great villains of the world who need to apologize for our skin color, ancestors, institutions, achievements, and history while bowing down before the throne of Marxist minorities and self-loathing white traitors.

Before the communists infiltrated the black community, blacks actually had a lower crime rate, fewer divorces, and were more religious than whites. They were neat and clean and respectable. However, communists infiltrated their communities and played the victim card and radicalized blacks so profoundly that now they are the most violent, crime-ridden, anti-family, drug-saturated, ghetto-oriented segment of society. They are being duped and used as pawns in the communist game.


While we are told that whites attack and oppress and hate blacks and other minorities, the reverse is statistically documentable. In his tremendous book Red Badge, retired police officer Doug Traubel goes to great lengths to debunk the media myths about white-on-black “racism” and supposed white-on-black crime and discrimination. The truth is that “over 90 percent of black murder victims nationally are killed by black assailants” (Traubel, Red Badge, 203). In actual fact, police rarely shoot blacks – especially when compared against the staggering number of blacks who attack police. Blacks assault, murder, rob, and rape whites exponentially more than whites attack blacks or any other minority group.

After citing many official crime statistics as well as reports by experts in the field, Traubel concluded that “if there is a War on Black America, it is black murderers who mass-murder other blacks” (Traubel, Red Badge, 205). Yet, the media and officialdom promote their false anti-white narrative in order to stir up hatred, prompt more violence, fuel chaos, and put a hedge of distrust between minorities and whites and between everyone and law enforcement. Police in particular, though they in fact do have a host of legitimate and systemic problems that must be dealt with, are being unjustly depicted as “nothing more than the Klan in blue” (Traubel, Red Badge, 194). It is all a part of the communist scheme to frame and disenfranchise Caucasian America.

Despite being unfairly maligned and smeared by the communists, J. Edgar Hoover was one of the greatest anti-communist crusaders in our history. He understood the Marxist threat and breathlessly warned all who would listen of their strategies for disrupting the peace, stability, and moral essence of our culture and nation. Regarding the communist infiltration of the black community, Hoover noted:

“The Party’s claim that it is working for Negro rights is a deception and a fraud. The Party’s sole interest, as most American Negroes know, is to hoodwink the Negro, to exploit him and use him as a tool to build a communist America” (Hoover, Masters of Deceit, 229).


Unfortunately, most blacks don’t realize they are being used. Well over 90% of blacks vote Democrat – a party now openly aligned with the Communist Party USA – and thereby support abortion, welfare-statism, indolence, racial identity politics, higher taxes, fewer rights, gun restrictions, government limitations on business, etc. The communist agitators in the black community – people like Van Jones, Al Sharpton, Barack Obama, Eric Holder, and Nikki Giovanni – are leading their fellow blacks into race-fueled conflict after conflict, hoping to force radical communist change on a weary nation.

The feminist abomination is also a communist creation. I have written and said so much on this aspect of the conspiracy that I won’t repeat it all here. Suffice it to say that feminism was invented to fulfill Karl Marx’s dream of abolishing the family. Only by abolishing the family – the bulwark of the Faith and Freedom of any society – can a nation be fully conquered. Communism is inherently anti-family and promotes feminism in order to break down the institution of marriage and home. They fight against traditional values, the Biblical patriarchal order, and families.

The Soviet Union was the first modern nation to legalize abortion-on-demand as well as no-fault divorce. It is telling that the United States eventually adopted these communist social reforms. The feminists have been the greatest promoters of the Soviet vision of “free love,” infanticide, lax morals, rampant divorce, and broken homes. Ultimately, Bolshevik radical Inessa Armand spoke the truth when she said:

“If women’s liberation is unthinkable without communism, then communism is unthinkable without women’s liberation” (Quoted in Sharon Smith, “Women’s Liberation: The Marxist Tradition,” International Socialist Review, Issue #93, summer, 2014).


Because we have allowed the communist cancer to sap our strength and erode our institutions, we are on the verge of total collapse. We have largely sold our birthright as Americans. We have betrayed the legacy of our forefathers and the very spirit of Americanism. We have adopted a hostile foreign philosophy in everything from economics to government to education to sex to politics. Yet, as Ronald Reagan truthfully stated:

“[T]herein lies the road to war, because those voices don’t speak for the rest of us. You and I know, and do not believe, that life is so dear and peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery” (Ronald Reagan, “A Time for Choosing,” October 24, 1964).

The seductive voices of the American counterculture condemn our Founding Fathers, belittle our tried-and-true principles, rip on our Constitution, target white America, attack our families, undermine our institutions, and foam at the mouth in their ranting against our long-held Christian values. Yet, those voices don’t speak for me. They don’t speak for my family, my parents, or my siblings. They likely don’t speak for you if you are reading this blog. And they don’t speak for millions of good, God-fearing, loyal American patriots who would rather die than live in chains.

Because the two worldviews in question – Christian constitutionalism and Satanic communism – are incompatible, they must fight. “Peaceful coexistence,” a communist slogan designed to disarm their opposition, is not an option. Only one of these opposing ideologies can survive the ongoing death struggle.


Because of prophecy and the divine declarations of the Almighty, we know that Christ has already won the victory. He has vanquished the Devil and conquered the grave. However, though the outcome is already known, the war still rages. You and I may both fall as casualties if we are not careful. Satan plans to drag as many of us down with him as he can. None of us are exempt from his machinations. And certainly no nation is immune to Satan’s devices.

America, the great defender of Liberty in the earth, is the “Main Enemy” of Satan’s system of global tyranny. Because of this, he has concentrated his forces on attacking us. Unfortunately, he has been wildly successful. His minions are preparing to implode our Republic and bring us down into the depths of chaos and internal war, from which they hope to emerge victorious and powerful.

As my regular readers know, I am a proud member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I recently bore my personal witness of Christ which you can read here. Because of my testimony of the truth, I see the future through the lens of prophecy. It has been said that “Prophecy is but history in reverse—a divine disclosure of future events” (Ezra Taft Benson, “Prepare Ye,” Ensign, January, 1974). And so it is. Scriptural prophecy is the most accurate source of information you can find regarding current events.

I also examine the past in order to see where our steps are taking us. In his hallmark “Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death” speech, Patrick Henry rightly stated: “I have but one lamp by which my feet are guided, and that is the lamp of experience. I know of no way of judging of the future but by the past.” With prophecy and the record of history, we can see through the smokescreens thrown up to blind our eyes and conceal the reality.

Judging from prophecy and from historical experience, it is easy to see where humanity is heading. There is absolutely no mystery about it – the Lord and His prophets have told us precisely what to expect. The only problem is that people do not want to think about terrible things. They do not want to contemplate “the worst” that can happen. Yet, it is precisely this reluctance to face reality and our own failings that makes prophecy come true.

The mortal Messiah foretold that in the day before His triumphant return as King of kings and Lord of lords – a day that draws ever nearer– things shall be “as the days of Noe [Noah] were” (Matthew 24:37). The people at the time of Noah were so wicked and rebellious that, in His mercy toward an innocent generation of His children being raised without a chance for righteousness, the Lord cleansed humanity by means of a flood. Genesis 6:5 tells us that in Noah’s day: “God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of his heart was only evil continually.” Today, it seems that sanity has fled and people run back and forth in mindless rebellion against everything just, holy, good, and true. In my estimation, we have collectively reached, if not surpassed, the same level of wickedness that prevailed in Noah’s day.


The epitome of child abuse

Satan is running rampant in our society and throughout the world. He is gathering and coordinating his forces. Everywhere you look, they are combining against Christians and anyone who opposes the communist system he is seeking to set up globally. These things are only a prelude to the final push Satan has planned – the push that will topple Faith, Families, and Freedom once and for all and usher in an Anti-Christ system with himself at the head.

A modern revelation given through the Prophet Joseph Smith foretells of the horrors that await us unless we repent and turn our hearts back to the Savior. The warning speaks of the time just before the coming of the Lord – our time. It prophesies:

“But, behold, I say unto you that before this great day shall come the sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall be turned into blood, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and there shall be greater signs in heaven above and in the earth beneath;

“And there shall be weeping and wailing among the hosts of men;

“And there shall be a great hailstorm sent forth to destroy the crops of the earth.

“And it shall come to pass, because of the wickedness of the world, that I will take vengeance upon the wicked, for they will not repent; for the cup of mine indignation is full; for behold, my blood shall not cleanse them if they hear me not.

“Wherefore, I the Lord God will send forth flies upon the face of the earth, which shall take hold of the inhabitants thereof, and shall eat their flesh, and shall cause maggots to come in upon them;

“And their tongues shall be stayed that they shall not utter against me; and their flesh shall fall from off their bones, and their eyes from their sockets;

“And it shall come to pass that the beasts of the forest and the fowls of the air shall devour them up.

“And the great and abominable church, which is the whore of all the earth, shall be cast down by devouring fire, according as it is spoken by the mouth of Ezekiel the prophet, who spoke of these things, which have not come to pass but surely must, as I live, for abominations shall not reign” (Doctrine and Covenants 29:14-21).


Those familiar with Biblical prophecy notice the stark similarities between this revelation and the warnings found in the books of Matthew, Revelation Ezekiel, Joel, and elsewhere. The Lord has warned us repeatedly that we are approaching a day of cataclysm that can only be avoided by sincere repentance. In Noah’s day, the Lord gave the people a chance to repent after hearing Noah’s prophecy of impending doom before He sent the rain. Today, we have also been warned and there is time remaining to repent. Yet, like in Noah’s, we are rejecting the Lord’s warnings and pleadings. And like in Noah’s day, the results will be catastrophic unless we wake up and reform. The Lord has promised, however, that “if ye are prepared ye shall not fear” (Doctrine and Covenants 38:30).

The Lord has given us so much prophecy about our day precisely because He doesn’t want to chastise and punish us. He loves us and wants us to choose to be righteous. Only through a course of righteousness can we avoid destruction. Our Founding Fathers understood the correlation between wickedness and destruction and contributed their warning voices. On the eve of the American Revolution, John Witherspoon cautioned:

“Nothing is more certain than that a general profligacy and corruption of manners make a people ripe for destruction. A good form of government may hold the rotten materials together for some time, but beyond a certain pitch, even the best constitution will be ineffectual, and slavery must ensue. On the other hand, when the manners of a nation are pure, when true religion and internal principles maintain their vigor, the attempts of the most powerful enemies to oppress them are commonly baffled and disappointed” (John Witherspoon, “The Dominion of Providence over the Passions of Man,” May 17, 1776).

Our enemies also understand this reality. They have worked hard to corrupt our morals, undermine our faith, and sever us from all that is good, holy, just, correct, and full of light. They understand that war and conflict have the ability to transform a society and corrupt a nation’s morals faster and more completely than any other thing. They have therefore devoted much of their strength to luring us into foreign wars and pushing us to the brink of civil war domestically.

In 1963, Ezra Taft Benson warned of some of the possible scenarios for the communist conquest of America. They are still valid today. Notice the emphasis on war and internal conflict:

“There are three possible methods by which the Communists might take us over. One would be through a sufficient amount of infiltration and propaganda, to disguise Communism as just another political party.

“The second method would be by fomenting internal civil war in this country, and aiding the communists’ side in that war with all necessary military might.

“The third method would be by a slow insidious infiltration resulting in a takeover without the American people realizing it.

“The Soviets would not attempt military conquest of so powerful and so extensive a country as the United States without availing themselves of a sufficiently strong fifth column in our midst, a fifth column which would provide the sabotage, the false leadership, and the sudden seizures of power and of means of communication, needed to convert the struggle, from the very beginning, into a civil war rather than clear-cut war with an external enemy.

“We can foresee a possibility of the Kremlin taking this gamble in time. In fact, it is clear that the Communists long ago made plans to have this method available, in whole or in part, to whatever extent it might be useful. The trouble in our southern states has been fomented almost entirely by the Communists for this purpose. It has been their plan, gradually carried out over a long period with meticulous cunning, to stir up such bitterness between the whites and blacks in the South that small flames of civil disorder would inevitably result. They could then fan and coalesce these little flames into one great conflagration of civil war, in time, if the need arose.

“The whole slogan of “civil rights” as used to make trouble in the South today, is an exact parallel to the slogan of “Agrarian reform” which they used in China. The pending “civil rights” legislation is, I am convinced, about 10% civil rights and about 90% a further extension of socialistic Federal controls. It is part of the pattern for the Communist takeover of America. The whole “civil rights” program and slogan in America today is just as phony as were the “Agrarian reform” program and slogan of the Communists in China 20 years ago” (Ezra Taft Benson, “We Must Become Alerted and Informed,” speech, December 13, 1963, in Jerreld Newquist, ed., Prophets, Principles and National Survival, 271-272).


We have already covered the race war that Marxists are attempting to foment. Whether race, the depreciation of our currency, gender, an attempt to confiscate firearms, or some other factor is the impetus, I am confident that the communists will attempt to trigger a civil war in America. This war might coincide with a surprise strike by Russia and China or it might precede such a strike and serve as a softening up measure. But either way, we are looking at a future fraught with chaos and literal war in our streets.

The communists are so embedded in our society, and they have done such a fine job of indoctrinating so many millions of Americans, that I believe civil war is inevitable. This is so because we have lost much of our precious Liberty and Liberty is only regained through bloodshed. However, the extent and scope of that war is ours to decide. If we work hard now and rally enough people to the standard of Liberty, the war might be limited to a short duration or might not affect our location very noticeably. If we remain complacent and do not adequately prepare ourselves, however, we might consign ourselves to years of bloodshed, rapine, lunacy, rage, and anguish. And the longer a war of this type rages, the more likely is our defeat as the anger, hatred, and harsh feelings of loss harden our hearts and blind our minds.

In his book Civil War Two: The Coming Breakup of America, Thomas W. Chittum warned of much the same outcome if we remain on the same path we are currently walking:

“America was born in blood. America suckled on blood. America gorged on blood and grew into a giant, and America will drown in blood. This is the spectre that is haunting America, the spectre of Civil War II, a second civil war that will shatter America into several new ethnically-based nations . . . Simply and directly put, America will explode in tribal warfare in our lifetime. . . . Bands of guerrillas will stalk about the countryside – raping, looting, murdering, clashing with each other.

“. . . Civil War II in America will set off a super depression that will plunge the entire globe into economic chaos, which will further deepen the economic collapse here in America.

“Food production will all but cease. The hungry will fight to the death over scraps of garbage. Millions will starve, and millions more will die from infectious diseases. Behold the vision of Civil War II.

“. . . Depending on the scope and duration of Civil War II, tens of millions could perish in a mass starvation unprecedented since the beginning of time. Millions more will die of disease due to immune systems weakened by lack of food. The very old and children will die off first. Soldiers, the most valuable and most heavily-armed portion of the population, will suffer the least.

“. . . Western Civilization will be transformed; tribalism will blossom into its ultimate expression. . . . And what excuse will we American have? . . . that no one cautioned us that a house divided against itself cannot stand?” (Thomas W. Chittum, in David N. Balmforth, America’s Coming Crisis: Prophetic Warnings, Divine Destiny, 73-74).

A frightful picture, to be sure; but an accurate one nonetheless. If we don’t want to suffer through the depravity and pain of a gruesome civil war, we must heed the warnings of history and the voices of those who are now mocked as “conspiracy theorists” and “right-wing wackos.” We must prepare by getting a substantial food storage (I recommend a one-year supply) and storing up necessary supplies, by learning necessary skills, by relocating to safer locations (the Intermountain West ought to be #1 on your list), and by getting right with God.

The Book of Mormon – a book of scripture similar to the Bible that also testifies of the divinity and mission of Jesus Christ – tells the history of two civilizations that inhabited ancient America. One of these, the Nephites, possessed a government that, like our American system, operated on the twin principles of rule of law and the voice of the people. About 2,000 years ago, the Nephite nation was rocked by internal strife as a group of elitist judges, lawyers, high priests, and people seeking power over their countrymen, assassinated the chief governor of the land and overthrew the government. This incident provides a case study for how a civil war might play out in modern America.

The enemy in this story was a vile group of conspirators who, the scripture tells us, were “the friends and kindreds of those who murdered the prophets” (3 Nephi 7:6). They “did combine against the people of the Lord, and enter into a covenant to destroy them” (3 Nephi 6:29). They also “did set at defiance the law and the rights of their country; and they did covenant one with another to destroy the governor, and to establish a king over the land, that the land should no more be at liberty but should be subject unto kings” (3 Nephi 6:30). In accordance with their plan, “they did destroy upon the judgement-seat, yea, did murder the chief judge of the land” (3 Nephi 7:1).

This brazen assassination of the duly-elected leader set in motion a chain of tragic events. We are informed that because of this event:

“the people were divided one against another; and they did separate one from another into tribes, every man according to his family and his kindred and friends’ and thus they did destroy the government of the land.

“And every tribe did appoint a chief of a leader over them; and thus they became tribes and leaders of tribes. . . .

“. . . and all this iniquity had come upon the people because they did yield themselves unto the power of Satan.

“And the regulations of the government were destroyed, because of the secret combination of the friends and kindreds of those who murdered the prophets. . . .

“Now this secret combination, which has brought so great iniquity upon the people, did gather themselves together, and did place at their head a man whom they did call Jacob;

“And they did call him their king; therefore he became a king over this wicked band; and he was one of the chiefest who had given his voice against the prophets who testified of Jesus.

“And it came to pass that they were not so strong in number as the tribes of the people, who were united together save it were their leaders did establish their laws, every one according to his tribe; nevertheless they were enemies; notwithstanding they were not a righteous people, yet they were united in the hatred of those who had entered into a covenant to destroy the government.” (3 Nephi 7:2-3, 5-6, 9-11).


America today is exhibiting a very similar tribalistic spirit. We see this tribalism every day. Republicans are combined against Democrats, Democrats are combined against Republicans – and neither side wants to cooperate with the other. Entire neighborhoods in the inner cities are black or Hispanic or Chinese or Jewish and don’t welcome whites or outsiders. Gangs control entire swaths of territory and police are even afraid to enter at times. Police have adopted an “us vs them” attitude toward civilians and many of us resent them for treating us like insurgents in some warzone. Antifa thugs are arming and gathering to fight against so-called “fascists” and “Nazis” (i.e. dyed-in-the-wool American patriots).

Militias are on the rise, with many creating outposts and retreats in the woods and actively preparing for conflict (I encourage this, but it is symptomatic of the tribal mentality I’m speaking of). Enclaves of like-minded folks – very similar to tribes – are forming in Montana, Idaho, Utah, and in states throughout the Union. Liberals flock to L.A., New York City, Chicago, Baltimore, and major metropolitan centers while conservatives and sane people flee the cities and gather in rural areas. Rich people are building or buying bunkers. Gated communities are proliferating. Everywhere you look, division and tribal attitudes dominate.

In a future American civil war, I do not see a clear-cut, two-sided “us vs them” conflict. Rather, I predict a “me vs everyone” outlook. It will be mobocracy in its rawest form. When law and order break down, people will naturally gather with like-minded people. Again, people might form a group, or tribe, based on political persuasion, religious beliefs, survivability (i.e. he has the guns, let’s join with him or they have food, we’ll stick with them), family ties, sexual orientation, gender, geographical considerations, etc. People who imagine a second American Revolution of the People against the tyrannical Elite are fooling themselves.


An eventual war in this country will look similar to the Nephite conflict recounted above. When the government goes down – whether through an assassination, the start of a war, a coup attempt, or whatever the cause – people will immediately form tribes. If not for conscious reasons, people will gather in like-minded groups just to survive. Tribal gangs will roam the nation fighting each other.

I predict that many, if not most, of these tribal groups will be “united in the hatred of those who had entered into a covenant to destroy the government.” The truth is so obvious that you have to be willfully ignorant to not know that secret combinations or conspiracies exist within our society. Most people realize that there are sick people in our government. They might not recognize who they are or exactly how they operate, but they know that some invisible hand is pulling strings, lies, covering up scandals, perpetrating murder, stealing our wealth, trying to pervert our culture, and attempting to dictate how we run our daily lives. Many people resent this and would assume hang the perpetrators if they knew who they were or felt they had popular support.

In a recent article titled “Our Ruling Elites Have No Idea How Much We Want to See Them All in Prison Jumpsuits,” Charles Hugh Smith observed:

“The one issue that could unite the fragmented citizenry is moral revulsion: As the Epstein [sex trafficking/abuse] case promises to reveal, there is literally no limit on the excesses and exploitations of the privileged few in America, no limit on what our Ruling Elites can do with absolute impunity.

“The Nobility of the feudal era had some reciprocal obligation to its serfs; our New Nobility has no obligation to anyone but themselves. It is painfully obvious that there are two sets of laws in America: bankers can rip off billions and never serve time, and members of the Protected Class who sexually exploit children get a wrist-slap, if that. . . .

“Our Ruling Elites have no idea how many of us already want to see them all in prison jumpsuits, and they also have no idea how fast the moral revulsion with their corrupt “leadership” might spread. Scanning the distracted, consumerist rabble from the great heights of their wealth and power, they reckon the capacity for moral outrage is limited, leaving them safe from any domestic crusade.

“They also trust that the citizenry can be further fragmented, further distracted, and so they will continue to be invulnerable. Or worst case scenario, a few especially venal villains will need to be sacrificed, and then all will return to the bliss of Neofeudal exploitation.

“But they may have misread the American citizenry, just as they’ve misread history.”


The scenario described by Smith is eerily similar to the history recounted in The Book of Mormon account cited. The people, distracted and wicked as they were, nonetheless hated the Elite who had corrupted the government and overthrown the stability of the land. Might it not be the same today? I believe that when the crap hits the fan, many millions of Americans will resist the tyranny of the ruling Elite and say “no more.” We will almost certainly split into tribes for a period of time in the wake of a major national cataclysm, but the tribes will likely share a “moral revulsion” of the corrupt statists in Washington and their state capitols.

The lessons of history and the warnings of prophecy ought to jolt us awake. We should be propelled into action by the urgency of our situation, if not by our inborn love of truth and Liberty. We are asleep and apathetic, distracted and divided, but it doesn’t have to be this way. Yes, we have lost many of our Liberties that only blood can purchase anew, but there are still many otherwise good people who have not thrown their hats into the ring who can help us tip the balance. We must reach these individuals and win them to our side by the superiority of our ideas and message and by inspiring them with the stories and slogans of our noble ancestors who gave their all for Freedom. It does not take a majority to win, only an “irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men” (quote often attributed to Samuel Adams).

For millennia, the Lord has warned us of what would transpire in our day. His prophets down through the ages have described our time of turmoil and how to endure it. The advent of modern communism and its horrific and unparalleled history of plunder, militarism, rapine, slaughter, slavery, genocide, and hate ought to convince of us of the truthfulness of the Lord’s message. In 1942, a group of spiritual leaders I know to be inspired warned society that they were following Satan down the path of destruction. They admonished:

“Infidelity, atheism, unchastity, intemperance, civil corruption, greed, avarice, ambition – personal, political, national – are more powerful today than at any other time in the lives of us now living. They are pulling and thrusting us almost at will into new fields of action, new lines of thought. They are shaking the faith, undermining the morals, polluting the lives of the people. They have thrown many so far off balance in all of their activities, economic, social, political, and religious, that they stand in real danger of falling. Satan is making war against all the wisdom that has come to men through their ages of experience. He is seeking to overturn and destroy the very foundations upon which society, government, and religion rest. He aims to have men adopt theories and practices which he induced their forefathers, over the ages, to adopt and try, only to be discarded by them when found unsound, impractical, and ruinous. He plans to destroy liberty and freedom – economic, political, and religious, and to set up in place thereof the greatest, most widespread, and most complete tyranny that has ever oppressed men. He is working under such perfect disguise that many do not recognize either him or his methods. There is no crime he would not commit, no debauchery he would not set up, no plague he would not send, no heart he would not break, no life he would not take, no soul he would not destroy. He comes as a thief in the night; he is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Without their knowing it, the people are being urged down paths that lead only to destruction. Satan never before had so firm a grip on this generation as he has now” (First Presidency message, Conference Report, October, 1942, 13).

Yes, we have been warned time and time and time again. If we continue to allow Satan and his earthly followers to twist our minds and pervert our souls, there is nothing vile and dreadful they won’t persuade us to do. There is no war, plague, controversy, scandal, or lie they would not inspire against us. If we don’t finally recognize that the Satanic communists are the greatest threat we face, we will continue to travel down the road of violence, hatred, and conflict until we finally tear each other apart in a fratricidal war unlike anything the world has seen.


Ezra Taft Benson reminded of the high stakes of this titanic struggle:

“Let’s get one thing straight at the very beginning. International communism is the self-avowed enemy of every loyal American. It has declared war against us and fully intends to win. The war in which we are engaged is total. Although its main battlefields are psychological, political and economic, it also encompasses revolution, violence, terror and limited military skirmishes. If we should lose this war, the conquering enemy’s wrath against our people and our institutions will result in one of the greatest blood-baths of all history. Call it a “cold war” if it makes you feel better, but our freedom and our very lives are the stakes of this contest” (Ezra Taft Benson, An Enemy Hath Done This, 165).

This total war will likely one day include civil war and widespread mobocracy. If we are not prepared for this eventuality, we will be paralyzed by fear. If we have not gathered a food storage and supply basic necessities, relocated to a safer area, prepared contingency plans for disasters both natural and man-made, informed ourselves about the threats, learned crucial survival skills, and got cleared our consciences before God, we will be totally unprepared when war knocks on our door.

The things I have described above – the brooding tribalism, violence, plagues, and war – are only a taste of the horrific future I see because we have rejected our God and His commandments and have allowed Satan to win over our hearts and erect a system of tyranny above us. I raise my warning voice, though it might only reach a few receptive ears, against Satanic communism and in favor of Christian constitutionalism. I warn of impending world war and internal conflict in America, the greatest nation on earth. I warn that though we still have a handful of years to prepare before the full fury of the storm sweeps down upon us, and that we ought to dismiss those who claim collapse is “imminent,” the time is drawing short.

I warn that Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, Mexico, and their allies, are preparing to take advantage of whatever chaotic situation might arise – or that they might be able to foment – here in America. I warn that Marxist agents are at work in every major city in our Republic fomenting discord, riling up minorities against whites, deceiving women with feminist slogans, scaring gullible people with baseless “climate change” fear-mongering, making false accusations of “sexism,” “racism,” “chauvinism,” “homophobia,” “toxic masculinity,” “white supremacy,” and “Nazism” against faithful American patriots and anti-communists, and doing everything they can to spark a blaze of hate that can be fanned into an inferno that they hope ends with them in power.

Contrary to what some may think of me, I really don’t want to spend my time focusing on these dark and troubling issues. I would prefer to spend my time creating, not criticizing; uplifting, not warning of the destruction of my homeland. Yet, I must waste and wear out my life in this cause because I know it is right, just, and true. I love my country, I love my family, and I love my God-given rights. I cannot stand by as an idle spectator as my enemies try to take each of them away from me and reduce me and my loved ones to slavery. Any man that would do that is not worthy the title of man.

The Prophet Joseph Smith once had a vision of America’s future wherein he “saw men hunting the lives of their own sons, and brother murdering brother, women killing their own daughters, and daughters seeking the lives of their mothers. I saw blood, desolation, fires. The Son of Man has said that the mother shall be against the daughter, and the daughter against the mother. These things are at our doors. They will follow the Saints of God from city to city. Satan will rage, and the spirit of the devil is now enraged. I know not how soon these things will take place; but with a view of them, shall I cry peace? No; I will lift up my voice and testify of them” (Joseph Smith, July 2, 1839).

Make no mistake – I know our side wins the war. I have no doubt about that. However, I want to avoid as much bloodshed and suffering as possible on our march to victory. We have lost much ground through years of apathy and inattentiveness, so it will be an uphill struggle and all true patriots and Christians will be tested to the max.


Those of us who are awake have a responsibility to shake our countrymen out of their deep slumber. This one task will require all our efforts, talents, and perseverance. It is not easy to break through decades of programming and conditioning. As daunting as this sounds, many of us will likely be forced to fight for what we love just like the Sons of Liberty were forced to wield their muskets in defense of their country. It is my hope that we will remember what hangs in the balance – our Faith, Families, and Freedom – and exert ourselves like real men. If we seek the blessings of a free country enjoyed by Washington, Jefferson, Madison, and their fellows, we must be prepared to make the same sacrifices they made.

With a view of the hell gathering on the horizon, nothing should ever cause us to let up, back down, or surrender. Too much is at stake. If you do your job as a patriot correctly, you will be persecuted and face opposition. But if you do your job as a patriot correctly, you will also reap an eternal reward and your name will be venerated down through the generations of time; and you might just save your country.

Zack Strong,

August 8, 2019.

16 thoughts on “What I See Coming

  1. Pingback: The Red Chinese Regime | The American Citadel

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  6. This article clearly talks about the current reality. I wish in one way or another, something could come and make things change, but maybe it will not change and we just have to take care of ours.
    Let’s stay at God’s side.

    Liked by 1 person

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