Everyday Tyranny

“If we lose freedom here, there is no place to escape to. This is the last stand on Earth.” – Ronald Reagan, “A Time for Choosing,” October 27, 1964

We think we are free. We think America is the “land of the free and home of the brave.” But how accurate is this boast in 2019? It is true that we enjoy a greater measure of Liberty and prosperity than any other nation, even in our degraded state. I love this Republic and acknowledge the tremendous blessing it is to live here. And it is precisely because of my intense love for America that I warn of the subversion of our Liberty that is taking place around us and that afflicts us, whether we realize it or not, on a daily basis.


For many decades, die-hard enemies of our Republic, our Constitution, our Freedom, our heritage, and our greatness have worked to subvert our Liberty, impair our institutions, curtail our rights, weaken our economy, corrupt our culture, lessen our global influence for good, and drag us down as a People. This group of socialistic traitors has achieved astonishing success. We have stumbled because we been too apathetic, have grown ignorant, and have lost touch with the things that made us great; namely, our Faith, Families, and Freedom.

While we have been preoccupied with bread and circuses, our enemies have erected a framework of bristling tyranny around us. Literally every day we come into contact with this despotic system. We have been so indoctrinated through public schooling and media mind manipulation that we do not even realize we are being victimized. We have accepted our chains which grow heavier by the day.

James Wilson, one of the great legal minds among our Founding Fathers, said that “law and liberty cannot rationally become the objects of our love, unless they first become the objects of our knowledge.” I believe this is true. How can we defend our rights, for example, if we do not know what they are and cannot articulate them? How can we judge whether a law is sound or unjust if we do not understand the Constitution which is the supreme law of the land? And how can we expect to defend our Liberty if we do not truly love and value it?


Our godless, Marxist-dominated public schools have paved the way for our subjugation through their complacency in teaching the principles of Liberty. They have not taught the Constitution in a meaningful way. They rarely teach the value of civics and the responsibilities of citizenship. They teach Social Justice and collectivism rather than rule of law and characteristic American individualism. And they certainly do not give the moral instruction necessary for correct comprehension of our rights and responsibilities.

Most high schoolers today cannot articulate the Liberty philosophy espoused by their forefathers and codified in our great national documents. Yet, they most certainly can regurgitate the collectivist propaganda ingested during their years of compulsory public schooling. They do not know how to reason for themselves, but they can repeat Establishment talking points and Marxist mantras. They can’t tell you much about George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, but they know all about the communist agitators Martin Luther King, Jr. and Rosa Parks.

Our homes, the ultimate defenders of society, have done nothing to counteract the fraudulent teachings our children receive in public schools. Parents have failed in their duty to raise their children to be good, moral, patriotic citizens. They have surrendered their responsibility to teach their children and instead passively rely on public schools to do it for them. But instead of being taught and empowered with truth, our children have been anesthetized and made to feel comfortable in servitude.


I repeat that our programming has been so thorough that we do not even realize that we are being tyrannized and abused on a daily basis. To give a glimpse of the despotism we encounter every single day, I share five examples that demonstrate how we are routinely tyrannized. If some of the things I cite appear normal or even beneficial to you, then know that you have been deceived and lied to by the criminal class of Marxist gangsters that rules over us.

Jaywalking: In all fifty states, it is against the law to jaywalk (it is even a federal offense in some locations). What is jaywalking? Jaywalking is nothing more nor less than crossing a street in a location other than the arbitrary section of spray-painted pavement provided by the government. Have you ever considered that the government literally claims the power – on pain of punishment – to tell you where you can and cannot walk?

I still remember when I first learned of the baffling concept of jaywalking in fourth grade. I was leaving school to walk home and needed to cross the street. Instead of crossing at the cross-walk jammed with kids, I decided to cross in a less crowded area a few yards down. Suddenly, a sixth-grade “crossing guard” with his fancy vest and little stop sign started yelling at me that I was “jaywalking.” I had never heard the term and I wasn’t going to let someone tell me where I could and could not walk. So I crossed the road anyway, causing the “crossing guard” to chase me. Fortunately, I was quick and he didn’t get close enough to identify me and “write me up,” as he threatened to do. That story demonstrates the slavish programming received in government-run public schools and in a society that complies with everything the government demands without protest.


To me, as inconsequential as they may seem, jaywalking laws are the absolute epitome of tyranny. If any government can tell you where you can and cannot cross the street – that is, where you can and cannot walk – what Freedom do you really have?

Drivers Licenses: A license is needed when one does not have a right to do something. Do you have a right to travel? I submit that you do have a right to travel. And you have this right without government forcing you to take tests, jump through hoops, obey arbitrary traffic laws like speed limits, and pay a tax in order to enjoy it. What is the mandatory driver’s license fee if not a tax? And what are traffic tickets if not other taxes? Why should we have to take tests proving our competency before being allowed to travel? Traveling is not a privilege the government can grant and revoke at its pleasure.

Think of this in different terms. Did our forefathers have to prove they knew how to ride a horse, and then pay a fee to register their horse with the government, before they galloped out West? Did the Pioneers register and pay fees to the government for their covered wagons and oxen before crossing the plains? Did Thomas Jefferson have a license for those horses he loved to ride each day? Now that I think of it, Thomas Jefferson probably jaywalked, too, as he walked on foot to his swearing in as president. For shame! You’d think a man like Jefferson would know that he has to pay the government for the privilege of traveling in our “land of the free.”


Hunting/Fishing Licenses: Forcing us to buy hunting licenses, fishing licenses, deer tags, and so forth, is another arbitrary government tax and is an attempt to restrict our right and ability to put food on the table for our families. It is also an underhanded way to deter and control gun owners and squash the self-sufficiency of our People. How does government – federal, state, local, it doesn’t matter – have a right to dictate what type of food you can hunt and when you can hunt it? Who gave government this power over your livelihood?

I don’t recall anywhere in the Constitution – the supreme law of the land – where it says that we have to pay government for the “privilege” of killing food to feed our families. I don’t recall anything in the Declaration of Independence stating that for only two weeks out of the year we have a “privilege,” which we must pay for in advance, of harvesting just one deer, and that we must keep our license and tags on us at all times or suffer the wrath of the hordes of Forest Rangers who stalk the woods.

Here is an incident that happened to a man I know. I won’t use any names or locations, but you ought to know the type of oppression hunters routinely face. This man was driving along a mountainous, rural road in the evening and spotted what he thought was a deer in the woods. He stopped his vehicle and pulled out his rifle to get a better look at the deer through his scope. As soon as he looked, he realized it was a fake deer. Deer don’t normally have red eyes. He put the rifle away, but it was too late. A gang of screaming Forest Rangers jumped out of the woods and surrounded him.

The story ended with this man being accosted, threatened, and eventually paying a fine. I ask, what legitimate crime did this man commit? Who did he harm? Whose rights or property did he violate? What did he do that was wrong or immoral? He committed no crime and did nothing wrong. Yet, a group of government workers were hiding in the woods with a fake deer waiting for some innocent person to come by so they could extort money from them. That is the real crime in this scenario. And an even greater crime is that government thinks it can dictate what and when we can hunt and the American People are too apathetic or ignorant to resist.


Did our forefathers pay the government for the “privilege” of shooting deer, elk, bison, ducks, and pheasants to feed themselves? Did our Pilgrim forefathers have a permit to hunt that turkey they ate on that first Thanksgiving? Did the American Indians apply for permits to live off the land? Not hardly! And neither did our truly free ancestors because they knew their rights and understood that government does not have dictatorial power over your life.

Gun Restrictions: The 2nd Amendment in the Bill of Rights states that our God-given right to keep and bear arms “shall not be infringed.” Shall not is very strong language. As originally intended, shall not is a command – a direct order – to government to not interfere with the American People’s rights of self-defense. Each of us has an individual right to own and use weapons. Arms does not refer explicitly to guns, but to any weapon or device that may be used for self-defense. Indeed, at the time of our founding, arms often referred to military grade weaponry. All peaceable citizens had a right and a duty to maintain and bear arms in defense of their families, country, and Liberty.

Today, however, gun owners are demonized and persecuted. In order to purchase firearms in many states we must jump through numerous hoops, endure background checks and waiting periods, and comply with a host of laws. On both the federal and state levels many types of firearms and weapons have been outright banned, from semi-automatic rifles to sawed-off shotguns to military style weapons and accessories. California has even created a task force to confiscate firearms from people it deems clinically insane. It’s sure a good thing no one calls Christians, conspiracy researchers, and “right wingers” insane, right?!


Even President Trump has usurped power and violated the Constitution by unilaterally deciding that the American People can no longer own bump stocks. Apparently the executive oath of office and the 2nd Amendment can be disregarded when there is a “crisis” like the Las Vegas shooting. Who needs a written Constitution when you can simply dictate through executive orders!

While there are victories here and there in the battle to preserve our right to defend ourselves against tyrants and criminals, and to otherwise enjoy firearms in any peaceable way we see fit, the powers-that-be are determined to disarm and subjugate us. The armed segment of American society is the only obstacle standing in the way of the Elites’ dream of a totalitarian world order. If we give up our right to defend ourselves, we give up everything. And if we continue to allow our rights to be buried under a heap of licenses, permits, fines, fees, and red tape, we will surely lose our Freedom.

Taxes: As a general rule, taxation is just another way to say “theft.” When you consider the agonizingly long list of taxes you pay each year, including dozens of hidden taxes like inflation that are not called taxes, you begin to realize how enslaved you’re becoming. The War for Independence was fought, among other reasons, based on the colonists’ legitimate grievance that they were being taxed without their consent. Today, however, we seem to enjoy paying through the nose to government at every turn. If we do not enjoy it, then why don’t we protest as our patriot forefathers did?

Apart from your annual graduated income tax payment, which is blatantly unconstitutional but accords perfectly with proposals in The Communist Manifesto, you pay dozens of other taxes. As noted, every time you pay for a driver’s license, pay to register your vehicle, pay the fine for a traffic violation, pay for a hunting or fishing license, or pay for the hunting tags you need on top of the license, you’re paying extra taxes. When you shop at the grocery store, you pay a hidden tax called inflation. Because of irresponsible spending and money-printing habits, our government has devalued our currency monstrously. Who pays the price when companies, to break even, hike product prices? You do. In every facet of life, you pay taxes to Government Almighty.


Below is an extremely short list of taxes we pay to the Marxist Establishment lording over us:

Death tax

Estate tax

Inheritance tax

Federal income tax

Local income tax

Sales tax

City utility fees (garbage, water, sewage, etc.)

School taxes

Road and bridge tolls

Property taxes

Zoning taxes

IRS penalties

Air travel taxes

Cigarette tax

Alcohol tax

Hunting/fishing license fees

Marriage license fees

Visit the following two links for longer lists of the taxes we routinely pay to the insatiable state:



I also recommend Aaron Russo’s film “America: From Freedom to Fascism” for a breakdown on the issue of taxation and on whether the law really requires you to pay taxes at all. It might open your eyes to just how plundered and abused we are on a daily basis by our hijacked government.


After reviewing the five points noted, it should be apparent to a greater extent how tyrannized we’ve become. We are wrapped up in government red tape and hounded by law enforcement henchmen who claim they are “just following orders.” If you dissent, you are called a rebel, a lunatic, a racist, a bigot, a Nazi, or any number of other fallacious slurs. Our forefathers were once called rebels and extremists, too. Yet, because they had the courage to do what was right and not just what was “legal,” they won this country and secured the Freedom we take for granted. The time is now to stand for what is right regardless of whether government bureaucrats have given you permission to do so.

Zack Strong,

June 13, 2019

3 thoughts on “Everyday Tyranny

  1. Pingback: “Just Doing My Job” and Other Things Tyrants Say | The American Citadel

  2. Pingback: Tyranny Defined  | The American Citadel

  3. Pingback: Authority and Usurpation | The American Citadel

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