The Myth of White Supremacy in America

 If you were to believe the controlled mainstream media, you might believe that “white supremacy” is a growing and imminent threat to our society, that “neo-Nazis” hide around every corner, and that blacks and other minorities live in deathly fear of persecution. After all, didn’t the Department of Homeland Security recently state that “white supremacist extremists” are the “most lethal threat” to America? And isn’t President Trump a “fascist” who has emboldened all his fellow “racists” to come out of the woodwork to convert America into a “white ethnostate”? This is what the controlled media claim, but, as usual, it is a lie from start to finish. 

I’m bold enough to say that America has never been a racist nation. “White supremacy” has never existed in any dominant measure in our Republic. While it is true that the British imported some black slaves to the colonies on Jewish-owned ships (94% of African slaves ended up in the Caribbean or Central and South America), it is also true than an almost equal number of white slaves – often dismissed as “indentured servants,” though in actual fact a large number were slaves outright – existed in the colonies. It was black Africans who sold their fellow blacks – often tribal enemies – to the slavers. Arabs and Jews in particular served as middlemen and mediators in slave transactions. Slavery was therefore never about “white supremacy,” and hardly about race at all, but, rather, about economics. 

Modern white Americans constitute one of the least racist groups of people in all of recorded history. We are, in reality, the most accommodating, accepting, and overly tolerant society in existence. Said otherwise, it is my contention that the United States is the least racist nation in the world. Of course, you can find some whites who are true racists. Racists exist in every nation, tribe, and race, without exception. But in terms of dominant trends and attitudes, white America is simply not plagued by racism or “white supremacy.” That’s a Marxist myth. 

Racism does exist in the United States, however. It is most prevalent in the black inner cities among blacks who have been taught by their Marxist-Democratic overlords that they are victims of oppression, that the Constitution was written to keep them down, that the system is rigged against them, that whites are all racists, and that revolution is the only solution. Truthfully, blacks are the most virulently racist group in the country, contrary to the popular fable painting whites as the racists. To wit, black-on-white criminality is far more rampant than white-on-black. In fact, a white person is 40xs more likely to be attacked by a black person than the other way around. Yet, they call profiling “racist.” 

Racism is also common among Latinos – especially the millions of illegal invaders who don’t care about our nation and laws and who view us as conquerors who “stole” their land. Racism can be seen quite openly among Indians and natives, too. I once attended an Alaska Federation of Natives (AFN) conference in Anchorage, Alaska and sat through an obnoxious speech by an Indian who had a bit role in the movie Last of the Mohicans. He talked about how satisfying it felt to scalp a white man on film, and no one batted an eye (for fun, after the talk, I stood in line and got his autograph. The death glare he gave me as a white man at a native convention was priceless). 

And, yes, for the record, as a white, Christian, constitutionalist, straight man, I’ve been the target of racism, sexism, bias, prejudice, and hate too many times to count in my life, having received death threats because of my political views, lost jobs because of my gender, and been harassed by random people on the street because of my skin color. Yet, to even dare say that I’ve been the victim of prejudice, as you’ll see from some of the mind-blowing stories cited below, is itself considered a form of “white supremacy.” 

These are the types of perverse and racist attitudes popular among the colored communities in America and their liberal, self-hating white counterparts. These are the types of hateful behaviors. But don’t believe me, simply look at your local Black Lives Matter riot to see how these people view whites. They consider us oppressors, colonizers, imperialists, racists, bigots, white supremacists, Klansmen, Nazis, fascists, anti-Semites, extremists, and domestic terrorists. And since we are the enemy of their fairy tale, we must be destroyed. 

Perhaps the most important battle in this war against white America is being waged for the public mind. As part of their demonic assault, the controlled press spews out a 24/7 stream of anti-white hate and propaganda. The public schools and universities indoctrinate students, teaching them that “whiteness” is bad, that whites must atone for the alleged racism of past generations, that they have “white privilege” that gives them advantages over others that they must apologize for, and that they must change their institutions and adopt new ones based on “social justice” to accommodate blacks and other minorities. Jewish-controlled Hollywood also perpetuates these racial biases, often portraying blacks as the wise, the heroes, or the oppressed, and the whites as the oppressors, the villains, and the stupid rednecks. Everywhere you look in modern society, whites and so-called “whiteness” are put down and marginalized, the myth of “white supremacy” is spread, and minorities are held up as poor victims fighting for “justice” and “equality” in a racist, bigoted, imperialist nation. 

The reality is so far the opposite that one questions the mental faculties or integrity of anyone guilty of repeating the Establishment’s anti-white lies. Those who repeat this communist claptrap are either ignorant or are lying. Either way, they are aiding and abetting the enemy which seeks to destroy the Christian, conservative, white majority that has held this great Republic together for all these years. 

Divide and conquer is the name of the game. The race card is the easiest card to play in order to radicalize blacks and manipulate them into acting as pawns to spread chaos and civil unrest. This was, in fact, the plan developed by the Soviets in the 1920s for conquering America. They planned to pour salt into old wounds, whip the blacks up into open rebellion, and then use the resultant chaos of civil war to come to power. The Russian Alexander Markovsky has described the communist plan for regime change: 

“[I]f you want to change a society, here is Lenin’s script: cause the problem. Spread the misery. Send a cadre of professional community organizers to unite all of the angry and disinherited spirits to fuel an organized revolt. Entice chaos and violence. Exploit chaos for larger political objectives. Blame your political opponents, demonize and criminalize them” (in Cliff Kincaid, The Sword of Revolution and the Communist Apocalypse, 41). 

Who can honestly say that’s not what’s happening? Lenin’s script, tweaked only in minor details, is being followed by communist conspirators today. Their exploits are seen on the nightly news, but most Americans, beat down by anti-white propaganda and induced with feelings of “white guilt” reinforced by pandering priests, professors, and professionals, are afraid to call a spade a spade. 

Thus, assisted by Marxist provocateurs with billions of dollars from Wall Street and the likes of George Soros, and encouraged by the lack of pushback from Americans scared of being called “racists,” radicalized blacks, and their ideological companions in Antifa, have been rampaging through American cities, assaulting people, raping women, shooting police executing kids in the street, burning down buildings, vehicles, and forests, looting stores, toppling memorials to past heroes, harassing innocent white people at stores and restaurants, demanding that whites literally bow down and kiss their shoes, calling for reparations from whites, and threatening to overthrow the government. And yet the media, government, and dupes everywhere say “white supremacy” is the great threat to America! Complete balderdash! 

I now show how paranoid and delusional the claims about “white supremacy” really are by citing recent examples of how the term is bandied about by Establishment shills. As you read these outlandish stories, keep in mind that these same people are the ones competing for your mind and support. They have no power over you, or our nation, if you refuse to comply with their hate. Resist these anti-white racist lies and reject Satanic Marxism: 

  • In June, some 1,200 health professionals signed an open letter which stated in part that “white supremacy is a lethal public health issue” that not only “predates and contributes to COVID-19,” but which in the final equation is deadlier.
  • In October 2019, San Diego City College went full crazy by alleging that the phrase “Make America Great Again,” Confederate flags, denying “white privilege,” celebrating Columbus Day, mass incarceration of criminals, “colorblindness,” “claiming reverse racism,” saying “don’t blame me, I never owned slaves,” English-only initiatives, and a host of other actions, are signs of both overt and covert “white supremacy.” 
  • This past Independence Day, President Donald Trump held a rally at Mt. Rushmore, which was blasted by the Establishment press as “glorifying white supremacy.” 
  • In August of this year, a school in Pennsylvania began requiring kindergartners to read the book Not My Idea: A Book About Whiteness, which says, among other things, that turning off CNN, not hating your white parents, and sympathizing with police, are signs of “white supremacy.” 
  • In January, some lunatics began saying that trying to cheer up your friends is a form of “white supremacy.” No joke. One said: “If you’ve ever tried to pick up your buddies when they’re in the dumps – guess what – you’ve engaged in white supremacy.”
  • Last December, two members of the avowedly black supremacist organization Black Hebrew Israelites shot up a Jewish market in Jersey City. The delusional Rashida Tlaib blamed “white supremacy,” Tweeting: “White supremacy kills.” 
  • Midway through 2019, a picture made the rounds showing a slide in a lecture listing “characteristics of white supremacy.” Among other things on the list were the following: Individualism; sense of urgency; perfectionism; paternalism; worship of the written word; fear of open conflict; objectivity; and more. 
  • In July 2020, the Faculty Association of California State University called for the complete overhaul of the university system, originally devised by the great Thomas Jefferson, claiming it is “fundamentally grounded in a white supremacist colonial discourse and culture.”
  • In August of 2019, the Marxist dolt Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez took to Twitter, ranting: “White supremacy is like a virus” and “White supremacy is often subconscious. & Clearly, our nation has not been inoculated. WS is our nation’s original sin.”
  • Also in August 2019, the Washington Post ran with this headline: “Why free speech makes it difficult to prosecute white supremacy in America.” Yes, the article is as absurd as the title. 
  • In July of this year, black faculty at Columbia University, one of the most radical in the world, demanded the institution conduct a review of every program to gauge its “complicity with systems of white supremacy.” They demanded that departments “unlearn and challenge whiteness and white supremacy.”
  • In a column published at Duke University in 2016, a writer excoriated free speech as supporting “white supremacy,” going so far as to say: “Within the context of white supremacy, any distinction between a defaced poster, a racist pamphlet and legal or extralegal murder can be only of degree.”
  • In November 2015, Quentin Tarantino opined that police brutality is a result of “white supremacy.” Perhaps Tarantino is unaware of the pesky fact that more whites are killed by police every year than blacks. 
  • In December 2014, MSNBC hosted a black guest who alleged that “the foundation of this country is racism and white supremacy,” even blaming the Ferguson riots on them. 
  • In December of 2019, a number of academic activists wrote a letter complaining about the scientific term “quantum supremacy,” stating: “In our view, ‘supremacy’ has overtones of violence, neocolonialism and racism through its association with ‘white supremacy.”’ 
  • Similarly, math is considered by some mental defectives as “white supremacy” and “racism.” Yes, math. Yes, really. 
  • In 2017 and 2019, when the Patriots won the Super Bowl, socialists came out of the woodwork to gripe that a Patriot victory is a triumph for “white supremacy.” 
  • In May 2019, a fan was banned by the MLB for life for showing the ok hand sign, which has been dubbed a sign of “white supremacy,” in the background during a broadcast. 
  • In 2016, sixty professors from the law school of American University signed their names to an outlandish letter stating that the phrase “All Lives Matter” is a sign “intolerance” and “white supremacy” and is used by “those who do not believe the laws should equally protect those who have a different skin color or religion.” 
  • In 2017, a University of Southern California education professor said that those engaged in “disruptive tactics to shut down hate speech as well as those holding signs, protesting outside of speaker venues, and engaged in other forms of resistance against white supremacy” should not be punished. To punish or criminalize these rioters, who are “disproportionately students of color,” is “unacceptable.” 
  • In August of this year, a Catholic priest, Father Kenneth Boller, led his New York congregation in a prayer denouncing “white privilege” as “unfair” and “harmful.” 
  • In January 2018, the anti-white racist Oregon professor Reshmi Dutt-Ballerstadt released a fifteen-point checklist on how to determine whether you’re supporting “white supremacy.” Among other things as equally asinine, she wrote: “When it comes to understanding your own white privilege, you get very angry if a faculty member of color points out to you where and how your privilege is operating.” 
  • In 2017, cyberspace erupted in outrage over the white Skittle being rolled out (though it had actually been introduced previously). Some blasted the “whiteness,” saying the color white should never be used to personify “equality.” Others said the Skittle should have been a brown or black. And still others equated “whiteness” and “capitalism,” deriding Skittles for supporting either one.
  • In July 2020, the U.S. Army “accidentally” distributed a memo wherein they said that using the phrase “Make America Great Again” is an indicator of “white supremacy.” The handout also listed the following as indicators of “white supremacy”: Celebrating Columbus Day; supporting English-only initiatives; denying “white privilege”; claiming reverse racism; holding “anti-immigration” policies; and “talking about American “exceptionalism.”” The Army went through all the effort of putting this hokum together and then “accidentally” released it? Yeah, right. 
  • In October 2017, a New York professor, and author of the racist screed White LiesTweeted that if “you’re forming a white family + reproducing white children . . . how is that helping + not part of the [white supremacy] problem?” 
  • In early 2016, Black Lives Matter accused a Nashville public library of “white supremacy” for declining to host a BLM meeting because of the library’s policy of not permitting meetings that exclude people based on race. Black Lives Matter openly intended to violate that policy, inviting “only black people as well as non-black people of color” to attend, but disinviting whites. 
  • Back in 2015, radicals in California pledged their support to paint the White House brown in order to combat “white supremacy.” 
  • In December 2016, NPR called Alex Jones and his stellar Infowars radio program “the gateway drug to white supremacy in the United States.” 
  • So deep is the paranoia about so-called “white supremacist” hand signs, that in June of this year a Hispanic man (you read that correctly) was fired from his job after a photograph of him cracking his knuckles while driving near a Black Lives Matter rally emerged. The man later said: “I do that a lot when I’m driving. It has no racist intent behind it. To lose your dream job for playing with your fingers… that’s a hard pill to swallow.” A hard pill to swallow, indeed. As is the fact that the “ok” hand sign has never been a “white power” symbol, except in the minds of paranoid leftists and conservative pranksters trolling the gullible SJW crowd. 
  • In late 2017, Buzzfeed claimed that skincare products – skin whitening cream in particular – are part of a “white supremacist” conspiracy.  
  • In August 2017, Green Party vice-presidential candidate Ajamu Baraka said that in order to destroy “white supremacy” in America, we have to “remove symbols” of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. 
  • In a June 2020 hit piece, Monica Samayoa claimed that “white people” make blacks and people of color feel “unwelcomed, invisible, and that [they don’t] belong” in the outdoors. Yes, now you can blame “racism” for the fact that more white people hike and enjoy the woods than blacks. Interestingly, Monica capitalized “Black people” in her article, but left “white people” in lower case letters. I’m sure it’s just a typo and not anti-white racism seeping through. 
  • In a similar vein, the Sierra Club also denounced “the unbearable whiteness of hiking” in a December 2016 article. According to them, the thing that is “keeping people of color from participating in outdoor recreation and enjoying its benefits” is, you guessed it, “white America.” 
  • In a July 2018 article, we all learned that blacks are afraid to go hiking because “bad things happen to black people in the woods, like lynching. It’s something that you see again and again when you look at the history of the civil rights movement and slavery: black people going into the woods and not coming back.” Perhaps I’ve just not noticed all the lynch mobs lying in wait as I’ve hiked and hunted in the woods for most of my life. Thankfully we have the media to tell us to be careful of the KKK-dominated outdoors! 
  • The Sierra Club published a June 2020 piece titled “Racism is Killing the Planet,” wherein they wined that “racism and white supremacy harm all of us, because in addition to robbing us of our humanity, racism is also killing the planet we all share. An idea—a long-overdue realization—is growing in the environmental movement. It goes something like this: “We’ll never stop climate change without ending white supremacy.”” The Sierra Club also capitalized “Black people,” but left “white people” in lower case letters. Those darn typos are everywhere! 
  • In January 2020, a high school student had his Infowars hat confiscated by the school and was labeled a “white supremacist” by the principal. The boy’s father took to social media, writing: “[M]y son was threatened and “charged” for “white supremacy” . . . . . . . . Essentially marking him for life with a hate crime (at least his permanent record). The principal even told my son that he was in fact a “white supremacist” . . . . . . . . thus slandering and defaming the boy further! . . . . Lebanon School District gets their guidelines from the A.D.L. and the Southern Poverty Law Center!!!” 
  • In June of 2020, the radical activist Shaun King demanded that all depictions of Jesus as white need to be torn down because “they are a gross form of white supremacy” and “racist propaganda,” and “created as tools of oppression.”
  • In June 2019, a radical journalist blamed “white supremacy” in the Trump administration for the delay in swapping out Andrew Jackson for Harriet Tubman on the $20 bill. May the delay be permanent and the heroic Andrew Jackson remain a visible icon for all Americans! 
  • In November 2019, a sign with the phrase “It’s Okay to Be White” appeared in Oklahoma City, prompting a police investigation because it allegedly promotes “white supremacy.” The responsible party, a law student at Oklahoma City University, was later identified and expelled from school. 
  • In the aftermath of George Floyd’s de facto suicide while high on a lethal dose on fentanyl earlier this summer, the Marxist mob went after businesses for their “racism” and “white supremacy,” forcing them to change their names or drop their logos. Companies and products attacked included Eskimo Pie ice cream, Aunt Jemima, Mrs. Butterworth, and Uncle Ben’s rice. The Washington Redskins even dropped “Redskins” from their title. 
  • As Black Lives Matter rioters ravaged Minnesota earlier this May, the state’s Democratic governor amazingly blamed “white supremacists,” claiming they can easily “blend in” and stir up chaos. 
  • In July of this year, the National Museum of African American History and Culture (NMAAHC) published an absolutely asinine paper detailing all the ways that “white culture” and “whiteness” are linked to “white supremacy” and “oppression.” The absurdity is too voluminous to cite in full, but I draw out these gems of anti-white racism and sheer stupidity: “Being white does not mean you haven’t experienced hardships or oppression. Being white does mean you have not faced hardships or oppression based on the color of your skin. We need to be honest about the ways white people have benefited from racism so we can work toward an equitable, fair and just society.” Also: “The believe of white superiority has been part of the United States since its inception . . . White supremacy and its legacy can still be found in our legal system and other institutions through coded language and targeted practices.” Lastly: “Whiteness is also at the core of understanding race in America. Whiteness and the normalization of white racial identity throughout America’s history have created a culture where nonwhite persons are seen as inferior or abnormal.” The document is one of the most atrociously hateful, racist, and divisive things you will ever read. 
  • During the first presidential debate between President Trump and Joe Biden, in the context of the rioting happening in American cities, liberal moderator Chris Wallace challenged President Trump to denounce “white supremacy” (implying they were behind the violence), and Biden ranted about the threat it poses. In response, President Trump not only said “sure” he would denounce them, but then addressed the Proud Boys, who are often falsely labeled “white supremacists,” telling them to “stand back and stand by.” Every normal person knew this meant that they should step aside and let law enforcement handle the rioters. The next day, however, the controlled media went ballistic, claiming that President Trump refused to denounce “white supremacy” and, instead, called them to arms. 
  • Finally, getting to the very core of the scaremongering campaign against so-called “white supremacy,” the New York communist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said: “Calling people who believe in democracy, civil + economic rights, and racial justice “communist” has a long + rich history w/ white supremacy in the US. It was one of the preferred smears against integrating schools, & one of the main attacks segregationists used against MLK Jr.” 

Ladies and gentlemen, Comrade Cortez revealed the enemy’s true rationale: The smear “white supremacist” is nothing more than a communist tactic to discredit and counter anti-communists. Who can deny the reality of a coordinated war on whites after reviewing the list of stories above? This is a war on whites and, more importantly, the institutions of Faith, Family, and Freedom we have created which stand as a bulwark against the Bolshevik onslaught. 

By calling us “racists,” “white supremacists,” “Nazis,” “fascists,” and “anti-Semites,” the enemy seeks to bypass debate on principles and issues, instead pulling on heartstrings and appealing to the emotions of the mob. This strategy works particularly well with minorities, homosexuals, and women, who have been taught to believe they are all “victims” of “white America,” “Christians,” and “the patriarchy.” 

Truthfully, the cry of “racism,” “white supremacy,” and “anti-Semitism” is an admission that one has no capacity for rational thought. It is abdication of the moral high ground. It is pandering and emotionalism. It is intellectually dishonest and morally bankrupt. Only those thoroughly uninformed and unacquainted with reality and history think that non-white minorities don’t have a fair shake in America or that the white majority has ever perpetuated a culture of racism. 

The prejudice we should be concerned about in 21st-Century America is not that of whites against minorities, the “system” against coloreds, cops against blacks, or anything of the like. No, the hate campaign we should be most concerned about is that carried on by the Marxist Elite and their dupes against patriots, conspiracy researchers, Christians, constitutionalists, whites, and anti-communists. Whites in particular – minus those who have fully embraced communism – have become the most persecuted group in the United States, if not the world. Throughout Europe, in South Africa, and now in the United States, whites are beginning to be treated as second-class citizens, pariahs, and oppressors, simply because of the color of their skin. 

I thought the Establishment endorsed Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “dream” that one day we would judge each other not by the color of our skin, but by the content of our character. If that is the standard, then the Democrats, Black Lives Matter, Antifa, and socialists everywhere, fail the test and prove themselves the true oppressors. And, for the record, as I’ve documented in this article and in chapters in each of my first two books, MLK was a covert communist agitator, liar, and rampant adulterer. Indeed, the entire Civil Rights movement was communist-controlled from the beginning. The Burn Loot Murder (BLM) crowd we see on our televisions every night committing new acts of terror and destruction are the true ideological successors to the Civil Rights movement and the authentic standard bearers of MLK’s tainted flag. 

As noted at the beginning, for a full century, the communist enemy has sought to divide America along racial lines, using blacks first and foremost as their tool to pry apart our Republic. The propagandists have worked hard for decades to manipulate black minds into a sense of victimhood. They’ve taught blacks they are “oppressed,” that the U.S. constitutional system is inherently “oppressive” and “racist,” that America was founded on “white supremacy” and hate for people of color, that they cannot lift themselves out of the mire because “white America” is holding them down, that the ideals of Karl Marx offer the only salvation from the white-capitalist system that keeps them in the ghetto, and that, finally, revolution against whites is the only solution. 

The revolution is occurring, dear reader. It has been waged on TV screens, in classrooms, and in movie theaters for decades. It is being waged in your mind, as the forces of darkness attempt to blame all the evil in society on your white skin, on your noble ancestors, and on the unrivaled institutions American patriots of the past created. It is also being waged on the streets, as Black Lives Matter and Antifa terrorists tear down vestiges of American history and monuments to our national heroes, as well as burn down buildings, loot local stores, and murder innocent patriots who are guilty of nothing other than being white and opposing a well-coordinated attempt to enslave them and their families. 

The communist smear “white supremacist” is one of the oldest and most ludicrous in existence. Calling patriots “racists” and “Nazis” and “Klansmen” was literally an order handed down by the Kremlin in the 1950s. The fact that it is used so widely today by the controlled press, Hollywood, professors, big tech, and pandering turncoats, is concrete evidence that the communist conspiracy is the real threat facing America and the world today. Every honest person knows it. 

In conclusion, I turn to give a word of encouragement to my fellow white American patriots. It really is ok to be white! We have absolutely nothing to be ashamed about. Our history is not shameful; let’s celebrate it! Our forefathers gave the world the freest and most prosperous Republic in recorded history. Through the sacrifice of their blood and the establishment of the Constitution, our ancestors forged a civilization on an uncivilized continent and gave more people a greater chance to excel than any nation ever has. Our race has also done more to end slavery and racism and bigotry than any other. Indeed, slavery still exists in some parts of the non-white world, and anti-white racism is rampant both abroad and in America’s ghettos. I repeat: We have nothing to be ashamed of! 

God help us fight back against communist conditioning which seeks to paint us, our ancestors, and our free institutions as “racist” and “white supremacist.” Man up and fight for the America our Founding Fathers built – a free and prosperous America where rule of law and Christian precepts prevail. Reject outright the Devilish claims of “white supremacy” made by those who wish to destroy us and those too ignorant to know they’re supporting their own slavery. Speak up, stand up, push back. Defend your Faith, Families, and Freedom against the rushing Red avalanche and its monstrous lies!

Zack Strong, 

October 5, 2020 

5 thoughts on “The Myth of White Supremacy in America

  1. Well written article Sir. The hatred against White People stems from the Education System of America brainwashing the youth into believing the lies of Cultural Marxism and Communism. There is never any outcry against “Red/Yellow/Brown/Black Supremacy” from the media or in the schools EVER! “White Supremacy” and “White Privilege” are terms invented by the communist agitators to breakdown American Culture, and cause racial antagonisms between non-whites and whites.

    Someone seriously needs to tell Chauncey Devega from Salon Magazine to literally shut their trap, for the liberal/progressive left is totally unhinged and medically insane in their hatred against White People. We need to abolish Critical Race Theory and expel it from the education system that vilifies Western Culture, Christianity and the White Man Altogether. Keep up with the great work of truth and never compromise your core beliefs.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Agreed

    If you look up White Supremacy on Wikipedia (lets agree its a liberal site) you will see tons of citations and pictures of KKK parades and all sorts of white supremacy related stuff from the past up to 1980.

    After 1980? The article jumps to 2016 and says the object of White Supremacy is to overthrow the government. No credible citations, no pictures, no clever explanation or evidence of why open white supremacy has dropped off the face of America for 40 years; just trust that it still exists and flourishes in hiding right?

    As a 40 year old white male I remember seeing KKK parades on the news in the 1980s. And since then I haven’t seen anything. As a college graduate from 2003 the idea of “white priviledge” and “white guilt” was first taught to me in a Feminism 101 class (at this time “race relation” classes did not exist)

    As a resident of NYC I have just as many contemporary black friends making the same or more money in jobs than I do. None of them said they had to overcome or battle white supremacy to get where they were. They either worked hard and had a good work ethic or some had rich parents to “white people” them jobs (im quoting Will Smith from Suicide Squad). Why don’t my black friends tell me of this gigantic white supremacy machine of my race that somehow is evading me but attacking them? Is it because it doesn’t exist for them? Am I unaware as a white person who has studied white privilege and white guilt in college? Why dont white supremist approach me to recruit me if its so systemic? Ive never met an open white supremist.

    Lets not confuse racism with ethnic supremacy. Blacks can be/are racist (ask an Asian or Latino). Latinos can be/are racist (ask a Black or Asian). Asians can be racist (ask a Black or Latino). Anyone can be racist. Same thing with ethnic supremacy. Anyone can claim brown or white is the best. As the author put; If I claim I like being white because I like it; this has no relevance to me thinking all ethnic people should be replaced with white people. Do black people like being black? Is that Black Supremacy?

    Lastly I want to note that in the 1980s there was really no such thing as the white supremist. It was white v black (white supremacy in my eyes was during the Jim Crowe law era where colonial whites thought blacks and browns weren’t good enough to breathe the same air in a room; or were never going to be good enough to perform like a white person). White supremacy is like a UBER-RACISM where whites are not just against black (as the Marxist play said in the early 20th century) Its whites against EVERYONE. So now Asians and Latinos and anyone whos not pure white can be offended. I must admit if you want to create division– that’s a 100% effective means even greater than the Marxist version..


  3. Good article. The only part I’ll quibble with is implying that there never was large-scale racism in America (my paraphrase). A very, very, very long time ago the laws of this nation allowed the unjust ownership of one person by another. And the fact is that ownership was indeed limited to white people owning black people. But we fought a war, gave our blood, gave our children to end slavery in America once and for all. Even before the war many states / territories rejected the idea of slavery. Even before the war white people put their lives and well-being on the line to help slaves escape their bonds. We then systematically changed laws to equalize the rights of all people. A long, long time ago! NOBODY is alive today who even remembers slavery!

    But these BLM radicals, and their dupes, are re-writing history. That are claiming that segregation still exists. Claiming that “people of color are denied access to this or that institution”. Balderdash! There are a lot of rich black people, and they have access to everything rich white people have access to. And there are a lot of poor white people, who have no more access to expensive clubs or institutions than a poor black person. It is fair, it is just, it is equal. The simple fact is, BLM and the radicals do not want fair. They want black privilege. Rather, I should say they want more black privilege than what they already have.

    News flash — the debt has been paid. America no longer owes anything for the past sin of slavery (which, as you accurately pointed out, was and is a world problem. It was never about one race owning another race, but was about economics and whoever happens to be more powerful at any given time. Black people owned black people in Africa. Throughout history people have enslaved others, often others from another tribe or nation. To this day, slavery exists — slavery that has nothing at all to do with race.

    “White Supremacy” is a myth. America has been dubbed “the great melting pot”. People have come here from all parts of the world, because of the “American Dream” that is available to anybody. Race has nothing to do with anything in obtaining this dream. Just look around — there are very successful people from every race living in America. People who took charge of their own lives, didn’t play the victim, and know that the American Dream is available to anybody, without regard to race.


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