War on the Second Amendment

Michelle Lujan Grisham – let the name burn in the eternal flames of infamy. The Democratic Governor Grisham of New Mexico has reserved herself a place among tyrants and traitors this past week by unilaterally, unconstitutionally, and unconscionably suspending the Second Amendment – specifically, the People’s right to carry firearms whether openly or concealed. 

The tyrannical Establishment and their gaggle of mind-addled lemmings are waging war on the Second Amendment. Every day, in some part of America, a politician, activist, journalist, commentator, or citizen exposes himself as a traitor to the Constitution, to the American heritage, and to the laws of nature and of nature’s God.  

After the right of life, the God-given human right of self-defense is the most fundamental of all rights. Without it, all other rights are untenable and subject to violation. The right of self-defense, enshrined by our wise forefathers in the Second Amendment in the Bill of Rights, is the bulwark and safeguard against unfettered tyranny and oppression. 

In theory, an armed population cannot be conquered. In actual fact, America has been largely hijacked, occupied, and conquered by the political hyenas who lord over us. These jackals wear both Rs and Ds next to their names. They are strategically positioned throughout society in government, business, media, academia, religion, and more, to push forward the Satanic disarmament agenda. 

I make no bones about the anti-Second Amendment campaign being a Satanic and demonic agenda of enslavement. How can it not be when it attacks the one right that defends all the others? Any policy, program, party, or person who assaults any of our rights – no matter whether they do it in the name of God, the “public good,” the “general welfare,” the “safety” of society, the children, or what have you – is guilty of fighting against the laws of nature and of nature’s God. 

The phrase “the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God,” which you will remember if you are any sort of true American, is from the Declaration of Independence. When the corrupt and oppressive British monarchy trampled their rights, the Founding Fathers appealed to God and His laws for a final redress of grievances. They had attempted to peacefully rectify their situation by petitions and pleas, but to no avail. Only by bearing arms in the manly defense of their sacred rights were our forefathers able to preserve the blessings of Liberty to themselves and their posterity. 

Sob stories don’t affect me. Feelings don’t trump facts. As horrifically tragic and gut wrenching as it is to see school shootings or any type of malicious violence, these events don’t magically nullify, cancel, or suspend our rights. Our rights are sacrosanct. They existed before governments, before constitutions, and before societies. They cannot, therefore, be suspended, canceled, or nullified by government or society unless they are forfeited by one’s own attack on the equal rights of others. And this punishment is individualized and cannot be applied randomly to all people without violating their God-given rights. 

Enter Governor Grisham. On September 8, this anti-American despot declared that the Constitution was null and void in her state. Specifically, she announced the suspension of the Second Amendment for thirty days due to fictitious “emergency” that she concocted out of whole cloth. The very idea that an emergency can suspend our rights is also absurd. Yet, the COVID Scamdemic proved that most Americans are either too ignorant or timid to resist the schemes of despots when they pursue their demonic agendas in the name of an “emergency.” 

I repeat again that no “emergency,” real or fake, nullifies your God-given rights. All elected representatives hold their offices by virtue of your approval and allowance. They have no inherent right to rule. 100% of their authority was delegated to them by you. The question becomes, then, do you have the authority to suspend another person’s rights, even in an emergency? Of course not! 

You don’t have the right or authority to force another person to perform a medical intervention, whether that is putting a mask over their face or injecting poison into their bodies or going on a diet. Since you don’t have that authority, you can’t delegate it to government. You also don’t have the authority to simply suspend your neighbor’s rights, whether their right to self-defense, life, Liberty, property, speech, or any other. Since you don’t have that authority, you can’t delegate the authority to suspend rights to government. 

The only exception, as noted, is when one individual forfeits certain of his rights by violating the equal rights of another. A murderer, for instance, who deprives a person of their right to life can forfeit his own life. A robber may be required to give up his own property to compensate his victim. In all of this, the punishment is individualized and applied on a case-by-case basis. It is never applied to classes, groups, or populations as a whole. 

Yet, in New Mexico, Governor Grisham literally believes she is above any and all law, that she has rights and authorities that even her people don’t have, and that the Constitution and the rights it safeguards are utterly meaningless and disposable in a “crisis.” She said as much. In her press conference unveiling the nightmarish “health emergency” dictate, Grisham was asked: 

“You took an oath to the Constitution. Isn’t it unconstitutional to say you cannot exercise your carry license?” 

This monstrous tyrant insanely reasoned: 

“With one exception. And that is if there’s an emergency – and I’ve declared an emergency for a temporary amount of time – I can invoke additional powers. No constitutional right, in my view, including my oath, is intended to be absolute.” 

First, there’s no such thing as “constitutional rights.” Rights come from God or, if you will, the laws of nature. They preceded government, laws, and constitutions; they exist without and outside them; and they will continue on after all governments and laws collapse and fade into memory. These rights cannot be destroyed. Or, as the Declaration of Independence says, they are “incapable of Annihilation.” 

Tell that to the governor of New Mexico! Grisham is the most vicious of tyrants. She believes that your rights aren’t sacred, aren’t absolute, and are inferior to her whims. She believes that a supposed “emergency,” which is only an emergency in her private estimation, can obliterate and erase your rights. In other words, she doesn’t believe they are rights, but privileges. 

Privileges can be taken away, but rights cannot. Privileges are granted, rights are not. Privileges are of lesser value than rights. Our rights, however, come from God Almighty. We are endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights, not by our government, our governor, or our community. The opinions of the community, governor, or government are utterly irrelevant. No majority, no judge, no governor, no legislature, no congress, no president, no priest, no neighbor, no community, no poll, no vote, no referendum, no edict, no school board, no police officer, has the right to suspend your rights, because they didn’t give them to you. Only God, who endowed you with your rights, is in a position to do that; and He has not. 

Do you see why I constantly harp on the fact that without God America can’t pull herself out of her nosedive? Without the fundamental understanding that our rights come from God and cannot be suspended by any mortal power, the Grishams of the world will continue to push their totalitarianism upon us until, fatigued into compliance, we submit to chains and slavery. 

I declare to you, and give my personal witness from the Holy Spirit, that the U.S. Constitution is inspired. It was written by profoundly good and wise men. It is not a perfect document, but it is nearly so, and it bears the Lord’s stamp of approval. But the Constitution gives no rights, confers no powers, and doesn’t alter in the slightest the basic system our Creator put in place regarding our rights and responsibilities. 

The Constitution was written to restrain government from encroaching on individual rights and to enumerate the very limited powers that governments may wield at the discretion of the People who authorized them to do so in their behalf. The People – comprised of individuals holding equal rights given to them by God – are the true sovereigns, however. The Constitution does not restrain us; it restrains our representatives. 

The Constitution, which was ratified by the American People operating through their respective states, was declared to be the “supreme Law of the Land” to which all local and national officers are “bound.” All state governments and laws are therefore subject to the Constitution and are trumped by it in those areas of its enumerated powers. No state law may contravene the Constitution. Period. 

Part of the Constitution is the Bill of Rights, which includes the Second Amendment’s guarantee that our individual, God-given right to keep and bear arms “shall not be infringed.” If the Second Amendment guarantees to the individual his right to keep and bear arms, and the Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land which all elected representatives and officers of public trust are bound to uphold, then that ends the debate forever. All federal and state gun laws are unconstitutional, to say nothing of an arbitrary edict suspending the Second Amendment altogether! 

This actually has nothing whatsoever to do with guns, firearms, or defensive weapons. It has to do with the fundamental understanding of where rights come from, where government gets its authority, and the role of the federal Constitution. If we understand that our rights come not from government but from God, that government representatives receive 100% of their delegated powers from the People and cannot exceed the power possessed by individuals nor do what individuals may not, and that the Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land which holds sacrosanct our natural, God-given rights, then our problems are nearly solved. 

Citizens of New Mexico, don’t comply with this tyranny. Reject this edict and the despot who attempted to foist it upon you to destroy your rights. You voted her into office, but now that her true colors are there for all to see, reject her anti-American philosophy that can only end in the total abolition of your precious rights. Instead, be more like Sheriff John Allen of Bernalillo County who unequivocally stated: 

“The Bernalillo Sheriff’s Office will not enforce this segment of the order. While I understand the urgency, the temporary ban challenges the foundations of our Constitution, but, most importantly, it is unconstitutional. My oath was to protect the Constitution and that is what I will do . . . Other than this ban being unconstitutional, here are other reasons why I will not enforce the order. One, what many forget is I have enough violence here in Bernalillo County. I do not want to have political violence towards my deputies or here in Bernalillo County. My job is to keep the peace and to make sure that the citizens of Bernalillo County are safe, and I do not believe that this order will help me do so. I’m a law enforcement professional. This order will not do anything to curb gun violence, other than punish law-abiding citizens from their constitutional right to self-defense. It is quite irritating for me to see how this thirty-day ban completely overshadowed the robust conversations that we had with the governor in the office on what we are going to do to curb gun violence and for people to stop being victims.” 

Every American should be beyond irritated. We should feel enraged and take it personally when despots raise their ugly heads and attempt to eviscerate our God-given rights. Sic Semper Tyrannis was once a heartfelt American slogan. It needs to be resurrected once more. So does the phrase once proposed as our national motto: Rebellion to Tyrants is Obedience to God

We must come to the same understanding that our Founding Fathers did about our rights and our duty to defend them at every hazard. In his delightfully blunt way, John Adams put it this way: 

“The right of a nation to kill a tyrant, in cases of necessity, can no more be doubted, than that to hang a robber, or kill a flea. But killing one tyrant only makes way for a worse, unless the people have sense, spirit, and honesty enough to establish and support a constitution guarded at all points against tyranny; against the tyranny of the one, the few, and the many. Let it be the study, therefore, of lawgivers and philosophers, to enlighten the people’s understandings and improve their morals, by good and general education; to enable them to comprehend the scheme of government, and to know upon what points their liberties depend; to dissipate those vulgar prejudices and popular superstitions that oppose themselves to good government; and to teach them that obedience to the laws is as indispensable in them as in lords and kings” (John Adams, “Defence of the Constitutions of Government of the United States,” 1787). 

Our rights came from God, not man. And we have a right, individually and collectively, to defend ourselves when anyone in any capacity attempts to deprive us of what God has given us. The right of self-defense specifically must be fiercely guarded if we hope to safeguard any of our other precious rights. 

The war on the Second Amendment must be won. The victory must be for private self-defense. No well-intentioned person attacks our fundamental right of self-defense. Only people so frighteningly ignorant that they should be kept far away from government, and those with malicious intent to reduce us to slavery and who therefore first need to neuter us as a threat, attack our God-given right of self-defense. 

Let us each work overtime to not only not comply with unlawful and unconstitutional edicts and laws such as Grisham’s draconian Second Amendment ban, which has already been declared unconstitutional by a federal judge, but to positively educate our fellow citizens in constitutionalism and self-rule, in the origin of their rights, and in the particulars of what their rights and duties are as freemen. We can begin this empowerment process by rereading the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution and remembering what it truly means to be a free man or woman of the greatest nation and finest Republic God has ever raised up among men. Godspeed, fellow freeman! 

Zack Strong, 
September 14, 2023 

See my other articles on our inestimable right of self-defense here: 

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