Financial Tyranny

You’re a slave. I’m a slave. We’re all slaves. We’re in financial bondage to a group of maniacally insidious global feudal lords. They keep us in chains with money, debt, and taxation. We will never free ourselves from this savage slavery until we admit we’re enslaved. 

Taxation is theft. Inflation is hidden taxation. Government fees for licenses and permits of every conceivable type are other hidden taxes. Government “charity” programs are made possible by taxes and worthless paper “money” printed out of thin air. The entire thing is a charade – a house of cards ready to crumble. 

The national debt of the United States is currently $32,708,829, 263,293. Wait, now it’s $32,708,830,288,079. No, now it is $32,708,831,193,610. . . You get the idea – it’s increasing at an unfathomable rate literally every second of the day and night. The debt per citizen is $97,566. 

Each new dollar of this debt is another link in the chain that binds you to the financial overlords. They own you. They hold you for ransom. They hold your entire life in the palms of their hands. Their despotically arbitrary regulations restrict your financial Freedom at every turn. 

You can’t transfer money on PayPal without the IRS getting involved and possibly holding your money without cause for weeks at a time. You can’t take out more than x number of dollars if you go abroad on a trip. You can’t take money out of an ATM in many locations without a fee and without every cent of it being tracked. You can’t buy plane tickets without government taxes making up half or more than half of the total cost. You can’t buy a house, open a business, lend money, spend money, or any other transaction of note, without it being subject to denial or approval by this or that institution or by government. You can’t buy milk at the grocery store without being taxed either directly by taxes or indirectly by inflation. No, you simply can’t escape the pull of debt, the damaging attack of inflation, and the constant looking over your shoulder by Big Brother, banks, and financial robber barons. 

This is tyranny. This is oppression. This is taxation without representation. It is duplicitous, dishonest, damaging, despotic, and Devilish. It is part of the reason why our forefathers took up their arms and fought for Independence from their tyrannical government. When will we do the same? 

How long do we need to endure the torture our high-tech feudal lords inflict upon us? How much longer will we subserviently cower before the arrogant throne of the Federal Reserve, BIS, IRS, BlackRock, Washington, D.C., and all the other myriad financial institutions that take advantage of us? How long will we allow a clique of bankers – many of them foreigners, Judeo-Bolsheviks, and traitors – to manipulate and abuse us and hold us for ransom with our own hard-earned money? 

Will we allow ourselves to finally die an ignominious death of a thousand cuts simply because we weren’t man enough to stand up and fight for our Faith, Families, and Freedom? We’re at the point when the men of this beleaguered country will have to make the decision to leave their ploughs and pick up their pitchforks. The system we’re entangled in is not sustainable. It only leads to deeper slavery, more monstrous oppression, and bloodshed. 

We’re on the verge of financial ruin and collapse – engineered and deliberate financial catastrophe. It’s part of a long-term plan that has been generations in the making. Our grandparents and parents went along with it as the tentacles grew tighter around our wrists, ankles, and neck. Now, we’re passively and apathetically sitting still as the thick chains bind us more completely by the day. 

With financial serfdom and engineered financial collapse comes many things. First, normal items will become impossible to pay for. Store items, one by one, will increase in price even though your salary won’t keep pace. Luxuries will become rarer. Shortages will escalate. 

Then, when the dollar has finally become worthless and has lost its respectability, it will be discarded by our overlords and will be replaced with a digital currency. This currency already exists. It will be the greatest control measure known to history. No one will be able to make any transactions – whether buying or selling – without approval from a government-controlled or government-affiliated or government-commissioned institution, organization, or agency. And, naturally, these “government” organizations will be controlled from above by the same nefarious men and cliques that control it today. 

To get people to comply with this all-pervasive totalitarianism, the world destroyers will likely throw more crises at us. Perhaps another virus hoax to justify lockdowns and additional controls, or even a real one that kills millions and also justifies extreme government control measures. Perhaps they will bring upon us global famine, as I predicted in my article “The Coming Global Holodomor.” They are already committing widespread and frequent terror attacks against the food and agricultural industries, as I documented in my piece “The Terror Attacks We Aren’t Talking About.” They may even throw an assassination attempt at the puppet-in-chief, blame it on someone else, and institute Continuity of Government schemes to institute military dictatorship, as I predicted in my 2021 article “The Coming Assassination False Flag.” 

Whatever tactics this group of Elite jackals uses, it’s clear that their goals include reducing the world population by genocide, establishing total financial domination over the world, and ushering in a global Marxian government. This portends total mobocracy, bloodshed, collapse, and chaos here in the United States and abroad. Yet, many of us won’t go quietly into the night; we won’t peacefully board the cattle cars scheduled to take us to the GULAG for reeducation or disposal. And since many of us won’t submit to this fiendish oppression, it means war. 

Are you ready to fight? Are you preparing? Are you even thinking about the realities, or are you hiding your head in the sand? Turning a blind eye to the truth that chains of slavery are being wrapped around your arms and legs by vicious slavers who want to consume your soul will only ensure the nightmare plays out in broad daylight. 

Patrick Henry had wise counsel for men in a similar, though less dangerous, situation in 1775. He urged manly courage and duty in the face of an attacking enemy: 

“If we were base enough to desire it, it is now too late to retire from the contest. There is no retreat but in submission and slavery! Our chains are forged! Their clanking may be heard on the plains of Boston! The war is inevitable–and let it come! I repeat it, sir, let it come. 

“It is in vain, sir, to extenuate the matter. Gentlemen may cry, Peace, Peace– but there is no peace. The war is actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms! Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!” 

For those so timid and servile as to recoil at the thought of fighting for Freedom, I rebuke and disown you. You’re not my countrymen. You’re cowards, pathetic, and spineless. You don’t deserve citizenship in this Empire of Liberty unless you are willing to fight like men. The first step is acknowledging that we are in a war and that we are under attack. 

Remember, though, we’re not alone in this battle. Patrick Henry reminded us that: 

“we are not weak if we make a proper use of those means which the God of nature hath placed in our power. The millions of people, armed in the holy cause of liberty, and in such a country as that which we possess, are invincible by any force which our enemy can send against us. Besides, sir, we shall not fight our battles alone. There is a just God who presides over the destinies of nations, and who will raise up friends to fight our battles for us. The battle, sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave.” 

Be vigilant and brave. Do the right thing. Choose the right side. Join the holy cause of Liberty. Turn to God for support. If we be on His side, who can prevail against us? 

We have only sunken down into our current state of pathetic serfdom because we have forgotten the God who presides over nations, the God who helped our forefathers win their War for Independence, the God who inspired our Constitution, the God who raised up America above all nations, and the God who is the Lord of Hosts who is returning soon to avenge the wrongs committed by Satan’s henchmen against the Saints of our Savior Jesus Christ. 

We are all in grueling financial bondage, but the Lord who paid all debts can make us free. We are struggling in chains forged by demonic tyrants, but we can be liberated as easily from them as when the Apostles were freed more than once from incarceration and certain death (Acts 5:17-23; Acts 12:5-11). Satan is disgustingly impotent, yet this is the great day of his usurped power. It’s the day when the world loves darkness rather than light. But the unstoppable light will shine when the Light of the world returns. 

Resist the tyranny. Reject the financial bondage you are being bound in. Fight back however you can and sharpen your swords. You will need them sooner than later either to defend your family during the coming engineered collapse or against tyrants. Our forefathers rebelled over far less than the daily abuse and despotism heaped upon our backs, and they prevailed by adoring the Invisible Hand that controls the nations. 

If we follow in the same footsteps by humbling ourselves before the Lord Jesus Christ and fighting like men for our Faith, Families, and Freedom – even if it means literally fighting – then we will triumph. As it is, we have collectively been too cowardly, ignorant, or immoral to fight off the serpentine chords of the overlords of high finance which have bound us tightly. 

But today is a new day. What will we do? In whom will we trust? For what will we fight? Our financial bondage makes it more difficult for us to reject tyranny, but it’s our duty to do so. Let’s be men of honor and fight back at last. 

Zack Strong, 
August 18, 2023

2 thoughts on “Financial Tyranny

  1. Pingback: Terror Attacks Incoming | The American Citadel

  2. Pingback: Biden’s Impending Removal | The American Citadel

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