“The Most Ridiculous Insurrection”

Political prisoner Stewart Rhodes of Oath Keepers fame recently said in an interview on the January 6th nonsense that: “It was not an insurrection. It’s the most ridiculous insurrection of world history.” Rhodes is correct that the January 6th false-flag event was not an “insurrection” and, that, if you attempt to consider it one, you must also conclude it was the most utterly “ridiculous,” pitiful, and impotent insurrection ever conducted. 

Rhodes was recently found “guilty” of sedition on January 6th in a Stalinist show trial. If he loses his appeals, he will essentially spend the next twenty years in prison. What was his great crime? The Gateway Pundit gave an apt rundown of what Rhodes did not do on January 6th: 

“He NEVER went inside the US Capitol on January 6. 
He never instructed anyone to go inside the US Capitol. 
He was unarmed as were all of his Oath Keeper associates that day. 
They left their weapons outside of the city in their hotel rooms. 
There was no plan to enter the US Capitol. 
The few Oath Keepers who entered the US Capitol assisted police. 
There was no scheme to take over the government with their bare hands. 
There were no pre-planning meetings on how they were going to take over the Capitol. 
The prosecution was a sham. 
There was no evidence of an insurrection – at all! 
The jury was a pool of DC Communists and unhinged left-wing activists who see themselves as victims.” 

Rhodes’ prosecution and conviction were grave travesties of justice. It was test case to see how openly Stalinist the political Establishment could be – how blatantly they could throw their opposition in prison with no evidence of any crime being committed – before the American People reacted. So far, the American People haven’t reacted at all and, so, the Stalinist prosecutorial machinery keeps grinding forward. How many more patriots will it crush to powder before we wake up, mobilize, and act to kill tyranny in America? 

In truth, however, I’m far more livid with Stewart Rhodes and the Oath Keepers, and with other January 6 patriots and Donald Trump, than I am with the corrupt, lying political Establishment. Why? 

First, I don’t expect anything above lies, slander, false accusations, show trials, and treachery from the Establishment and their socialist lackeys. I understand conspiracy and I know how evil these Satanic traitors are and how they’ve waged constant war against our Republic from its inception. They’ve murdered, robbed, raped, plundered, invaded sovereign nations, jailed opposition, drugged populations, brainwashed and abused children, attacked the Constitution, and fought against God and His laws. There’s nothing they haven’t done and won’t do to destroy our nation, erase our Constitution, and erect a collectivized and all-powerful police state on the ashes. 

Second, Trump did nothing to stop the election theft in 2020. Absolutely nothing! His supporters also did nothing but wave flags, parade around, and gripe online. Republicans have also done nothing to rectify the left of the 2022 election, though Kari Lake has at least attempted to reverse the glaring theft of the governorship in Arizona. 

Third, Rhodes and Oath Keepers are oath-breakers who reneged on their oaths to fight against America’s enemies, foreign and domestic. In the days after the stolen 2020 election, on December 14, 2020, to be exact, Stewart Rhodes wrote a spirited open letter on his now defunct oathkeepers.org to President Donald Trump warning him of what would happen if he allowed himself to be thrust out of power by election-stealers. He wrote: 

“President Trump, We now face a moment of peril as great, or greater, as what General Washington and his men faced in 1776. The very survival of our nation as a free Constitutional Republic hangs in the balance. We have but one last chance to save it. The fate of unborn millions will now depend on your conduct, the conduct of the current members of our armed forces, and the conduct of we the many millions of American veterans and patriots who are still loyal to our Constitution. . . . 

“It’s time to honor that oath by defending the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. 

“This is your moment of destiny. Will you take your place in history as the savior of our Republic, right up there with President Washington and Lincoln? Or will you fail to act, while you still can, and leave office on January 20, 2021, leaving We the People to fight a desperate revolution/civil war against an illegitimate usurper and his Chicom puppet regime? 

“We are already at war with communist China and its willing American agents, puppets, and co-conspirators who seek to overthrow our Constitution, as well as the international elites and other foreign enemies who have aided and abetted this war on our nation. They have infiltrated and taken over every branch of government at every level, state and federal. War isn’t coming – war is already here. 

“Communist China could never defeat us in open battle, so instead, it infiltrated and subverted our institutions, bought and blackmailed American elites, and made allegiance with willing domestic enemies of our Constitution, to defeat us from the inside out, without having to fire a shot, by using what is commonly referred to as “Fourth Generation Warfare” doctrines and methods. This is war by other means, but it is war nonetheless. Through well-orchestrated mass vote fraud, the Communist Chinese and their domestic enemy allies are about to install their illegitimate puppet, Joe Biden, and his equally illegitimate puppet running mate, Kamala Harris, into the White House, with their treasonous fingers on the nuclear launch codes. 

“You must act NOW as a wartime President, pursuant to your oath to defend the Constitution, which is very similar to the oath all of us veterans swore. We are already in a fight. It’s better to wage it with you as Commander-in-Chief than to have you comply with a fraudulent election, leave office, and leave the White House in the hands of illegitimate usurpers and Chinese puppets. Please don’t do it. Do NOT concede, and do NOT wait until January 20, 2021. Strike now. 

“If you fail to act while you are still in office, we the people will have to fight a bloody civil war and revolution against these two illegitimate Communist China puppets, and their illegitimate regime, with all of the powers of the deep state behind them, with nominal command of all the might of our armed forces (though we fully expect many units or entire branches to refuse their orders and to fight against them) and with their foreign allies also joining in to assist in the suppression of American patriots. 

“Without clean elections, we no longer have a Republic, and you are charged by the Constitution with preserving a republican form of government wherein the people actually elect their own representatives in clean elections. . . . 

“Clearly an unlawful combination and conspiracy in multiple states (indeed, in every state) has acted to deprive the people of the fundamental right to vote for their representatives in a clean, fair election as is required in a free nation, striking at the very heart of what it means to have a republican form of government, and disenfranchising them. You, and you alone, are fully authorized by the Insurrection Act to determine that such a situation exists, and to use the U.S. military and the militia to rectify that situation. And the militia includes not only the National Guard units of each state, called into federal service, but also includes the body of the people, age 17-45, and especially us military veterans. . . . 

“There is no way out but through. And we will NOT submit to a Chicom puppet regime. You must stand tall and use your constitutional powers to fight this war against enemies foreign and domestic while you are still President and Commander-in-Chief. If you fail to do so, we the people will have to fight a bloody revolution/civil war to throw off an illegitimate deep state/Chinese puppet regime. . . . 

“Know this: millions of American military and law enforcement veterans, and many millions more loyal patriotic American gun owners stand ready to answer your call to arms, and to obey your orders to get this done” (Stewart Rhodes, “Open Letter to President Trump: You Must Use Insurrection Act to ‘Stop the Steal’ and Defeat the Coup,” oathkeepers.org, December 14, 2020). 

That didn’t age well, did it? Rhodes not so much as lifted a finger to fulfill one word of this passionate plea. He warned of rebellion to tyrants, but didn’t rebel. He warned of fighting a bloody war “to throw off an illegitimate . . . regime,” but did nothing to fight or initiate such a war. Oath Keepers, Proud Boys, Alex Jones – despite all the accusations against them – did absolutely nothing to effect a revolution the spirit of our forefathers who threw of the shackles of monarchical Britain. 

Perhaps Rhodes didn’t act because he sensed what I’ve lamented many times; namely, that the American People aren’t awake enough to wage revolution against the occupiers, meaning such a revolt would, at present, fail or turn into something more like the Jacobin-Illuminati insurrection in France. Or perhaps Rhodes felt undercut by Trump’s cowardly compliance with the stolen election. 

I didn’t vote for Trump in 2016 or 2020, and I won’t vote for him in 2024, if indeed the election even happens or Trump is even permitted to be on the ballot. Why? Because he’s not a man of his word and has no true knowledge of either the U.S. Constitution or the conspiracy against it. He left us hanging during the Coronahoax Plandemic. He single-handedly shut down the U.S. economy and, through Operation Warpspeed, foisted poisoned vaccine bioweapons on tens of millions of Americans. He allowed Antifa and Black Lives Matter to rampage across the nation, burning city blocks, occupying police stations, and murdering about three dozen innocent people. For all his bluster and big talk, his actions were weak, without direction, and without courage. 

I never expected much of Trump, though, knowing his amoral past. He surprised me by being better than I thought he’d be in office, but he is hardly the best man for the job. However, I expected far more of Steward Rhodes and Oath Keepers. I was disappointed they didn’t lift a finger except to type some online messages that they obviously had no intention of fulfilling. 

I comprehend fully that the American People are not yet awake enough to have a 1776-esque revolution. We’re too distracted, divided, and dumb. We don’t know the Constitution or its principles. We’ve forsaken God. We have too few leaders in important positions who can lead in a crisis. We lack the same spirit the Sons of Liberty possessed. January 6th was maybe our biggest show of force to date, yet what was it really except a disorganized, leaderless rally with flags, false hope, and misplaced trust? 

Imagine an “insurrection” so violent that the “perpetrators” meander within lose stanchions as police mill around.

For a few exciting minutes on January 6, my hopes were raised that the American People, fed up with a century of treachery and unconstitutional behavior by conniving political criminals, were finally fighting back. I was wrong. The video evidence shows that only a couple hundred people entered the Capitol Building, that most of the crowd condemned the few provocateurs who attacked the side of the building, and that the crowd simply melted away without doing anything meaningful except listening to President Trump’s repetitive and deflated speech. 

While there were doubtless people carrying concealed firearms, no protesters brandished or fired their firearms on January 6th. The only gun that was fired was pointed at the protestors. The bullet struck unarmed U.S. military veteran Ashli Babbitt, killing her dead for the crime of clambering through a door. What kind of 21st-century “insurrection” doesn’t use firearms? Aren’t Trump supporters and “conservatives” lambasted constantly as gun-toting rednecks and bitter clingers? If that’s true, and we’re so violent and dangerous and full of hate, and if January 6 was truly an “insurrection,” then why didn’t a single patriot fire a weapon? A “ridiculous insurrection” indeed! 

Nevertheless, despite our cowardness hitherto, our Lexington and Concord moment is coming soon. It has to. If it doesn’t, we will march into a thousand years of darkness, chains, and misery. When the occupying Establishment finally pushes someone too far, and they manfully exercise their right to defend their God-given Freedom and fulfill the promises and duties listed in the Declaration of Independence, what will you do? 

Stewart Rhodes won’t do anything, because he let himself be arrested without a fight by evil people he acknowledged to be illegitimate traitors. Trump won’t do anything except bluster on social media, if he’s even around. But what will you do? Whose side will you be on? Will you call for restraint like sunshine patriots or will you boldly proclaim, “Give me Liberty or give me death!” like the Founding Fathers? 

Let’s recall Patrick Henry’s rousing words just prior to Lexington and Concord in 1775: 

“They tell us, sir, that we are weak; unable to cope with so formidable an adversary. But when shall we be stronger? Will it be the next week, or the next year? Will it be when we are totally disarmed, and when a British guard shall be stationed in every house? Shall we gather strength by irresolution and inaction? Shall we acquire the means of effectual resistance by lying supinely on our backs and hugging the delusive phantom of hope, until our enemies shall have bound us hand and foot? Sir, we are not weak if we make a proper use of those means which the God of nature hath placed in our power. The millions of people, armed in the holy cause of liberty, and in such a country as that which we possess, are invincible by any force which our enemy can send against us. Besides, sir, we shall not fight our battles alone. There is a just God who presides over the destinies of nations, and who will raise up friends to fight our battles for us. The battle, sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave. Besides, sir, we have no election. If we were base enough to desire it, it is now too late to retire from the contest. There is no retreat but in submission and slavery! Our chains are forged! Their clanking may be heard on the plains of Boston! The war is inevitable–and let it come! I repeat it, sir, let it come. 

Art from StepNeal.art

“It is in vain, sir, to extenuate the matter. Gentlemen may cry, Peace, Peace– but there is no peace. The war is actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms! Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!” 

Patriot, the war is actually begun! A communistic criminal cult occupies our government and is fighting for sole control over our society. It wants to burn the Constitution, eliminate checks and balances, consolidate all power in the hands of the bureaucratic state with its plutocratic ringleaders, dissolve the United States, merge our nation into a one-world dictatorship, snuff out Christianity, morality, and goodness, and once and for all annihilate Freedom. 

None of this is hyperbolic. It’s not an exaggeration. The political Elite hate us and anyone who inspires us to stand up, like Donald Trump. I’ve written before that his greatest achievement is emboldening average Americans to stand up and speak out. The Elite can’t have that. So, they must silence the town crier and create a chilling effect and an environment of fear and compliance in which no one dares step out of line. That is why their attacks on Trump will only continue. 

In a recent interview, Stewart Rhodes predicted what comes next for Trump: 

“This is the whole point of the J6 prosecutions and demonization of everyone that was there is to build up to this moment. They start indicting President Trump for felonies. And this nonsense about the records in Florida. I think, this is just a stepping stone. The next indictment is going to be the real knockout blow. It is going to be January 6th. It’s under the same special prosecutor. He has a grand jury convened also in Washington, DC for January 6th. So that’s going to be the knockout blow. This was the jab, and the next one is going to be the J6 prosecution. And this prosecutor I listened to, I read some of the things he said. He talked just like all the other prosecutors. He’s no different. It’s the same kind of twisting and hyperbole and smear campaign being used against a criminal defendant that was used against me . . . That grand jury in Washington, DC would indict a MAGA hat . . . They’re going to indict Trump again for January 6. It’s going to be the same charges that they labeled against me in my case and the Proud Boys cases. All the Oath Keepers and the Proud Boys were their test cases to work out the charges, work out the methodology, and now they’re going to apply the exact same machine to President Trump.” 

Who can doubt but that the corrupt conspiratorial Establishment will indeed pursue charges against Trump to the gates of hell? The last charges didn’t stick. Will the new ones brought against him over the weekend? Will a future set stick? If they do, and Trump goes away to prison, will his supporters who didn’t do anything but wave flags when he was robbed of the 2020 election and thrust out of power do anything more this time? Time will tell. 

If prosecution doesn’t work, then more violent tactics may be resorted to. Read my articles “Prediction: Trump Will Never Be Allowed to Retake the Presidency,” and “The Coming Assassination False Flag,” and “What I See Coming,” for a taste of some of my predictions about America’s near future, Trump, and Biden. It’s not pretty. 

Those who see a path of happiness, peace, sunshine, roses, and rainbows, are deluded. It will be, rather, a path strewn with shell casings, blood, tears, atrocities, and persecution. Are we prepared to do what we must to safeguard our Faith, Families, and Freedom? If not, we are not worthy of them and deserve political overlords to dictate to us. 

Patriots, if you are scared, remember that rebellion to tyrants is the American tradition. You may want to recall that our Founding Fathers didn’t declare Independence from a foreign government, but from their own government. They didn’t fight against foreign invaders, but occupiers who had until July 4, 1776, shared the same political allegiance, capital, currency, language, and ancestry. They fought against their brothers who had turned against them and complied with the whims of tyrants seeking powers. 

Yet, today, people are too afraid to lift a finger against some of the worst liars and despots to ever ride roughshod over a nation. We’re too afraid to purify our government or to nourish the tree of Liberty. You remember what it must be nourished with. If not, then you aren’t sincere or educated enough in this fight to make any difference. You must quickly educate yourself, learn the principles of Liberty, study the U.S. Constitution, immerse yourself in the unique American Freedom philosophy, and engage in the fight for our Faith, Families, and Freedom

By Jon McNaughton

We can’t survive many more years of false patriotism and cowardly conservatives trusting in elections and flawed failures like Trump while sitting on their hands and wishing Liberty would descend upon us from Heaven. America can’t afford another “ridiculous insurrection.” Next time, which will likely come after Lexington and Concord 2.0, 1776 2.0 should be the goal. The complete cleansing and purification of our government and the resurrection of the Constitution, perhaps with updated protections on Faith, Families, and Freedom, and provisions against tyranny and treason that are stricter and more actionable, must be the objective. Anything else is a half-measure and will fail. 

No more “ridiculous insurrections,” America. It’s time to get serious. Our Rubicon was crossed ages ago. The die is cast. Now, we must cross our Delaware and strike back. As we wait for this patriotic machinery to move into high speed, deepen your commitment to Christ and learn to rely upon the Holy Spirit for direction. In the end, only He will deliver us from bondage as He delivered our forefathers. In His holy cause, we can’t fail, though we may suffer greatly. Outside of His holy cause, defeat is sure. Choose your side today. 

Zack Strong, 
June 12, 2023

4 thoughts on ““The Most Ridiculous Insurrection”

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