Erasing History, Destroying Heritage

In Memory of “The Boys Who Wore the Gray.” – Inscription on the Chatham County Confederate Monument disgracefully removed in the dead of night on November 20, 2019

I began writing this article in 2019 – long before the George Floyd riots engulfed America and brought the destruction of historical monuments and the denigration of national heroes to the forefront. The anti-American Antifa and Black Lives Matter thugs have used the cover of chaos resulting from the riots they instigated to ramp up their devious assault on our history, culture, and character as a People. Turncoat politicians have seized their opportunity to tear down and remove historical landmarks as part of their effort to transform America and corrupt the rising generation. This article seeks to explain the coordinated effort to erase our history, destroy our heritage, and transform America into a Marxist slave state.


I begin with the incident that prompted this article in the first place. On November 20, 2019, in the dead of night, a group of bandits crept onto public land in Pittsboro, North Carolina and absconded with an historical monument to dead American soldiers. Unlike their Antifa counterparts, these bandits did not wear masks – they were from the government. The 112-year-old monument to Confederate soldiers was removed on orders of Chatham County’s Board of Commissioners. According to Mike Dash, head of that board, the decision to remove the monument was prompted by “high emotions, division and even violence.” Allegedly “the overwhelming majority of [Chatham County’s] residents are eager to move forward.”

What Dash conveniently left out of his remarks is the fact that the “violence” was being caused by those trying to illicitly tear down the statue – not by so-called “racists” who wanted to preserve the memorial as a sign of “white supremacy.” The North Carolina chapter of the Sons and Daughters of Confederate Veterans stated of the outrageous action taken by Commissioner Dash and his posse: “Like a thief in the night, under cover of darkness the Chatham County Confederate Soldiers Memorial has been illegally removed.” And so it was. This statue, which honored the some 1,900 Chatham men who signed up to fight with the Confederacy during Lincoln’s War, now sits in a “safe” place until a new home can be found.

The Chatham County disgrace has since been eclipsed by the rash of monument-destroying in 2020. Since the death of the drug-addled career criminal George Floyd, Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and socialist politicians have combined to perpetrate a series of outrageous attacks on American history and heritage. They attacked Confederate memorials first, but they’ve broadened their campaign of destruction to include anything and everything that is traditionally American or related to America’s rise and greatness.

For instance, the man who discovered America and opened it to European settlement, Christopher Columbus, has been put on the chopping block – literally. In Boston, a statue of the great admiral was decapitated. Falling into lockstep with the politically-correct crowd, Boston Mayor Marty Walsh said in a statement about the vandalized statue:

This particular statue has been subject of repeated vandalism here in Boston. Given the conversations that we are certainly having right now in our city of Boston and throughout the country, we are going to take time to assess the historic meaning of the statue.”

Likely, appeasers will cave to the mob and remove Columbus’s statue to a less public location rather than protecting it and prosecuting those guilty of defacing public property. Boston isn’t the only place where Columbus statues have suffered the wrath of the enraged mob. In Richmond, Virginia a gang of criminals recently tore down another Columbus statue, spray-painted it, lit it on fire, and threw it into a lake.


The outrage against Columbus is wholly unjustified and based on lies, as I detailed in my article “Christopher Columbus and So-Called Indigenous Peoples’ Day.” The notion that Columbus or any European settlers in what is now the United States of America committed “genocide” against Indians is patently false and historically unsubstantiated. In fact, it totally ignores verifiable Indian atrocities – rape, torture, murder – against European settlers. But because Columbus was a white explorer with strong Christian sentiments and paved the way for the civilizing of this hemisphere, his memory must be destroyed by those who hate Western culture.

George Washington, our first president, the hero of the American Revolution, and the Father of our Country, has also come under attack. During the George Floyd riots in Newark, rioters spray-painted a George Washington statue while tearing down, stomping, and burning U.S. flags. In Philadelphia, rioters vandalized statues of George Washington and Benjamin Franklin, spray-painting “I can’t breathe” on Franklin and “Black Lives Matter” on Washington. Philadelphia also removed a statue of former Mayor Frank Rizzo for alleged “racism.”

In a San Francisco, California school last year, a large mural of George Washington was deemed “offensive” after protesters claimed their children were “traumatized” by the image. The school board considered paying $600,000 to have the painting literally erased from the walls, but eventually decided, in a narrow 4-3 vote, to cover it instead. And in 2017, Christ Church in Alexandria, Virginia removed plaques honoring General Washington because, according to church leaders: “The plaques in our sanctuary make some in our presence feel unsafe or unwelcome.” The plaques were there to remind people that this is where George Washington, a devout Christian, usually attended worship services. But to cite that fact is now taboo in our humanistic culture.

My hero, Thomas Jefferson, has of course been targeted by the Marxist mob. A petition is currently circulating calling for the removal of a Thomas Jefferson statue at the University of Missouri. University students have defiled the statue with post-it notes bearing labels such as “liar,” “racist,” and “oppressor.” They even frog-marched out the old, debunked myth that Jefferson had sex with Sally Hemmings. In fact, they claimed he raped her! One of the 3,000+ petition signers, who doubtless makes the university proud of their history department, made this deluded remark:

As an alum, I fully support the removal of the Jefferson statue. Keep him in the history class books and museums as a reminder of America’s hypocrisy.”

Additionally, CNN stooge Angela Rye has said that statues of Jefferson and Washington “all need to come down.” She opined:

I’m not going to say it’s OK for Robert E. Lee and not a George Washington. We need to call it what it is. I’m not giving any deference to George Washington or Robert E. Lee.”


Self-hating, America-hating, Freedom-hating people everywhere despise Jefferson and Washington. Yet, it is Jefferson who has rightly been called the “Apostle of Liberty.” It was Jefferson who penned the iconic words: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.” It was Jefferson who pushed so strongly for religious Freedom, established the University of Virginia to promote education, had uniquely cordial relations with the Indians, and repeatedly proposed laws to end slavery. Yet this man, this wonderful patriotic man, is reviled by ignorant radicals who don’t know the first thing about American history and whose lives are an offense to the memory of his virtuous deeds.

It’s not just Washington and Jefferson whose memories have been tarnished. All of our forefathers have been disgraced by those suffering from Marxist-induced “white guilt.” In 2018, for instance, a petition circulated at George Washington University to change the mascot name from “Colonials” to something that was not “extremely offensive.” Apparently it’s “extremely offensive” to have been a white person in the American colonies. That would include my Strong family line and many of your ancestors. These people not only hate whites, but they despise the civilization they created. They hate the rule-of-law society they built. They hate America.

Ironically, black Americans have also had their names and deeds insulted. In their blind spirit of destruction, rioters graffitied and vandalized a Civil War monument to the 54th Massachusetts Regiment. Perhaps the criminals didn’t know that the 54th was an all-black volunteer regiment that fought for the Union. This and the fact that rioters also vandalized a statue of Mahatma Ghandi outside the Indian Embassy in Washington, D.C. belie the idea that the riots have anything to do with fighting alleged “racism.”

The U.S. Army has jumped on the hate bandwagon and has publicly contemplated renaming ten Army bases named after Confederate leaders such as General Braxton Bragg and Brigadier General Henry Benning. Not to be outdone, the U.S. Marines is now “officially barring symbols depicting the Confederate battle flag from public spaces on Marine Corps installations,” alleging the symbols present “a threat to our core values, unit cohesion, security, and good order and discipline.” The Navy followed suit. Now the Army and Air Force are both saying they may also ban Confederate symbols.


President Trump chimed in on his wayward military forces, saying:

It has been suggested that we should rename as many as 10 of our Legendary Military Bases, such as Fort Bragg in North Carolina, Fort Hood in Texas, Fort Benning in Georgia, etc. These Monumental and very Powerful Bases have become part of a Great American Heritage, and a history of Winning, Victory, and Freedom. The United States of America trained and deployed our HEROES on these Hallowed Grounds, and won two World Wars. Therefore, my Administration will not even consider the renaming of these Magnificent and Fabled Military Installations. Our history as the Greatest Nation in the World will not be tampered with. Respect our Military!”

It is not the thrust of this article and will only be touched upon briefly, but I note another instance of the U.S. military tampering with history. In the fallout from the George Floyd riots, Veterans Affairs has announced that it will remove swastikas from the graves of German soldiers interred on U.S. soil. The swastika – the symbol most hated by communists everywhere – is actually one of the oldest and most widely-used symbols in human history. It has been found on artifacts, structures, and documents in every corner of the globe, including on ancient American Indian artifacts. Yet, the swastika and anything that even remotely reminds easily-offended and ignorant people of Adolf Hitler is under attack every bit as much as the Confederate flag. And the attacks on the swastika are as unfounded and fallacious as those on Confederate memorials.

Sports leagues are likewise caving to the political correctness of the mob. NASCAR, for instance, has just announced that it will ban the Confederate flag at its events after the lone black race car driver, Bubba Wallace, said he’s offended. Wallace, sporting his “I can’t breathe” shirt, said he’ll drive a Black Lives Matter car as a form of protest. Similarly, the NFL, which has been an extreme leftist propaganda outlet for years, has backtracked its policy of banning players for taking a knee during the National Anthem, a disgusting trend started by the Che Guevara-loving Colin Kaepernick. In an error-ridden statement that may as well have been written by Karl Marx, NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell quipped:

We, the NFL, condemn racism and the systematic oppression of black people.

We, the NFL, admit we were wrong for not listening to NFL players earlier and encourage all to speak out and peacefully protest. We, the NFL, believe black lives matter.

I personally protest with you and want to be part of the much needed change in this country.

Without black players there would be no National Football League and the protests around the country are emblematic of centuries of silence, inequality and oppression of black players, coaches, fans and staff.”


There is no “systematic oppression” of blacks in America. Period. Anyone who says so is either a liar or pathetically ignorant. There’s no institutional racism. There’s no institutional inequality aimed at blacks or people of color. This is obvious in many ways, including the fact that most professional athletes are black. I’d love to be as “oppressed” as these millionaire sports stars are! And for any organization to side with Black Lives Matter, a Marxist front organization responsible for massive carnage in American cities and the promotion of racial division, is utterly insane.

It is Confederate monuments which raise the most ire, however. In Kentucky, Governor Beshear is planning to have a statue of Jefferson Davis removed from its current location at the state capitol. He whined: “I believe the statue of Jefferson Davis is a symbol that divides us.” In Richmond, Virginia, a statue of Mr. Davis was toppled by rioters. Jefferson Davis was a U.S. senator from Mississippi before the state seceded. Davis was then elected president of the Confederate States of America and served in that capacity until the end of the Civil War. In spite of his deep love for the U.S. Constitution and his dignity as a statesman, we’re now tearing down his statues and disgracing his name.

In Virginia, the tyrannical Governor Northam, who has been on an anti-gun, anti-First Amendment spree, has joined in the attempt to remove a large statue of General Robert E. Lee on Richmond’s Monument Avenue. The statue was vandalized with vile and profane graffiti by George Floyd rioters and is slated for removal. Fortunately, a judge has temporarily suspended the action after William C. Gregory filed a lawsuit showing that he has a deed wherein the state of Virginia pledged to his great-grandparents to “faithfully guard” the statue that sat on land owned by the family before being entrusted to the state. A second lawsuit makes the point that the state’s plan “violates federally designated landmark law.” As the Confederacy’s most beloved man, in fact, a man beloved throughout America in his day, General Lee will remain a high-value target for the history-destroying Marxists whether or not this particular statue is removed.

A few more random instances of destruction of historical memorials seems appropriate to list. In Birmingham, Alabama a crowd of criminals tore down a statue in honor of Confederate Captain Charles Linn. The statue was located in Linn Park. Near the Linn statue was a statue honoring World War One soldiers. It was also vandalized and later removed by the city. In Montgomery, Alabama a statue of General Robert E. Lee outside a high school named in his honor was toppled by rioters.


In California, a Confederate memorial was vandalized in the Santa Ana Cemetery last year. The graves of Confederate soldiers have been vandalized in numerous locations in the past and in this current round of crazed violence. A statue of former U.S. Senator Edward Carmack in the Tennessee Capitol rotunda was recently destroyed. In Charleston, South Carolina the Confederate Defenders memorial was vandalized. In Chicago, a statue of early American settlers was vandalized and scrawled with vile graffiti such as “f**k white supremacy.” A statue of Nathanael Greene, a hero from the War for Independence, was recently defaced in Georgia. The Alamo Cenotaph in Texas was graffitied in a similar manner, prompting armed militiamen to stand guard at the historic monument. Thugs also burned down the United Daughters of the Confederacy headquarters in Richmond, Virginia as well as buildings around the National Civil War Naval Museum.

Furthermore, in Washington, D.C., the outside of the Lincoln Memorial was graffitied (a Lincoln statue in London was also vandalized). The National World War II Memorial was also vandalized. Rioters even attempted to burn down the historic St. John’s Church. And to add insult to injury, the radical D.C. mayor had the section of 16th Ave in front of the White House renamed “Black Lives Matter Plaza.”

The monument-toppling craze has gone global. In the UK, Antifa goons are destroying and vandalizing monuments of such people as Robert the Bruce and Winston Churchill. A website called shows a “crowdsourced map of UK statues and monuments that celebrate slavery and racism.” Statues on their hit list include those in memory of Captain Cook, William Gladstone, and even the major globalist conspirator Cecil Rhodes. They also want to tear down an entire castle built by funds from “former slave owners” as well as several schools. So far, at least eight of the items on their list have been removed. More will no doubt follow. Other locations in Europe, such as Belgium, and places as distant as India, have likewise suffered the wrath of the history-destroyers since ex-con George Floyd’s accidental death in police custody.


Finally, less tangible memorials such as books and TV shows have been attacked relentlessly over the years. We’ve all heard that books like Mark Twain’s The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn have been blacklisted from schools on phony “racism” charges. Now, the classic film “Gone with the Wind,” has been removed from HBO Max for supposed “racism.” The TV show “Cops” has been canceled after 33 successful seasons. And even Merriam-Webster’s dictionary is changing the definition of “racism” after a mindless complaint from a young black woman in Missouri. We’re enduring a full-scale assault on our culture, heritage, and history, ladies and gentlemen.

Now I attempt to answer the question why Black Lives Matter and their fellow thugs are so hell-bent on destroying American history. We start with Confederate monuments. The ostensible rationale behind destroying Confederate memorials is the age-old lie that the Confederates were all racists who broke away from the United States to preserve the institution of slavery. Therefore, the history-destroyers claim, Confederate monuments are inherently “racist” and symbols of “oppression.” Anyone who stands up to defend Confederate monuments, the Confederate flag, or Confederate history, is automatically labeled a “white supremacist,” a “racist,” or a “KKK” member. Right-thinking people, of course, know this is preposterous.

More will be said in a future article about the reasons for Lincoln’s War, but suffice it to say that it was not fought over slavery. Midway through the struggle, Lincoln launched a clever campaign to make the war he started about slavery, but that’s not how it began. To shatter the myth that Lincoln’s War was about slavery one needs only remember that over 400,000 slaves existed in states that joined the Union. Northerners enjoyed a lucrative trade in “fugitive” slaves from the South that continued throughout much of the war. And more free blacks fought for the Confederacy than for the Union.

Major actors on both sides of the bloody drama, as well European observers, acknowledged that the war had little to do with slavery at first. After the war, Jefferson Davis, president of the Confederacy, wrote a detailed analysis of how it all started. He first mentioned the 1832 secession crisis and then explained how the War Between the States began:

The complaint was not of slavery, but of “the acquisition of more weight at the other extremity” of the Union. It was not slavery that threatened a rupture in 1832, but the unjust and unequal operation of a protective tariff.

It happened, however, on all these occasions, that the line of demarkation of sectional interests coincided exactly or very nearly with that dividing the States in which negro servitude existed from those in which it had been abolished. . . .

Jefferson Davis3

The preamble to the Constitution declared the object of its founders to be, “to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquillity, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.” Now, however (in 1860), the people of a portion of the States had assumed an attitude of avowed hostility, not only to the provisions of the Constitution itself, but to the “domestic tranquillity” of the people of other States. Long before the formation of the Constitution, one of the charges preferred in the Declaration of Independence against the Government of Great Britain, as justifying the separation of the colonies from that country, was that of having “excited domestic insurrections among us.” Now, the mails were burdened with incendiary publications, secret emissaries had been sent, and in one case an armed invasion of one of the States had taken place for the very purpose of exciting “domestic insurrection.”

It was not the passage of the “personal liberty laws,” it was not the circulation of incendiary documents, it was not the raid of John Brown, it was not the operation of unjust and unequal tariff laws, nor all combined, that constituted the intolerable grievance, but it was the systematic and persistent struggle to deprive the Southern States of equality in the Union generally to discriminate in legislation against the interests of their people; culminating in their exclusion from the Territories, the common property of the States, as well as by the infraction of their compact to promote domestic tranquillity. . . .

No alternative remained except to seek the security out of the Union which they had vainly tried to obtain within it. The hope of our people may be stated in a sentence. It was to es- cape from injury and strife in the Union, to find prosperity and peace out of it” (Jefferson Davis, The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government, Vol. 1, 79, 82-83, 85).

Numerous other authorities could be appealed to, but suffice it to say the Southern states did not leave the Union because of slavery. Of course, slavery was an important economic consideration, but other factors weighed more heavily on the minds and hearts of our Southern brothers; factors such as the U.S. Constitution, states’ rights, and economics. And other villains omitted from the history books entirely also had a hand in causing the rupture in the United States, such as the international banking cartel and Illuminati-communist agents (these were behind John Brown’s terror attacks against the South, as Arthur Thompson explained in his book To the Victor Go the Myths and Monuments).


Despite the fact that Lincoln’s War was illegally launched by the radical Republican president for reasons other than slavery and in spite of the fact that states have the inherent right to secede from the Union, modern rioters and Social Justice Warriors are busy destroying monuments and expunging our history using “the Confederacy was racist” as their justification. They seem to not understand that human imperfections don’t give them a right to conceal history, destroy property, and bully others into supporting their point of view.

Let’s be clear on something: All sane people agree that slavery is a morally repugnant institution and that all states ought to have outlawed slavery voluntarily as the Founding Fathers had wished. All informed individuals know that slavery has been practiced by all races and is not an inherently white institution (indeed, numerous black slave owners, including black women, were black!) And all knowledgeable people know that the Founding Fathers were generally opposed to slavery and created the Constitution in such a way so that slavery could be eventually phased out as public opinion caught up with the times. Despite the flaws in implementing it, the Constitution has defended more people in the enjoyment of their God-given rights than any system of government in world history.

Dear reader, we are witnessing the wholesale, coordinated, planned demolition our history and heritage. The slavery and discrimination of past ages are being used as justification for upending our present society. What good has ever come from destroying the past and concealing history? Should the Colosseum be demolished because slaves were forced to fight to the death within its walls? Should the Great Wall of China be leveled because Chinese emperors used slave labor to construct it? Should the Egyptian pyramids be deconstructed or defaced because peasants were forced to construct them? Should all nations on earth which have periods of dark history (i.e. all of them) destroy their monuments and burn their history books to appease modern thugs?

In her excellent article “Destroying Confederate Monuments Hurts Us All – and Accomplishes Nothing,” Cheryl Benard wrote:

The semi-hysterical push to remove [Confederate monuments] is, I strongly believe, a mistake, a dangerous precedent, and an exercise in ignorance. Mobs pull statues down. ISIS destroys monuments. Fanatics rewrite history to edit out the bits they don’t like. Our country should not be walking down that road.

To the advocates of historic cleansing, this is about racism. Remove its reminders from public spaces, and you are helping to remove it from society. That is a bold assumption – in fact it’s many assumptions: that what a monument says to you is what it says to everyone. That negative periods of history should be erased. That the losing side in a conflict also loses, for all time, the right to honor or mourn its dead. That driving an opposing sentiment underground will make it go away. . . .

. . . the idea that the way to deal with history is to destroy any relics that remind you of something you don’t like, is highly alarming. . . .

. . . Erase your story and you erase yourself.”


Amen to every word! When we erase our shared heritage, we erase ourselves. Like it or not, George Washington and Thomas Jefferson owned slaves. They both inherited them, never wanted them, and later freed them – but no one wants to talk about that little bit. Erasing their names doesn’t change the past, but it does darken the future. Casting a shadow of doubt on the high character of these men tends to make young people reluctant to learn about them. And what a tragedy that would be! They would grow up without knowledge of Jefferson’s brilliance and Washington’s valor. They would miss out on stories of Washington’s extreme faith in God and Jefferson’s passionate pleas for Liberty for all.

Yet, that is exactly what the Marxists want! They want us to think badly of our Founding Fathers. They want us to hate them and to replace them in our hearts with men like Marx and Lenin. They want to poison our attitudes towards them so badly that we also reject the work of their hands; that is, the republican institutions epitomized by the Constitution and Declaration of Independence.

If they get us to reject the men, they can get us to reject their principles and works. You cannot denigrate one without also condemning the other. And you cannot love America while simultaneously castigating those who created her. In this manner, the communists hope to deconstruct our faith in our Founding Fathers, our faith in the Constitution, and our faith in our Republic. When we’re faithless and rootless, we can be easily molded into a militant Marxist society. The social programmers will then be able to create “the new Soviet man” they’ve dreamed about for decades.

I share a warning from the honorable Ezra Taft Benson. Speaking of dignified men like George Washington, Christopher Columbus, and Benjamin Franklin, Benson admonished:

When one casts doubt about the character of these noble sons of God, I believe he or she will have to answer to the God of heaven for it” (Ezra Taft Benson, “God’s Hand in Our Nation’s History,” BYU Address, March 28, 1977).


Lincoln, Lenin, and Stalin featured at a communist rally

By the same token, the Marxists want us to reject the Confederates because by rejecting them we also reject ideas such as defending the Constitution by arms if necessary, states’ rights, and secession from tyrannical government. Yes, I’m saying that Abraham Lincoln was, at least in the beginning of his reign, a tyrant. It’s no secret that Lincoln was beloved by Karl Marx. It was no mistake that the largely Jewish group of communist revolutionaries who traveled from the United States to participate in the bloody Spanish Civil War named themselves the Abraham Lincoln Brigade. And it is no secret that Lincoln is often held up by today’s communists as a rallying symbol. By rejecting Confederate heroes like Stonewall Jackson and Robert E. Lee, we also reject a sense of patriotism as well as their deep and abiding faith in Jesus Christ. Again, the result is that a society deprived of a moral compass and ideals worth fighting for is one that can be Sovietized.

Historian Orlando Figes described how the communists went about creating the “new Soviet man” in Russia, a process which ought to be familiar to Americans who know how our public school system operates today:

The Bolsheviks saw education as the key to the creation of a socialist society. Through the schools and Communist youth leagues they aimed to indoctrinate the next generation in the new collective way of life.

The dissemination of Communist values was the guiding principle of the Soviet school curriculum. In the United Labour Schools there was an emphasis on teaching children science and economy through practical activities. Progressive schools were organized as miniature versions of the Soviet state: work plans and achievements were displayed in graphs and pie-charts on the walls; children were encouraged to set up councils to monitor the pupils and teachers for ‘anti-Soviet’ views. Children were encouraged to play at being ‘revolutionaries’.

Politically, the education system was geared towards producing activists. Children were to be indoctrinated in the practices, cults and rituals of the Soviet system so that they would grow up to become loyal and active Communists.”

Today, anything smacking of “anti-Soviet” views in America such as the Freedom philosophy of our Founding Fathers is also being smeared and destroyed. Political correctness, a Soviet import to America, is one of the chief tools of this campaign. The most effective instrument, however, is the public school system which inculcates American children with Marxist ideas from their earliest years, while stripping them of love for their country and their God. The pincer of political correctness and public school indoctrination is too powerful for many Americans to escape. They become lost to the Red tide that rising around us.

The culture assassins are aided tremendously by the feelings of guilt they’ve been able to induce in white Americans. After a decades’ long propaganda barrage, the native white population of Anglo-Saxon and European stock has been guilt-tripped into believing that our ancestors were horrible human beings – slavers, oppressors, colonizers, tyrants, and murderers. We’re supposed to buy the lie that our progenitors committed genocide, stole the Indians’ land, and founded a nation of brigands. We’re told to believe the false narrative that our forefathers were backwards, intolerant, hateful bigots, chauvinists, and racists. We’re taught that the nation our hardworking, industrious ancestors built was actually built “on the backs of slaves” and that our People’s unrivaled accomplishments were only possible through the alleged “oppression” of other peoples – Indians, blacks, Latinos, and women.

So thorough has the propaganda campaign been that even saying words like “Indians,” “blacks,” “Latinos,” and “women” can get you in trouble. After all, isn’t it “First Nations,” “Indigenous Peoples,” or “Native Americans,” “African-Americans,” “Hispanics” or “The Race,” and “wymyn”? The communist culture-destroyers have hijacked our minds, transformed our language, and converted our history into a lie. Through political correctness, social pressure, and constant Hollywood, media, and public school indoctrination, generations of Americans have been tricked into hating their past and being ashamed for their ancestors – even being ashamed at their own skin color!

You must understand that the powers-that-be do not want us united. They know than a unified America is unstoppable. They cannot stand against an ideologically-united America that believe in the ideals of Liberty, limited republican government, rule of law, universal moral principles, and so forth. Instead, they want us divided into warring tribal factions – blacks against whites, Republicans against Democrats, urban people against rural folks, etc. Divide and conquer is their strategy. The slavery of past ages is the perfect excuse to incite racial division and heat emotions to the boiling point.

The Elite have encouraged division by getting us to refer to ourselves as “hyphenated Americans,” to steal a term from Teddy Roosevelt. In spite of his progressive principles, President Roosevelt was an American first and foremost. He knew that subdividing ourselves into groups is dangerous. Roosevelt explained and warned:

There is no room in this country for hyphenated Americanism. When I refer to hyphenated Americans, I do not refer to naturalized Americans. Some of the very best Americans I have ever known were naturalized Americans, Americans born abroad. But a hyphenated American is not an American at all. This is just as true of the man who puts “native” before the hyphen as of the man who puts German or Irish or English or French before the hyphen. Americanism is a matter of the spirit and of the soul. Our allegiance must be purely to the United States. We must unsparingly condemn any man who holds any other allegiance. But if he is heartily and singly loyal to this Republic, then no matter where he was born, he is just as good an American as any one else.

The one absolutely certain way of bringing this nation to ruin, of preventing all possibility of its continuing to be a nation at all, would be to permit it to become a tangle of squabbling nationalities, an intricate knot of German-Americans, Irish-Americans, English-Americans, French-Americans, Scandinavian-Americans or Italian-Americans, each preserving its separate nationality, each at heart feeling more sympathy with Europeans of that nationality, than with the other citizens of the American Republic. The men who do not become Americans and nothing else are hyphenated Americans; and there ought to be no room for them in this country. The man who calls himself an American citizen and who yet shows by his actions that he is primarily the citizen of a foreign land, plays a thoroughly mischievous part in the life of our body politic. He has no place here; and the sooner he returns to the land to which he feels his real heart-allegiance, the better it will be for every good American. There is no such thing as a hyphenated American who is a good American. The only man who is a good American is the man who is an American and nothing else” (Roosevelt, 1915, in David M. Kennedy and Thomas A. Bailey, The American Spirit: United States History as Seen by Contemporaries, Vol. 2, 268).

Republican National Convention: Day Three

People who incessantly refer to themselves as “African-Americans,” “Mexican-Americans,” and so forth, have “no place here.” They’re not true Americans. They’ve failed to capture the spirit of Americanism – the spirit that unites us on principle and ignores race, ethnicity, gender, and so on. America needs nationalism. But we need a nationalism that centers on principles and ideology, a nationalism that binds us to the Constitution, and a nationalism that puts America first. Those who promote “hyphenated Americanism” are agitators. Real Americans should “unsparingly condemn” anyone who holds any other allegiance than to America and the ideals that made her great.

Our national monuments are being torn down to appease the politically-correct crowd that infests our country like a cancer. This seditious group, led by the avowed Marxists and communist agitators like Antifa, is gnawing through and undermining our societal pillars like termites chew through and eviscerate wood. Hundreds of Confederate memorials, monuments to great figures from our past, murals depicting moments of American greatness, and other reminders of our traditional values have been obliterated in the brazen attempt to erase our history, thereby destroying our heritage and leaving us rootless and ready to be reshaped. If America is to survive, this terrorism must cease.

A nation without a shared history that is cherished and preserved is no nation at all. A nation without monuments and memorials to the past is a nation of little substance. A people cut off from its roots by failing to hand down the stories of its ancestors and their achievements is aimless and weak and ready to be conquered by a force, regardless of how vicious, that is sure of itself and has a sense of destiny.

Americans need not be ashamed – we share a glorious history! No other nation has a heritage of Liberty like we do. Our noble ancestors settled and civilized this continent and built the greatest, most powerful, most prosperous, most influential, and freest nation in world history. They weren’t perfect, but they accomplished great things and paved the way for the implementation of the Freedom we take for granted today. They lived in a world that thought nothing of slavery, yet they fought against it. They lived in a world of kings and empires, yet established a Republic. They lived in a world of aristocracy, yet promoted a system where average folks could excel and succeed. Don’t be ashamed of your country’s past, dear American. Claim the title “American” as your birthright and your sincere honor!

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It’s time to rise in just anger against the Marxists and their dupes who are attempting to destroy our Republic, who constantly insult our forefathers, who trample our national history, who threaten to enslave our People, and who spew the vilest hate on our institutions. It’s time to become militant against this violent and existential threat. It’s time to organize and unify to safeguard our Faith, Families, and Freedom. If we do not, the culture-destroyers will not stop at decapitating monuments and lighting churches on fire, but will turn their fury against us, the American freemen, and blood will flow through the streets like it did during the French and Bolshevik Revolutions. God help us see sense and act manfully before that terrible storm hits us!

Zack Strong,

June 13, 2020

Posterity! You will never know, how much it cost the present Generation, to preserve your Freedom! I hope you will make a good Use of it. If you do not, I shall repent in Heaven, that I ever took half the Pains to preserve it.” – John Adams to Abigail Adams, April 26, 1777

7 thoughts on “Erasing History, Destroying Heritage

  1. Pingback: Americanism vs. Communism - Dr. Rich Swier

  2. Pingback: Pre-Election Censorship | The American Citadel

  3. Pingback: Pre-Election Censorship - Dr. Rich Swier

  4. Pingback: Americanism vs. Communism – News With Views

  5. The kowtowing governors and mayors who permitted the removal, defacing, or destruction of historical Confederate statues, plaques, and monuments in the name of appeasement over the death of career felon “Lips Floyd” are ignorant cowards. They are a disgrace to the historic heritage of our Country. The average Confederate soldier was an American farm boy, many were conscripts, and did not own slaves…they were simply, in the nineteenth century mindset, defending their homeland…their state, their farm. They were American soldiers, the great majority very young who seldom travelled but a few miles from their birthplace their entire lives. Only the wealthy plantation owners could afford to own a slave, which at that time was LEGAL…The northern states benefitted greatly from the agricultural south, and many in the north owned slaves as well…including U.S. Grant. Today’s moronic generation know little of history, it’s not taught in today’s liberal colleges, only progressive B.S. that our country is racist (their favorite word) and needs to change…somehow these idiots believe by destroying American Heritage, they are rewriting American History to reflect their socialist agenda. So to the kowtowing cowards who permit the destruction of Confederate historical monuments in the name of fixing racial tensions in our Country over the death of a criminal, I say you have achieved NOTHING…you have by your cowardice, created a greater divide…one which Hussain Obama started during his administration. Once beautiful Monument Avenue in Richmond, VA is now just another urban graffiti disgrace thanks to cowards like liberal weenie “baby killer” Northam…I hope the people of Virginia are proud of what they’ve permitted…Richmond is now just another 13% urban slum.


  6. Pingback: HOPEFULLY THE SHOW DOESN’T GO ON – Lose Your Broker

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