Biden’s Impending Removal

Since June 2021, I have been articulating in my articles and online posts my sincere theory that Biden will be removed prior to the 2024 election via a false-flag assassination. I maintain that theory more strongly after witnessing the train wreck of a debate last night. Bolshevik Biden’s brain melted on stage for the nation to see. He started weak, made numerous gaffes, lied like it was a bodily function, spoke in a shaky and raspy manner, stared into the distance with mouth agape as if he didn’t know where he was, and had to be escorted by the arm off stage afterward. For anyone who has paid attention lately, this describes nearly every public appearance. However, this time, tens of millions witnessed it and they now know the media has been lying about how sharp Biden allegedly is.

Immediately after the debacle, the hashtag “SwapJoeOut” began trending among Democrats, being promoted, for instance, by former Democratic Party presidential candidate Andrew Yang. Even CNN gave Biden a tongue lashing and admitted they were shocked. Some pundits expressed rage at the Democratic Party for allowing a doddering dementia patient to be their nominee, de facto ensuring a Trump victory at the polls. The debate ended scarcely three hours ago, yet the alarm among Democrats is blaring wildly as they can no longer gaslight the American People and deny Biden’s truly horrifying and erratic mental state and utter criminal incompetence.

The intriguing thing is how the controlled media immediately switched narratives after the debate, as if they all received their talking points to throw Biden under the bus. I believe this is precisely what is happening – the Establishment is conditioning people to imagine Biden’s impending removal.

How will he be removed? Will he step aside willingly under behind-the-scenes pressure? Will a medical emergency – real or contrived – sideswipe him? Will he be removed at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago? Will the Twenty Fifth Amendment be employed to eject him from the White House? Or, as I suspect, is a more sinister plot afoot involving a real or false-flag assassination or terror attack? Will the reins of government go to Kamala, Mike Johnson (an Establishment shill despite his pretense to conservatism), a military leader in a martial-law scenario, or someone waiting in the wings? (perhaps Lord Maitreya will finally make his appearance in the ensuing confusion and tumult)

In the immediate aftermath of the debate, Alex Jones of Infowars said speaking of the Luciferian political Establishment, “The only way they win is by assassinating Biden.” That is what I have written since 2021. Jones then rhetorically asked, “Will the Deep State assassinate Biden and blame it on Trump supporters?” Again, this is precisely one of the theories I have pushed for the past three years. Steven Crowder, joining Jones in ruminating about the future, dissented from this theory, though agreeing that Biden would be removed. He said, “The one thing we can all agree about is that [his replacement] won’t be Kamala Harris.” Yet again, I have espoused this same idea.

Joining the discussion panel were several of Jones’ regular co-hosts. A comment was made positing a different theory that I have also put in writing, predicting the Elite would allow Trump to win and then assassinate him before the inauguration to maximize chaos and anger on both sides. That has been my alternative idea to the primary false-flag assassination theory. If Trump manages to override the planned steal, or is allowed to win without interference, the Elite will bring down the system on his head and use him as the scapegoat, exactly like they have done with other world leaders who stood up to their New World Order.

I now want to recap what I have predicted for three years and which some respected people such as Alex Jones and Nick Fuentes are suddenly theorizing in the aftermath of Biden’s implosion during last night’s debate.

In my June 10, 2021 article “The Coming Assassination False Flag,” I posited:

“Imagine this scenario: Faced with a Joe Biden whose brain is obviously melting and who is losing even the sympathy of those who now regret voting for him, and running up against rising opposition to their tyrannical schemes, the world Elite decide to assassinate the U.S. president, turning him into a martyr and a providing a pretext for greater power grabs, war, or conquest expeditions designed to further their New World Order.”

I then predicted multiple potential scenarios, including the following:

“In the wake of the 9/11 false-flag attack, the United States, in her “righteous” anger, with the full support of Vladimir Putin, declared a “War on Terror.” Who would oppose such a war? After all, 3,000 of our people were slaughtered in a horrific way on live TV by Arab “terrorists.” So, with so-called patriotism numbing people’s consciences, we invaded Afghanistan. Then we invaded Iraq. Then we went after other nations – Libya, Syria, etc.

“Now imagine if a “terrorist’s” bomb brought down Air Force One or took out the president during his State of the Union address. Imagine if, whether true or not, the bombing was blamed on Iran – a nation which has vowed eventual revenge for the assassination of General Soleimani. If our nation’s indignation after 9/11 was high, what couldn’t we do if our leader was eliminated on live TV?! Our military-industrial complex would immediately gear up for war. Our media would beat the war drums. Our politicians would clamor for vengeance. Israel would relish and cry for a U.S.-led attack on Iran. And so a regional war could begin in the Middle East dwarfing that in Iraq.

“Alternatively, if a bomb or bullet ended Biden’s career, think of the response if it was determined, or alleged, that the perpetrator was a “right-wing extremist” group or some embittered Trump supporters. If the January 6 false-flag Capitol “siege” was considered an attempted coup, an assassination would be considered outright rebellion. The military could be mobilized against “extremist” groups like Oath Keepers or against “seditious” individuals like Chuck Baldwin in Montana or Alex Jones in Texas. Congress could likely be prevailed upon, in a time of turmoil like this, to ram sweeping gun control “laws” down our throats, just like Congress foisted the dastardly Patriot Act upon us after 9/11. Would anything lead to a civil war faster than gun confiscation after the chaos of an assassination?

“Furthermore, consider what might happen if Kamala Harris was also eliminated in a mass attack. If our leadership was decapitated in one fell swoop, who would take over? Something in me doubts whether the powers-that-be would ever permit Kamala Harris, let alone crazy Nancy Pelosi, from assuming office. I doubt, in the wake of a terrible tragedy like an assassination in such a time as we now live, that the normal presidential line of succession would be followed. As I wrote last August, I think someone even more radical is being prepared to take over and use the machinery of state to clamp down on dissenters and snuff out our Freedom.”

In my August 26, 2023 article “Trump Won’t Save America,” I wrote again on this topic, predicting:

“The Establishment may try to take Trump off the ballots, arrest him, or even assassinate him if their pseudo-legal attempts to sideline and humiliate him fail. However, I think the Luciferian Elite have something bigger planned to disrupt the election – something far bigger than Trump. 

“I propose that the string-pullers will eliminate their inept, bumbling puppet prior to the election and use the event as a pretext to stall or suspend the election. Let me say it more clearly: I don’t believe Beijing Biden will be alive by November 2024. 

“I think Biden will be removed by the same powerful international clique that placed him in office to begin with. I can conceive of multiple ways they may remove him. They could use another pandemic and kill him off as a martyr to the cause of lockdowns, vaccine genocide, and medical tyranny (regardless, I believe another fraudulent pandemic will be unleashed sooner than later and that lockdowns will be attempted again). I could imagine Biden’s cognitive impairment and declining health being used to justify his removal. And I could also foresee a false-flag attack that decapitates the civil leadership and paves the way for a military dictatorship.”

In my August 18, 2023 piece on the deliberate destruction of the world economy by the Federal Reserve and international bankers titled “Financial Tyranny,” I offhandedly said:

“To get people to comply with this all-pervasive totalitarianism, the world destroyers will likely throw more crises at us. Perhaps another virus hoax to justify lockdowns and additional controls, or even a real one that kills millions and also justifies extreme government control measures. Perhaps they will bring upon us global famine, as I predicted in my article “The Coming Global Holodomor.” They are already committing widespread and frequent terror attacks against the food and agricultural industries, as I documented in my piece “The Terror Attacks We Aren’t Talking About.” They may even throw an assassination attempt at the puppet-in-chief, blame it on someone else, and institute Continuity of Government schemes to institute military dictatorship, as I predicted in my 2021 article “The Coming Assassination False Flag.”

In my November 5, 2022 article “The Madness Won’t End” about the 2022 elections, which I correctly predicted would be stolen like the 2020 election was, I said:

“The fact that the Satanic communist conspiracy which holds us in a vice grip will resort to any and all Devilish tactics to stay in power is why it is utterly delusional to think that the madness will end because of an election. If Americans flood the polling booths and overwhelm the cheating so much that America-first patriots are installed throughout the country, it will be a pyrrhic victory because the traitors won’t go quietly into the night. They will fight back. They could unleash another plague or go to war in the Middle East. They may pull a false-flag attack and eliminate the current weak regime, replacing it with a military dictatorship. I have discussed the coming assassination false flag here and here. The jackals may even invite Russia to start a world war, which Russia has been planning to wage for decades. There is literally nothing they wouldn’t do to retain power. 

“Evil never goes away peacefully. There is not one example in history of a despotic regime simply giving up its power. The only seeming exception is the Soviet Union. But, as I have labored to teach for over two decades, the “fall” of the USSR was pure political theater.”

“In my June 2021 article “The Coming Assassination False Flag,” I theorized that the ruling Elite would forcibly remove Biden prior to the 2024 election.”

In my recent June 19, 2024 article “Terror Attacks Incoming,” I again raised the megaphone to warn of the false-flag assassination of the puppet-in-chief that I foresee the Satanic Kabbalistic Elite throwing at us and the fact that we are too far gone to restore the Republic and nourish the tree of Liberty without the blood of tyrants and patriots. I wrote:

“When you look at the way the cultural Marxists are losing, at the steam the MAGA movement is gaining, at the insane numbers of Americans waking up and mobilizing and seething with hatred for the way our economy and nation have been torn and tattered, there is no possible way the Establishment can win the election. And if they steal it in the same way they stole the last two, it would be so obvious that I don’t believe the American People – despite our track record of the most pathetic compliance and apathy – will stand for it. How, then, can the dying political Establishment maintain power? Violence.

“Violence is the only tool left in their toolbelt. The only question is what type of violence it will be. Before I discuss various theories, let me express a caveat. If the ruling Elite successfully throw Donald Trump behind bars this year, I could foresee them forestalling violence in the belief that they’ve won. However, be that as it may, I still think violence would achieve more for their nefarious goals. They are Marxist-Leninists, after all, and Lenin preached the inevitability and necessity of violence to achieve total power.

“Americans are suckers when you pull on their heartstrings. After the 9/11 false-flag attacks, we were so emotional and displayed knee-jerk fear and anger that we turned a blind eye when Skull & Bonesman George W. Bush approved the unconstitutional Patriot Act, ushered in the Stasi-esque Department of Homeland Security and TSA, and invaded the nations of Afghanistan and Iraq which had never harmed us and had absolutely no connection with the 9/11 attacks. Folks, if you haven’t learned it yet, please understand that 9/11 was a false-flag event. It was a staged event designed to blind your better judgment and rile you up so much that you would approve the expansion of the police state and the initiation of militarism abroad. If we fell for it on 9/11 and were so cowardly to stand up to the unjust effusion of blood in Afghanistan and Iraq, and to the police state’s shredding of the Bill of Rights, what will stop us from falling for it again in 2024?

“The Elite don’t think we have learned from the past. Maybe we haven’t. More importantly, they know that we are not more moral, upright, and courageous now than 23 years ago. They have continued to wage unconstitutional wars, carry out false-flags, abuse us, trample the Constitution, and steal elections, and we have done absolutely nothing except type some angry comments and wave a few flags at the Capitol on January 6.

“Just look at our tepid response to the Coronahoax. We believed the psy-op, allowed the government to shut down our economy, allowed governors and the federal government to seize power never granted them by any law or constitution, let enemy operatives convince us to inhibit our oxygen supply with medically worthless masks, and lined up by the millions to be poisoned with genocidal shots. By one count, 22 million people worldwide have died as a result of this genocide shot, and the number of other complications including respiratory problems, cancer, miscarriages, and so forth, is off the charts. This is a literal genocide and we are doing nothing!

“For decades, the American People have sat in abject complacency as this criminal clique rose to power and enmeshed itself in every aspect of life from government to media to Hollywood to Wall Street to local schoolboards to police departments to churches. We were warned by a stalwart few of the danger, but we mocked them, ignored them, and used the CIA term “conspiracy theorists” to smear them. The John Birch Society, Senator McCarthy, W. Cleon Skousen, J. Reuben Clark, Jr., Ezra Taft Benson, and others raised the warning voice. Decades later, Joel Skousen, the late Stan Monteith, Steve Quayle, the late Michael Badnarik, Alex Jones, Mike Adams, Steve Bannon, Glenn Beck, Davis Hanson, Edwin Vieira, Jeff Rense, Deborah Tavares, the late Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt, Jack Posobiec, and others took up the torch and are shouting at the top of their lungs for the nation to wake up. . . .

“Terror is inbound, ladies and gentlemen. Terror attacks are coming; both real and of the false-flag variety. While everyone has assumed that an attempt could be made on Donald Trump’s life – and it could be – I have theorized that the attack will be against Biden. “Why would Biden attack himself?” you might ask, puzzled. Such a question, however, displays a misunderstanding of who is in charge. Biden isn’t in charge of anything; not even his own bodily faculties. He doesn’t know where he is most of the time. He can’t speak, think, or function properly (see examples of his incoherence hereherehereherehereherehereherehereherehere, and here). He gets lost and visibly confused. Every public appearance is a national disgrace. People around the world are literally laughing at us while talking about how obviously mentally impaired this fraudulently-installed puppet is. And there is the kicker – he is a mindless puppet on a string and not the guy in charge. . . .

“It is my theory that the conspirators will carry out a false-flag assassination of Biden, using a terroristic event to remove him and perhaps cackling Kamala at the same time. Think of what the government would do if a “terrorist” took out the president. If we went to war against Afghanistan and Iraq for a few thousand of our people being murdered in the Twin Towers, what wouldn’t we feel justified in doing if the president was slaughtered? Martial law could be declared. A continuity of government (CoG) scheme could be initiated – such as George W.’s Council of Governors plan, or any number of long-standing CoG plans to suspend the Constitution in a “crisis.” They could suspend the elections, too, particularly if the event happened close to the election in September or October.

“What if the event was blamed on Iran or Russia? Cue the war drums. Iran actually could commit such an act of their own volition – they have threatened to many times and have specifically threatened revenge for General Soleimani’s death. At least one Iranian assassin has been hunted by the FBI in Florida for plotting to kill Trump, Pompeo, and others. Known, avowed, and convicted terrorists have crossed our borders this year, one Azerbaijani terrorist even ominously telling a camera that everyone would know who he is soon enough. Russia, too, as the grandfather of all international terrorism, could just as easily sponsor or carry out through their unlimited proxies such an even in the United States, though it would perhaps be against their interests to remove the hopelessly inept Biden from power.

“Think about it even more deeply. What if the man or group that took out the president were identified by the controlled press as Trump supporters, MAGA types, or so-called “white supremacists”? After all, we have been called the greatest “domestic terrorist” threat by the current regime. Could this be used as the final pretext to outlaw guns, to start confiscation of firearms and food, to round up “extremists,” to shutter free social media and alternative news sources like Gab, X, or Infowars, close down organizations that are mobilizing patriots like the John Birch Society, Americans for Prosperity, or Turning Point USA, or to arrest anyone with a dissenting voice or capability to organize resistance such as Alex Jones, Glenn Beck, Dan Bongino, Nick Fuentes, Tim Pool, Charlie Kirk, Russell Brand, or Joe Rogan? Of course, Donald Trump – if not already in prison by that point – would have to be removed or silenced since he is Public Enemy No. 1.

“And what of Trump? Imagine if a false-flag terrorist event took place when both men were in the same room, such as at their debate? You could eliminate both at the same time. This would also make it easier to say, “It wasn’t us; see, our guy died, too. Iran did it!” Or what if Trump, Biden, and Robert Kennedy all happened to be in the same location at the same time. That would be a prime target – the entire range of people vying for the presidency could be removed at once, paving the way for a continuity of government scheme.

“Another primary target is the Democratic National Convention in Chicago this August. Chicago was the first headquarters of the communist conspiracy in the United States (that headquarters is now in New York City). Could they perpetrate an attack or foment a riot that spreads like wildfire through the debris of American politics and culture?

“Alternatively, if no terrorist event happens to dislodge the imploding puppet from office or to suspend the 2024 election, another event of catastrophic consequences is almost guaranteed to happen. Could it be the release of bird flu that is being hyped right now? Could it be a bank closure patterned off the 1929 collapse that led to the Great Depression? Could it be the mass cyberattack that Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum prognosticated? Could it be a huge natural disaster which multiple governments – Russia, the United States, China – possess the capability of causing? I don’t know. What I do know is that Donald Trump will crush Biden in a landslide in November without interference. You have to ask yourself if the conniving, vicious, murderous ruling Elite will allow that to happen. My money is on “no.””

Finally, in my September 14, 2022 article “Prediction: Trump Will Never Be Allowed to Retake the Presidency,” I said:

“Trump will never be allowed to retake the presidency. In 2016 and throughout his first term, many were warning Trump that he would be assassinated by the cabal, just as they tried to do to President Ronald Reagan a mere two months after he was inaugurated.  

“I dissented. I said that they would use other dirty tricks to manipulate public opinion and/or eventually steal the next election, but not assassination. However, I said that if he were to be reelected in 2020, or if he were to run again after that, then the powers-that-be would up the ante and resort to harsher measures to sidetrack him and defy the will of the American People. 

“Since he was ousted from power by a communist criminal cult – call them “globalists” if it makes you feel better – using a rigged and stolen election as pretext, Trump has remained the target. The ousters know that Trump won the election. They know that he knows it. They know that his tens of millions of supporters know it. They know that numerous up-and-coming candidates for office know it and have vowed to expose it. They know that Trump’s greatest achievement is that he has emboldened millions to get involved, speak out, and not fear the Establishment.

“They also know that the evidence of their election theft is ironclad and they are using their experienced mechanism of mind manipulation to hide it, ignore it, and distort it. They are confident they will win because they know that if the American People had any spirit, they would rebel and reinstate their rightful president. Since Americans lack the spirit of their forefathers in sufficient measure and, instead of manly action, want to settle things at the rigged ballot box, the criminals have pulled out all the stops to prevent Trump from running in 2024. They will, however, use force if we begin to man up and start rebelling in the American tradition. . . .

“The longer President Trump delays announcing his bid for 2024, the more opportunities the shadow government has of indicting him or concocting some other reason why he can’t run in 2024. They have raided his Mar-a-Lago home, tampered with evidence, called for his indictment and arrest, and are now falsely screeching that Trump is calling for insurrection before the midterm election. They are showing their hand. They are projecting.  

“They were also projecting in 2020 when they said that Trump would cancel the election or use the military to stay in power. I believe this is what might happen in 2024; some are predicting it will happen before the upcoming midterms. I personally don’t think a military rollout will happen before November, but I also don’t believe that Beijing Biden will survive until the 2024 election. When Biden is removed, the final steps will be rapidly taken to cement a dictatorship in America. It will fail; but O, the blood it will cost to dismantle! . . . .

“President Trump won’t be reelected, if he is even permitted to run again without being indicted or assassinated. There may not even be a 2024 election. The conspiracy may easily pull out a false-flag attack that removes their liability-in-chief, doddering Beijing Biden, and establishes a military dictatorship that will try to silence patriotic opposition to oppression, sparking the next civil war. 

“Please know that one stolen election is just cause for revolt. Two or three stolen elections on top of institutionalized political persecution, “justice” system attacks on patriots, and corruption in high places, is an open-and-shut case for rebellion. Lexington and Concord 2.0 is coming soon; and let it come! The war has already begun and it is coming to your door next!”

After last night’s Hindenburg-like performance, the odds of Biden being removed are even higher. I don’t think it will be a peaceful removal, though that is of course a possibility. What an embarrassment that would be for the Democrats! It would also alert every half-conscious American to fishy business if the Democrats went on to “win” a future election after such a disastrous campaign. No, I don’t believe Biden will be removed peacefully.

I’m all-in on my theory and I have been for three years. If I’m wrong, I’m wrong – and thank God if I am! I have never prayed so much for a successful outcome to an election as hard as I have been praying for this one. America is in the crosshairs and the Satanic enemy is in its end game. I want a strong leader at the helm as we enter the final and more intense phase of fighting, not a doddering cadaver. I want someone who, as horribly flawed as he might be, promotes Americanism and makes everyday citizens believe in themselves. We can minimize some of the blood that will inevitably be spilled if Donald Trump becomes President.

Right now, Trump is overcoming every obstacle thrown at him and the persecution is waking up people in droves. Since his bogus political conviction in the rigged New York court, Americans have donated over $600 million dollars to the Trump campaign. He has massive and surging grassroots support and the election, if it happens with relatively little intervention, will be a landslide reminiscent of Reagan’s annihilation of Mondale. What are the odds, however, that the god of this world, Satan, will allow a free and fair election? It is he who controls the levers of the U.S. government – and every other government in the world. He has a plan, a generational plan, that he is following. He is preparing to make his biggest moves to consolidate global power and bring the world to its knees. His days are numbered, but they will be violent and destructive.

The final item I will mention, is the so-called Ezra’s Eagle prophecy. In the second book of Esdras, or Ezra, in the Apocrypha, a vision is given by God to the prophet wherein he looks down through time to the last days and sees an empire represented as an eagle. The leaders of that eagle nation are represented as feathers, and certain feathers have characteristics that have allowed some researchers to identify them with specific U.S. presidents and administrations.

Interpretations vary wildly, and it is not within my purview here to discuss them in any depth, but an interpretation being promoted at least during the first Trump Administration by some, such as author Michael B. Rush, surmised that a great conspiracy would remove Trump from office (it happened when the election was stolen), and that the man who succeeded him would be removed even sooner by the same conspiracy, potentially through a violent act (which would fit the Biden assassination false-flag idea I have been articulating). I have not completed my own article, in the works for at least a year, analyzing the Ezra’s Eagle prophecy properly, but I encourage you to look at it and consider it, especially considering the sudden talk of Biden being removed.

However this drama concludes, you can be certain that the Lord’s wrath and Satan’s wrath are about to be unleashed, and that the United States will suffer immensely, beyond anything our nation has ever endured. Our side wins in the end, that is, the Christian constitutionalist side, but how many will perish in the process? How many people, misplacing their faith, will not prepare while there is still time and will be taken off guard when vicious happenings rock the Republic? It’s time to prepare. It’s time to pray. It’s time to repent.

Zack Strong,
June 28, 2024

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