Terror Attacks Incoming

Dear reader, there is something you must understand and come to grips with; namely, that we will not restore the Republic without experiencing violence and bloodshed, terror and horrors, war and sacrifice. Those who put their faith in the ballot box will be disappointed. Those who think the next election will save us will have their misplaced hope shattered. Those who trust in Donald Trump – or in any other mortal – will be let down. Thomas Jefferson told us the eternal truth when he said:

“What country before ever existed a century and half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it’s natural manure” (Thomas Jefferson to William Stephens Smith, November 13, 1787).

The reality is that only the blood of patriots and tyrants can nourish the tree of Liberty, and that armed rebellion is the right and duty of a free people when peaceful methods have failed to safeguard our God-given rights against despotic government overreach. Survey our beloved country and you find that the tree of Liberty is parched and withering. There are a few hopeful blooms on the withered branches, but the roots require nourishing. Only blood can revive this precious tree. Even though patriots do not want to experience the turmoil of bloodshed, it will be foisted upon us very soon by the global cabal that seeks unlimited power over us.

John Adams gave a pessimistic, but historically accurate view, when he warned us against letting our Liberty fade:

“[A] Constitution of Government once changed from Freedom, can never be restored. Liberty once lost is lost forever. When the People once surrender their share in the Legislature, and their Right of defending the Limitations upon the Government, and of resisting every Encroachment upon them, they can never regain it” (John Adams to Abigail Adams, July 7, 1775).

The eminent statesman J. Reuben Clark, Jr. amended Adams’ statement in 1944, offering hope, but a grim one. He noted that Liberty could be restored once lost, but that only blood could bring it back after a certain point. Said he: “I say unto you with all the soberness I can, that we stand in danger of losing our liberties, and that once lost, only blood will bring them back” (J. Reuben Clark, Jr., General Conference, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April, 1944).

We have now marched farther down the road to tyranny than perhaps even J. Reuben Clark, Jr., imagined. We are beyond the point of no return; the point when our path back to Freedom will be marked with bloodshed, violence, tumult, and tears. Even as the patriot cause gains ground, our enemies – Satan-inspired tyrants – won’t give up their power peacefully. No tyrannical regime in history has ever voluntarily or peacefully surrendered their ill-gotten control over a society. When tyranny’s roots run deep, they must be chopped off and burned. But the tyrants will not allow patriots to chop their roots without bringing every underhanded trick to bear in the interest of their own self-preservation.

Today, the leviathan’s tentacles are wrapped around us and are squeezing us. They won’t let go until we have been crushed and our will to resist vanquished, unless we fight back. Even you need motivation to join the ranks, consider the world our evil overlords have given us. Our nation’s wealth has been squandered on frivolous spending and foreign wars. We are buried under a Mt. Everest of unpayable debt. Our currency has been 99% devalued since the unconstitutional Federal Reserve system was established. The government is organized crime led by literal Satanists who seek to impose a crushing communistic system of high-tech slavery upon us. Patriots are being murdered by the ATF in unconstitutional raids. Patriots are being tried and jailed as political prisoners often for nothing more than voicing dissenting opinion or waving U.S. flags.

This criminal clique that lords over us has waged war against us, has attacked our people, is actively and knowingly poisoning us through vaccines, tainted water, chemicals in the air, and genetically modified food. The cabal in Washington has formally declared “white supremacy” the greatest domestic terrorist threat, while labeling anyone who disagrees with the government’s lies “white supremacists.” The FBI is being leveraged against moms complaining about pornographic propaganda in school children’s abusive classrooms. Billions of American dollars are being sent abroad to Israel and other nations to fight bloody wars and build up their societies and other nations even as our own border sits wide open to invasion by millions of third-world hordes, our people fall into poverty and homelessness, and 100,000 of our forgotten and ignored citizens die from Chinese-created fentanyl each year.

This is the tip of the sordid iceberg of corruption and literal warfare being waged against us. We have suffered far more than our forefathers suffered at the hands of the British. The comparisons aren’t even close. If the Sons of Liberty rioted, tore down government buildings, tarred and feathered tax collectors, and ultimately stood face-to-face with their own military and fired back against those coming to confiscate their firearms and arrest their dissenting leaders then, what would they do today if they experienced the tyranny we endure on a daily basis?

In spite of this dreadful situation, and in the face of the institutionalized tyranny that Donald Trump calls the “swamp,” many people naively believe we will exercise these demons through voting even though the past two national elections were brazenly and obviously stolen by the same people poised to oversee the next election – the same people who call you a “terrorist” and “extremist” for waving U.S. flags, opposing LGBT perversion, exercising your natural, constitutionally-protected right of free speech, rejecting blood poisoning via vaccination, denouncing their two-tiered system of injustice, and wishing for a better future for your children.

Yes, there is a massive political awakening occurring. Yes, Donald Trump is far ahead in the polls and would win in the most massive landslide since Reagan crushed Mondale if the election was not tampered with. Yes, the political, and, in some sectors, even cultural, climate is shifting back to sanity in profound ways. However amazing all of this is, and however much we ought to encourage it and participate in the awakening, it is too little, too late to reverse course without bloodshed and extreme societal upheaval. Mark my words: We have lost so much Liberty that only blood can bring it back.

Since 2021, I have publicly predicted a terroristic event prior to the 2024 election. Read my first prediction of the sort titled “The Coming Assassination False Flag” here. When you look at the way the cultural Marxists are losing, at the steam the MAGA movement is gaining, at the insane numbers of Americans waking up and mobilizing and seething with hatred for the way our economy and nation have been torn and tattered, there is no possible way the Establishment can win the election. And if they steal it in the same way they stole the last two, it would be so obvious that I don’t believe the American People – despite our track record of the most pathetic compliance and apathy – will stand for it. How, then, can the dying political Establishment maintain power? Violence.

Violence is the only tool left in their toolbelt. The only question is what type of violence it will be. Before I discuss various theories, let me express a caveat. If the ruling Elite successfully throw Donald Trump behind bars this year, I could foresee them forestalling violence in the belief that they’ve won. However, be that as it may, I still think violence would achieve more for their nefarious goals. They are Marxist-Leninists, after all, and Lenin preached the inevitability and necessity of violence to achieve total power.

Americans are suckers when you pull on their heartstrings. After the 9/11 false-flag attacks, we were so emotional and displayed knee-jerk fear and anger that we turned a blind eye when Skull & Bonesman George W. Bush approved the unconstitutional Patriot Act, ushered in the Stasi-esque Department of Homeland Security and TSA, and invaded the nations of Afghanistan and Iraq which had never harmed us and had absolutely no connection with the 9/11 attacks. Folks, if you haven’t learned it yet, please understand that 9/11 was a false-flag event. It was a staged event designed to blind your better judgment and rile you up so much that you would approve the expansion of the police state and the initiation of militarism abroad. If we fell for it on 9/11 and were so cowardly to stand up to the unjust effusion of blood in Afghanistan and Iraq, and to the police state’s shredding of the Bill of Rights, what will stop us from falling for it again in 2024?

The Elite don’t think we have learned from the past. Maybe we haven’t. More importantly, they know that we are not more moral, upright, and courageous now than 23 years ago. They have continued to wage unconstitutional wars, carry out false-flags, abuse us, trample the Constitution, and steal elections, and we have done absolutely nothing except type some angry comments and wave a few flags at the Capitol on January 6.

Just look at our tepid response to the Coronahoax. We believed the psy-op, allowed the government to shut down our economy, allowed governors and the federal government to seize power never granted them by any law or constitution, let enemy operatives convince us to inhibit our oxygen supply with medically worthless masks, and lined up by the millions to be poisoned with genocidal shots. By one count, 22 million people worldwide have died as a result of this genocide shot, and the number of other complications including respiratory problems, cancer, miscarriages, and so forth, is off the charts. This is a literal genocide and we are doing nothing!

For decades, the American People have sat in abject complacency as this criminal clique rose to power and enmeshed itself in every aspect of life from government to media to Hollywood to Wall Street to local schoolboards to police departments to churches. We were warned by a stalwart few of the danger, but we mocked them, ignored them, and used the CIA term “conspiracy theorists” to smear them. The John Birch Society, Senator McCarthy, W. Cleon Skousen, J. Reuben Clark, Jr., Ezra Taft Benson, and others raised the warning voice. Decades later, Joel Skousen, the late Stan Monteith, Steve Quayle, the late Michael Badnarik, Alex Jones, Mike Adams, Steve Bannon, Glenn Beck, Davis Hanson, Edwin Vieira, Jeff Rense, Deborah Tavares, the late Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt, Jack Posobiec, and others took up the torch and are shouting at the top of their lungs for the nation to wake up.

Since my Spirit-induced political awakening at age 12, I have been raising my voice against the Satanic conspiracy and in favor of Americanism, the Constitution, and Faith, Family, and Freedom. Through published books, articles, a newsletter, thousands of social media posts, a podcast, a run for U.S. Congress in 2014, and even creating my own t-shirts, I have attempted to jolt people awake. I fear, however, that despite the numbers of people who are finally waking up, that we are so morally bankrupt as a people that we will again fall for a false-flag attack this year prior to the election.

Think of it, we have been primed and conditioned to accept the monstrous lie that “domestic terrorists” – that is, conservatives, constitutionalists, America-first patriots, traditionalists, real Christians, and whites generally – are dangerous, crazy, unhinged, angry, and preparing to commit violent insurrection. I confess that I believe the time for a new 1776 pro-America revolt to restore the Constitution in the mode of the Sons of Liberty and our Founding Fathers is absolutely necessary at this point. However, a person is out of touch with reality if he thinks the complacent mass of conservatives is preparing for organized – or even unorganized – violence. People should be preparing for conflict, but, by and large, our side has placed its hope on the November election.

And therein lies the problem; our hope is so singularly placed in Donald Trump and the upcoming election that when the invisible hand interferes, steals or suspends the election, and derails that hope, we will fly to pieces and will be unprepared for the shock-and-awe strategy that will be waged against us by the controlled press, big business, the bankers, the intelligence services, the brainwashed lemmings on college campuses, the military-industrial complex, and enemy agents. We fail to realize that Christian complacency caused the current crisis. We let the camel put his nose in the tent, and now we are on the outside. We gave them an inch and they took a mile. Who believes that we are prepared to counter any organized effort of violence? We are not. Sadly, we are not.

Terror is inbound, ladies and gentlemen. Terror attacks are coming; both real and of the false-flag variety. While everyone has assumed that an attempt could be made on Donald Trump’s life – and it could be – I have theorized that the attack will be against Biden. “Why would Biden attack himself?” you might ask, puzzled. Such a question, however, displays a misunderstanding of who is in charge. Biden isn’t in charge of anything; not even his own bodily faculties. He doesn’t know where he is most of the time. He can’t speak, think, or function properly (see examples of his incoherence here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here). He gets lost and visibly confused. Every public appearance is a national disgrace. People around the world are literally laughing at us while talking about how obviously mentally impaired this fraudulently-installed puppet is. And there is the kicker – he is a mindless puppet on a string and not the guy in charge.

Biden is an extreme liability for his puppet masters. He had embarrassed the ruling class and has made their despotic ideas – DEI, Agenda 2030, Build Back Better, etc. – unpalatable to the general public by force of his unlikable, bumbling, and hostile personality, and by his habitual lies. People see his hypocrisy, his daily lies to the public, his stumbling incoherence, his deepening dementia, his attacks on average Americans, and they resent him for it. “Let’s Go Brandon,” “F*** Joe Biden,” and other slogans have proliferated through our culture, have found their way into music, are displayed on bumper stickers and t-shirts, and have overwhelmed social media outlets where censorship isn’t the rule of the day. People are fed up with being attacked by corrupt, decrepit, lying, anti-American dolts and traitors like Biden.

It has been said that Bolshevik Biden has the Midas Touch in reverse. Everything he touches fails. The only things he succeeds in are nepotism, corruption, and telling the most monstrously fictitious lies anyone has ever heard. Even the White House had to issue a retraction when Biden recently told a crowd that his uncle had been shot down in the Pacific during World War II and was eaten by cannibals! There is nothing this charlatan won’t say – and he has no compunction about it in the slightest. Perhaps he doesn’t even know what he’s saying seeing as he was recently ruled unfit to stand trial by his own administration. Be that as it may, his morals are nonexistent, as is his cognitive ability. Most Americans know this and hate Biden for it. If Biden ever know that, perhaps he would get on national TV and call us all “lying dog-faced pony soldiers,” or “fat,” or threaten to throw our phones. Or perhaps he would, as he has done more than once, threaten to wage war against gun owners with F-15s.

Biden is a corrupt criminal, a literal pedophile, an oath-breaking traitor, a violent and angry old man, and a blithering idiot. His handlers know this. What’s more, it is so obvious that they can’t contain it, no matter how many times they attempt to claim all these videos of Biden’s gaffes are “deep fakes.” They can’t hide him in his basement like they did in 2020, using the Scamdemic as a pretext. Consequently, they are in a bind. What ever could they do to tug on Americans’ heartstrings and persuade the dozens of millions of pissed-off, Let’s-Go-Brandon! voters who see through the lies to be still and stop resisting? Terrorism or violence. It’s their only remaining card to play.

It is my theory that the conspirators will carry out a false-flag assassination of Biden, using a terroristic event to remove him and perhaps cackling Kamala at the same time. Think of what the government would do if a “terrorist” took out the president. If we went to war against Afghanistan and Iraq for a few thousand of our people being murdered in the Twin Towers, what wouldn’t we feel justified in doing if the president was slaughtered? Martial law could be declared. A continuity of government (CoG) scheme could be initiated – such as George W.’s Council of Governors plan, or any number of long-standing CoG plans to suspend the Constitution in a “crisis.” They could suspend the elections, too, particularly if the event happened close to the election in September or October.

What if the event was blamed on Iran or Russia? Cue the war drums. Iran actually could commit such an act of their own volition – they have threatened to many times and have specifically threatened revenge for General Soleimani’s death. At least one Iranian assassin has been hunted by the FBI in Florida for plotting to kill Trump, Pompeo, and others. Known, avowed, and convicted terrorists have crossed our borders this year, one Azerbaijani terrorist even ominously telling a camera that everyone would know who he is soon enough. Russia, took, as the grandfather of all international terrorism, could just as easily sponsor or carry out through their unlimited proxies such an even in the United States, though it would perhaps be against their interests to remove the hopelessly inept Biden from power.

Think about it even more deeply. What if the man or group that took out the president were identified by the controlled press as Trump supporters, MAGA types, or so-called “white supremacists”? After all, we have been called the greatest “domestic terrorist” threat by the current regime. Could this be used as the final pretext to outlaw guns, to start confiscation of firearms and food, to round up “extremists,” to shutter free social media and alternative news sources like Gab, X, or Infowars, close down organizations that are mobilizing patriots like the John Birch Society, Americans for Prosperity, or Turning Point USA, or to arrest anyone with a dissenting voice or capability to organize resistance such as Alex Jones, Glenn Beck, Dan Bongino, Nick Fuentes, Tim Pool, Charlie Kirk, Russell Brand, or Joe Rogan? Of course, Donald Trump – if not already in prison by that point – would have to be removed or silenced since he is Public Enemy No. 1.

And what of Trump? Imagine if a false-flag terrorist event took place when both men were in the same room, such as at their debate? You could eliminate both at the same time. This would also make it easier to say, “It wasn’t us; see, our guy died, too. Iran did it!” Or what if Trump, Biden, and Robert Kennedy all happened to be in the same location at the same time. That would be a prime target – the entire range of people vying for the presidency could be removed at once, paving the way for a continuity of government scheme.

Another primary target is the Democratic National Convention in Chicago this August. Chicago was the first headquarters of the communist conspiracy in the United States (that headquarters is now in New York City). Could they perpetrate an attack or foment a riot that spreads like wildfire through the debris of American politics and culture?

Alternatively, if no terrorist event happens to dislodge the imploding puppet from office or to suspend the 2024 election, another event of catastrophic consequences is almost guaranteed to happen. Could it be the release of bird flu that is being hyped right now? Could it be a bank closure patterned off the 1929 collapse that led to the Great Depression? Could it be the mass cyberattack that Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum prognosticated? Could it be a huge natural disaster which multiple governments – Russia, the United States, China – possess the capability of causing? I don’t know. What I do know is that Donald Trump will crush Biden in a landslide in November without interference. You have to ask yourself if the conniving, vicious, murderous ruling Elite will allow that to happen. My money is on “no.”

You have to understand that we are up against a Satan-inspired Luciferian cabal of global Elite fueled by a communistic ideology that wants to erect a totalitarian state that they control. They have started world wars, caused depressions, carried out false-flag terror attacks, assassinated opposition, and genocided millions with poisoned vaccines. There is absolutely nothing they won’t do to maintain their illicit power. An animal is more savage when cornered. An animal becomes violent when its back is against the wall. It becomes a bid for survival at any cost when evil men realize the jig is up and the peasants have their pitchforks out.

Dear reader, prepare for violence and bloodshed. Arm yourself. Not only with weapons, but with truth, with a conviction of the greatness of the American system and the Constitution, and the testimony of Jesus Christ. Relocate to more secure areas where you will be around likeminded patriots and Christians. Get out of debt – financial bondage – if possible. Build up a food storage. Gain essential skills. You can do and learn a lot in a short period if you dedicate yourself. But first you have to understand how dire our situation really is.

We are in the end game now. The end of the road is in sight. Are you willing to bet your family’s future on the proposition that the ruling Elite won’t perpetrate more violence to maintain power? Even if you are willing to risk it by doing nothing except hope that the ballot box will save you, consider that the tree of Liberty must be nourished soon or it will die.

Don’t fear; prepare. And pray for our country. Pray that I am wrong and that we can elect a strong leader who will give our nation a fighting chance against the onslaught of the enemy. I have never prayed more in my life than this year for the safety of my country, for Donald Trump’s safety, and for the American People to not be duped by propaganda and the false-flags that will likely come. Join me in praying for America, planning for our future, and preparing to fight for Freedom.

Zack Strong,
June 18, 2024

3 thoughts on “Terror Attacks Incoming

  1. Dear Zach,

    OUTSTANDING article! You’ve hit the nail on the head! Biden is obviously so ridden with dementia that someone else is calling the shots and it sure isn’t Kamala. I would like to know who!

    Your postulation seems to fit right in with the Ezra’s Eagle prophecy from the book of Ezdras. I am in agreement that we will be unable to recover this nation through elections. The D&C tells us that the Lord will make an end of all nations and that includes the United States. So, in that light, if we are fighting to save the nation, who are we really fighting against?

    We must continue in that effort though, with the right frame of mind for in so doing, we win others to our side and wake them up to the reality of the second coming.

    If you are not already familiar with Michael B.Rush or Morgan Philpot I would encourage you to check out some of their videos on youtube.

    Morgan has been giving talks/firesides for the last two or three years. They are excellent in the way he has pulled together so much information and laid it out in such a way to be easily understood.

    Michael Rush has written several books that are also excellent. His most recent works on the Book of Enoch are what I am listening to currently. They are amazing, mind expanding books!

    Keep up the great work Zach!

    May God bless you in your efforts!

    Best regards

    Terry Otis

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for your kind words, Terry. I am very familiar with Ezra’s Eagle. I’ve been writing my own thoughts on it, though I haven’t published them in more than fragmentary comments on social media. I don’t think Michael B. Rush is correct with all of his interpretations, but I think he’s nearer to the truth than most other analysts. The most fascinating thing to me is that even if Ezra’s Eagle turns out not to be true, events are sure mirroring it in stunning fashion. I believe it is more than likely true, however, and that chaos like we’ve never seen before is about to be unleashed. I’m so swamped with my own work and finishing my master’s program right now that I haven’t been able to write much lately. I have four or five books that are on the cusp of being published. One is called “Defend Your Families Unto Bloodshed,” another is “The Lord’s Covenant with America,” a third is “Militant Freedom,” and so forth. We’re living in the most tumultuous time in history and I wish I had a bigger platform to really warn and educate people. Thank you for reading my work and taking the time to comment. It means a lot. God bless.


  2. Pingback: Biden’s Impending Removal | The American Citadel

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