The Politically Incorrect Origin of Political Correctness

It is politically incorrect these days to single out communism as the chief enemy of our American Republic. It is unpopular to call someone a communist or to suggest that a person belongs to, or unwittingly serves, an international cabal hell-bent on subverting and destroying our society. Communist propaganda has been so effective that any mention of communism draws forth an avalanche of skepticism, outright dismissal, and ludicrous name-calling. If you dare speak the truth about the communist conspiracy, you are called a “Nazi” or an “anti-Semite,” or are accused of whipping up another “Red Scare” or bringing back “McCarthyism.” In this article, I will discuss the communist origin of political correctness and its current purpose in our society; namely, to silence dissent to the communist subversion of our culture, government, and way of life.

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The Encyclopedia Britannica, hardly a conspiratorial source, said this of the origin of political correctness:

“The term first appeared in Marxist-Leninist vocabulary following the Russian Revolution of 1917. At that time it was used to describe adherence to the policies and principles of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (that is, the party line).”

To be strictly accurate, the term “politically correct” was used back in the late 1700s. But the meaning was so different as to be irreconcilable with what we know as political correctness today. In its modern connotation, the term originated and found popularity and widespread usage with the Soviets.

To recap, political correctness is the communist “party line.” It is the officially accepted and allowed mode of thinking and speaking among communists and their conquered subjects. It is a top-down standard of behavior forced upon society. It is a cookie cutter way of thinking and behaving dictated by a small clique that believes people are too stupid to rule their own lives. The purpose of political correctness is to stifle dissent to this “enlightened” way of life and to bring everyone into rigid conformity and obedience to communist leadership. It is collectivist groupthink at its most terrible.


If you wanted evidence that communism has taken over America, look no further than the existence and popular acceptance of political correctness. Political correctness has been foisted upon the United States by an alien group of gangsters as a means of dissuading the conquered from criticizing the conquerors. The elite Establishment will not tolerate outbursts among the peasantry. We are intended to do as we are told, think as we are commanded, and be what we are desired. And what our political overlords want us to be are slaves – cogs in their state machinery.

In an article, William Lind described political correctness thus:

“Political Correctness is cultural Marxism, Marxism translated from economic into cultural terms. . . .

“That is the dirty little secret of Political Correctness, folks: it is a form of Marxism.”

In another piece, Raymond V. Raehn wrote:

“America as a nation is now dominated by an alien system of beliefs, attitudes and values that has become known as Political Correctness. It seeks to impose a uniformity in thought and behavior among all Americans and is therefore totalitarian in nature. It has its roots in the ideology of Marxism which requires a radical inversion of the prevailing traditional culture by cultural Marxism in order to achieve a social revolution. Such a social revolution is the kind envisioned by Karl Marx as an inversion of the social order and a commensurate inversion of the structure of power.”

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And, finally, a third article described the concept this way:

“According to the International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, Kremlin advisers were the first to widely use the term. They did so without a trace of irony. Calling someone “politically correct” in Soviet Russia meant they toed the party line. A PC Kremlin insider was one who could reflect what Moscow was thinking—exactly the sort of person who would go far.”

Yes, political correctness is communism. It is an imposed “uniformity in thought and behavior.” It is totalitarian. Politically correct individuals are in reality toeing the latest Moscow propaganda line. The entire notion of political correctness is foreign to Americanism and the cherished, constitutionally-protected right of free thought, free speech, and public expression. Political correctness is a communist mechanism of subjugation – a form of warfare aimed at you and me.

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Words are weapons. They are the most dangerous and effective weapons. Political correctness is perhaps more threatening than Russia and China’s massive, and ever-expanding, supply of thermonuclear missiles. This is because words sink into the soul and change our thoughts, speech, and deeds, whereas bombs only hurt our physical bodies. In order to truly conquer a nation, you must conquer their minds. The communists understand this and have kept up a century’s long barrage of propaganda and indoctrination aimed at bringing the American People into conformity to Moscow’s dictates.

In the era when Americans publicly denounced communism, many writers described the curse of conformity imposed by this demonic ideology. A 1949 publication of the U.S. House Committee on UnAmerican Activities titled 100 Things You Should Know About Communism asks the question “After you join [the Communist Party], what do you have to do?” and gives this answer:

“You have to obey the Party in all things. It may tell you to change your home, your job, your husband, or wife. It may order you to lie, steal, rob, or to go out into the street and fight.

“It claims the power to tell you what to think and what to do every day of your life. When you become a Communist, you become a revolutionary agent under a discipline more strict than the United States Army, Navy, Marines, or Air Force have ever known.” (100 Things You Should Know About Communism, 14)


In his book You Can Trust the Communists (to be Communists), the anti-communist author Fred Schwarz related a story about a psychiatrist who was angry at remarks Schwarz had made in a public address about the communist goal of world conquest. This psychiatrist railed against Schwarz and implied that his ideas were so crazy that he must need psychiatric help. Schwarz happened to have on hand a book written by the communist Liu Shao-chi wherein this Red Chinaman said that the communists would inevitably takeover the globe and make it communist. The psychiatrist saw the plain words on the page but nonetheless accused Schwarz of putting his own spin on them. Reflecting on this event, Schwarz made this observation to his readers:

“Outstanding among these attitudes is intellectual dishonesty. When the truth is too unpleasant, a natural tendency is to refuse to believe it. As a medical man, I have seen this often. A man of character and intelligence is afflicted with cancer. He knows the symptoms perfectly well, and if he saw them in another, would never have a moment’s doubt about the final outcome. When he observes these symptoms in himself, however, a strange thing happens. His characteristic honesty and clarity of judgement disappear. He ignores the central, symptomatic stream, and seizing on peripheral symptoms, builds them into a dream world in which to take refuge while doom advances. . . .

“The situation confronting us is dark and fearful. To face the true situation requires courage and honesty. The vast majority of people are quite unwilling to acknowledge the truth, preferring to ignore the evidence, or to select only those facts which will support their preconceived ideas and will not threaten the fulfilment of their desires. . . .

“When a man’s evidence cannot be discredited, the simplest alternative is to discredit the man himself. This is what [the psychiatrist] proceeded to do. . . .

“. . . Here was an apparently intelligent man who was quite unwilling to face the truth. . . .

“We have always had people in our midst who thought that fire would not burn, that if you jump out of a tenth story window, you may go down, but then again, you may go up. We used to call it insanity. Only recently has it taken itself the name of mental health.

“The malady of intellectual dishonesty has afflicted large segments of the educated and the religious groups leaving them quite unable to face the unpleasant truth. Intellectual dishonesty is one of the greatest allies of Communism. Like cancer, it cannot be treated adequately till its malignancy is recognized.” (Schwarz, You Can Trust the Communists (to be Communists), 102-103,115-116).

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At the end of the day, political correctness is intellectual dishonesty. This is so because political correctness is not concerned with truth and facts; it is purely agenda driven. The agenda being promoted is communism. If it serves the communist cause to say the sky is red, then politically correct individuals will deny the sky is blue even if they see it with their own two eyes. The truth has no appeal to, or hold on, the politically correct mind.

Political correctness is a disease just as communism is a disease. I have long called communism the Red Plague. How many Americans are infected by this plague of the soul? Too many to count. But such people are easy to spot because they are politically correct and toe the accepted Establishment line regardless of what the plain reality is and regardless of how much evidence you hold under their nose. These people come from all across the political spectrum. Republicans slavishly defend their party against all truthful attacks just as readily as the Democrats blindly defend their interests from the reproof of reality. And in both cases, the communist elite smiles at the stunted intellectual abilities of Americans caused by the attitude of conformity undergirding political correctness.

When we indulge political correctness, we indulge communism. When we are intellectually dishonest, we aid the enemy and poison the waters of reason. Political correctness divides our power by preventing us from focusing our attacks on our true enemy – the communists who have hijacked our society.

Political correctness is a communist invention; a means of enforcing obedience within its ranks. It is a sad indictment that the American People have also adopted this alien mentality and have substituted individualism for groupthink collectivism. If we ever expect to reverse the devastating cultural and political trends initiated by communist agents seeking our overthrow, we must cast off the shackles of political correctness, acknowledge communism as public enemy no. 1, and promulgate the truth with clarity and courage regardless of the lame labels and phony falsehoods hurled at us by the communists and their dupes.

Zack Strong

April 22, 2018.

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11 thoughts on “The Politically Incorrect Origin of Political Correctness

  1. “If you dare speak the truth about the communist conspiracy, you are called a “Nazi” or an “anti-Semite,”” What a telling comment that is given that Bolshevism was invented, put in place in Russia, and spread around the world by ethnic Jews. Some opine that Jews control all 3 movements of their chimera: Communism, Finance Capitalism (allied with Democracies), and Zionism.

    There is another blogger that credits the homosexual or “gay” movement with co-opting use of the tern and concept of political correctness.


    • I’ve said many times that the conspiracy isn’t Jewish, though there are a large number of Jews involved in it. Very disproportionate, in fact. But I do think the Jewish involvement is one of the reasons why they always call people “anti-Semites” for opposing these communistic schemes. When the communists came to power in 1917, they immediately outlawed anti-Semitism and made it a crime punishable by death. Anti-Semitism was considered “counter revolutionary.” But again, it is not because they are Jews that they are involved in the conspiracy – they’ll throw Jews under the bus just as fast as they throws Gentiles under it if it benefits them. The crux of the matter is that these conspirators are bound together with their Satanism and their communistic worldview. The government they are all trying hard to establish is communist in essence. And that government will have an occult element to it – a Luciferian religion.

      Karl Marx is a fantastic example. He was an ethnic Jew from a line of rabbis. But he early on abandoned Judaism. He actually adopted Christianity. Then he apostatized from that as well. In the end, he adopted Satanism and fell in with the communist elites and promoted the communist revolution. And so it is for so many of these Jews that are involved in the conspiracy – they ditch their Judaism and find companionship in occult organizations and in the religion of the communist state.

      So, their communist ties and their Satanic religious views are more important links than their Jewish heritage. The only reason their Jewish heritage is important, in my opinion, is that modern Judaism is essentially Kabbalistic. As such, it is anti-Christ. And people who grow up being inundated with Judaism are very liable to stray from it because it doesn’t fill the innate spiritual void all human beings feel. So, they search from something more – something that will give them purpose. Unfortunately, they find their purpose in communist revolution and in Satanism which promises them power and promises them a place as high priests in Lucifer’s theocracy. Zack


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